Friday, February 22, 2008

Thankful For The Scars

heartHave you ever looked back over your Christian walk and taken a moment to ponder over all your past struggles and joys, the trials and triumphs, the hard times and good times of following Jesus? I did this a few weeks back, and I was simply overwhelmed by the grace and power of God manifested throughout my entire life. It is nothing short of a miracle in the transformation and mercy He has preformed in my life, and I am humbled to the point of tears looking back and seeing His mighty hand overshadowing all my days. And I believe every Christian who has followed Jesus for any length of time can relate and understand this deep and overwhelming emotion.

Most of the time when we look back over past experiences, we often remember the tough and difficult times with more clarity, maybe because they are seared on our hearts and memory. But this can be profitable because God does always come through for His children in some way during difficult times - therefore we remember His salvation vividly and deeply. These are the times we treasure in our minds... His saving grace, His proven character, His heartwarming comfort. It's what makes the Christian life worth the cost.

These "scars" are symbols we bear reminding us of the mercy and greatness of our God. Our scars could be physical or emotional (or both), resulting either from a painful bodily illness that God has healed or given you the strength to bear, or from a distressing inner struggle that God has helped you overcome and healed the bitterness or pain you felt. Either way, the scars we bear speak of the life we have chosen and the faithfulness of our God. Because scars tell of great pain... but also great healing.

An interesting fact about scars is the actual word "scar" is derived from the Greek word eschara, meaning place of fire. Listen to this true and perceptive verse in 1st Peter describing the testing of our faith:

"In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 1:6-7

When our faith is tested by fire, it leaves a mark - a scar - telling of the trial but also the triumph. And I am so extremely thankful for my scars, because they are a monument to my faith and a testimony of God's grace in my life. And if we remember correctly, our Savior Himself bore the scars of our sins that testify of His forgiveness and character by the marks on His body for the world to see, touch and know that He died for you and me. So when I receive lasting marks from fiery trials that God allows me to endure, it conforms me into His image, because Jesus bore scars too.

And I am so thankful that He did.

Thankful for the Scars Part 2


  1. Wow - Kaysie. The Lord gave you so much wisdom writing that post. It is so very powerful.
    Through the great trials I've experienced this past year and a half - sometimes I wonder "why". What good can come out of it?
    But to be reminded that these scars conform my into my Saviour's image - what blessedness! Oh, you have encouraged my heart!!! :)

  2. Kaysie, if I had said this a few years ago, I would have thought myself crazy. Now, I take much encouragement from the scars I have had. I would not trade them for anything. The Lord has used them in a mighty way to shape me into who I am. He is good!

  3. Thank you for the awesome reminder Kaysie! I have been going through a severe trial for several years, and it is so comforting to see a glimpse of the future, that one day I will be able to look back and see how certain moments prepared me for the future. One thing I must admit I'd never thought of was that these emotional, and lately physical, scars are conforming me to my dear Saviour's image, because He bore so many scars for me. Thanks again!

  4. Great thoughts Kaysie, we all have to go through trials that give us scars. But we can take faith in the fact that He loves us so much and only puts through trials to bring us closer to Him.

    In Christ,

  5. Thank you Kaysie,
    I thank the Lord for this encouraging post. I have had a tough tough weekend bearing my scars...asking for healing once again, just feeling like I can't anymore... and yet the Lord always shows me that His ways are perfect indeed and that to perfect me I need to go through fire. The Lord has once again reminded me of His scars for my sake in your post. He is so good, I'm glad that everywhere I turn He is there with a loving message. Hope you have a great week in the Lord and thanks again :)

  6. Because of mistakes in my past, I hated my wounded heart. Forgiveness had come, but I still felt scarred and anything but beautiful. I used to think that I wanted every trace of those scars gone. Then, I assumed, I would never have to feel their pain again. But I thank God that He left them as a reminder of His mercy, grace, forgiveness, and salvation. Have you ever heard the Point of Grace song, "Heal the Wound"...I love it. Thank you for reminding me today of how grateful I am for the scars left behind!

  7. [...] my last post, I described the deep inner joy of looking back at God’s faithfulness and healing through [...]
