Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sweet Infusion

22969379Have you ever watched a teabag sink into a cup of steamy water and observed the strands of color glide out of the teabag and paint the water? I know I am probably insane, but I love watching tea infuse. A spicy aroma climbs out of the cup soaking the air and enhancing the practice of drinking tea.

I have a glass plate sitting above my bed that reads: "Women are like tea bags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water." (Eleanor Roosevelt)  Lately, I have not been pleased with my heart's infusings. Life's hot water is revealing in me a complaining spirit and burdened disposition. Despite my efforts to conceal it, the fragrance of what is inside cannot be hidden. One of my favorite verses reminds me of what fragrance I am to be diffusing.
But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing ... (2 Corinthians 2:14-15)

It saddens me to say that my aroma has been infused with sin and self-sufficiency rather than Jesus' redemption and my utter dependency on Him. I was confronted with this truth a few days ago, and sweet repentance came. God must transform my heart for there to ever be a sweet fragrance filling my surroundings. I pray my relationships, duties, and presence reminds people of the knowledge of Jesus and not my humanly corruption. Holiness begins in the heart and then saturates everything around it.

I want the seasons of "hot water" to reveal God's refinement, sanctification, and true strength to the people around me, diffusing a holy knowledge that has saved my life.


  1. Kaysie, I just found your blog and I am humbled by your incredible words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing about the seasons of "hot water", and how we are being sweetly infused with the sweet fragrance of Jesus. I need to remember these words and be patient for just a little longer. Just like when making a good cup of tea, you can't rush a good thing!

  2. JR, thank you for your encouragement! God is the giver of all wisdom, and I am humbled to receive His wisdom through His Word. I pray that in your season of "hot water" you find renewed strength to wait on God. God is making the perfect cup! ;)

  3. This is very true for my own life too, Kaysie. I've been in some very hot water recently and my heart has not shown dependency on God. I am deeply selfish and I've been carrying alot of my own burdens. The analogy here of tea infusion just really inspires me to fill my tea bag with the Word of God so that when I am put into hot water, I will be pleasing to Him.

  4. What a beautiful post!Such wonderful and wise words.Blessings~Sharon

  5. Kristy, I love that! We all need to fill our teabags with the Word of God! :)
    I know what you are experiencing... oftentimes hot water produces displeasing things. But praise God that He can change us from the inside out! Good to hear from you!

    Sharon, why thank you. Your comments are just as inspiring to me. :) Thanks!

  6. Amen ,Beautifully expressed,I pray that i can too be a blessing to others as you have been to all who visit.Are you sure your birth certificate has the correct date :-) .A 21 year old hardly express themselves with such deep thoughtfulness.But then i remember in the Bible Spiritual things are spiritually discern and also the verse that says flesh and blood did not reveal such information to you it was certainly heaven sent
    Thank you. God blessings again Kaysie

  7. "Lately, I have not been pleased with my heart’s infusings. Life’s hot water is revealing in me a complaining spirit and burdened disposition. Despite my efforts to conceal it, the fragrance of what is inside cannot be hidden."

    I could've written that... good post, Kaysie

  8. Earl, well, last time I checked, I am still 21! ;) I love this verse in Psalms 119 "Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments." I do pray for understanding. Thank you for your encouragement. God bless you as well. :)

    Anna, thank you. I know you have much on your plate right now, and busyness seems to bring it out of us! I'll be praying for you. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  9. This is an amazing line of thinking Kaysie! Water is so often used as an archetype for change in movies and somewhat in literature. I know exactly what you mean! I feel steeped in rottenness, meanness, and basically the opposite of all of the fruits of the spirit and beatitudes. I need some prayerful meditation on how to get back into the right mindset. I want to be steeped in God's blessings, but I'm not putting myself in the right water. I need to submerge myself in the Living Water instead of the water from the well. I say "I," but that's true for all of us.

  10. Lori, amen -- where we get our water is so vital. I am convicted by this verse: "For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." (Jeremiah 2:13) We must be getting our water from the fountain of Living Waters. :)

  11. Such a beautiful metaphor you've presented, Kaysie! Once again, you've stunned me with the way you are able to take small things in everyday life and turn them into sweet lessons from our God! He definitely presents things to learn from at every turn, but the ability to quiet our minds and see them is something that constantly needs to be reached for.

    Thanks for the inspiration!
    In His arms,

  12. Wonderful post Kaysie! Richard Wurmbrand starter of Voice of the Martyrs says in his book Tortured For Christ about how Christians should be like flowers that when they are crushed they give off a sweet sent. That's something that we remind ourselves in troubled times, that this testing makes us stronger and helps us grow. God bless you and may you give off a beautiful fragrance when put under hot water!

  13. Strangely enough - I came across this little corner of the internet whilst searching for things tea-related...instead I've found a heart that like David's, is filled with a "zeal for His house".

    Beautiful words..and such deep thinking about tea!

    I thought us Scots had it bad with seem to be rivalling us...almost :).

    I love a braw cuppa on a chilly morn, refreshes my brain.

