Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pardon My Poetry

24306200It seems I can write nothing lately except poetry. I sit down to write a cohesive blog post and I can unearth nothing but unembellished verses. This really describes my mental state at present; only short phrases with simple meanings can escape from my head. Maybe I am stuck in this crazy world of rhymes and verse forever? Hum... we'll see. I am trying my best to mold a regular post out of this. Anyways, I just felt like I should explain my sudden poetic emergence...

I wanted to share an amazing verse that God showed me last week that I have been clinging to and resting on, especially in my current pace of life. I know many of you are pushing through seasons of hectic schedules and busy hours filled with required attendance and fruitful performance. But despite the natural good it is (or will) produce, we find ourselves completely overwhelmed and gasping for unpolluted air.

I seem to be in this place right now. Everything going on in my life is God-sent, and I feel called to do it. But there are moments when I am convinced I am absolutely going to loose my mind, or at least blow a mental fuse. There is so much to get done, and time just evaporates before my eyes. I feel shaken and weak, tottering on this metaphoric scale of productivity and squandered minutes.

But God sees me through my chaos-infused cloud of efficiency and speaks soft words into my fluttering heart. Here is the verse that brought fresh winds of hope:

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved." (Psalms 55:22) Such simple poetry, but it spoke through the layers of hectic distractions and calmed me. I was further blessed when I read that the "your burden" mentioned in the verse could also be translated "what He has given you." Basically, I am to give back to Him what He has given me for the sustainment and stability I need. He will not permit me to be moved or shaken. He will sustain me throughout this journey. Wow.

I pray this is a word of encouragement to you too as you work diligently on the things He has given you, and that you will trust Him for sustainement and cast everything you have to do at His feet. He will not allow the righteous to be moved. I testify that this is true.


  1. I'm so glad you were able to put the brakes on your hectic situation and steady your mind to make this post. I can tell from the past couple of posts it was a battle.

    I was encouraged reading this one - it is true that no matter who you are, life can sweep you into a whirlwind of playing catch-up, thinking there is just not enough time to do all things perfectly.

    With your last paragraph, I imagine Moses, when leading the Israelites through the desert, was overwhelmed at times with the task God had entrusted him to carry out.

    You're in good company, Kaysie; the Lord won't let you down!

  2. Jillian, thank you. I am sure my last couple of posts have been challenging to decipher! ;) And actually I have been reading in Exodus for school and Moses has come to mind a couple of times. He certainly has an overwhelming job, but God gave strength for everything he needed. Thank you for all you encouragement, Jillian!

  3. Sorry, one last thought: The problem is learning how to cast our burdens onto Him. It's so easy to hold onto that which is making us lose control.

  4. Kaysie, Thank you for sharing this verse. It definitely represents what I know I need to do and what I am trying to do. But the second interpretation you shared, about our burdens even being things from Him, was completely new to my, though it makes perfect sense. He gives us certain gifts and the process of and to learning how to use those gifts is extremely difficult and burdensome, but it must be done so that we can a) glorify Him through the use of our gifts and b) become the people He knows us to be. If the path to utilizing His gifts was easy, everyone would be using their God-given gifts to His glory. Even the hard times in our lives are gifts from Him, perhaps even tools to make us draw nearer to Him.

  5. Hang in there with the workload Casey , An inspired pen once said.. " In the highest sense the work of education and the work of redemption are one, for in education, as in redemption, "other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." "It was the good pleasure of the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell." 1 Corinthians 3:11; Colossians 1:19, R.V. {Ed 30.2}"

    hey i forgot to mention i linked your site under the title "Uplifting insights into God's Word"

  6. You write beautiful poetry Kaysie, very thoughtful and honest. I've certainly enjoyed it!

    Hope your schooling is going well so far! :)

  7. Kaysie,
    THank you so much for sharing from your heart! I have struggling with some uncertainties this weekend and what a reminder to just surender it all to the Lord and lean on Him.

  8. I've been there. And other days, I can't write poetry to save my life.

    Thanks for the verse of encouragement. I will have to jot that down somewhere...

  9. Lori, such great thoughts. I am glad you liked the verse. I know you are in the same boat with me in this crazy pace of life. :) Now, we just have to apply it!

    Earl, thank you for sharing that quote. And also thanks for adding my link to your site. That means a lot...

    Stephanie... aww, that is sweet of you to say! Thanks! :) School is going quite well, thanks for asking.

    Katy, you're welcome. Thank you for encouraging me with your comment. :)

    Maria, it is that way with me too. I think a skilled psychiatrist would have a good time figuring me out. ;) Yes, do jot down the verse. It has been such a blessing to me lately.

  10. I enjoyed reading your blog today. Thanks for your words of encouragement!

  11. Vanessa, why thank you! I hope you return again!
