Sunday, February 3, 2008

Our Wonderful Counselor

mountainsHow often do you ask God for His wonderful wisdom? Have you ever made your plans without consulting Him first?

I am asking myself these questions for God has kindly brought to my attention my own self-reliance. Honestly, I lean on my own understanding more than I seek His kingdom first. (Matt. 6:33)

This realization actually reveals to me what I think about God, and myself. If I am quick to depend on my wisdom and my plans, what am I saying about God? That He is not as wise as I?! Oh my, we all know the answer to that!

"Oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" Romans 11:33

We do well to take heed to His warnings:

"Do not be wise in your own estimation..." Rom. 12:17

"Lean not on your own understanding..." Prov. 3:5

...But in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. How often I have overlooked Proverbs 3:5-6 assuming I truly know the meaning of it. But if I really planted this verse into my reality it would transfuse throughout every area of my life and change every situation I encounter.

God has made Himself available for us to trust completely and seek devotedly. He is our Wonderful Counselor, "who has made His counsel wonderful and His wisdom great." (Is. 28:29) Our meager worldly wisdom is foolishness to God (1 Cor. 1:20) for we can not predict or see one minute into the future, but God holds the future in His hands.

Seeking God's wisdom first and above our own is the result and overflow of a heart in utter dependance on God; an attitude of humility possessed by the truly devoted Christian.

Let us not follow in the Israelites steps, who, in rebellion, relied on their own wisdom rather than consulting the Lord their God:

"Woe to the rebellious children," declares the Lord, "who execute and plan, but not Mine, and make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, in order to add sin to sin; who proceed down to Egypt without consulting Me..." Isaiah 30:1-2 

Let us rely on the abounding wisdom of our Wise Counselor, our Father who cares greatly. And let us not be wise in our own eyes, but, in total dependance, lean on His understanding in complete trust.


  1. Thank you for the encouragement and admonition! Praising the Lord for the blessing of "iron sharpening iron"!

  2. Really great post! I'm often comforted (and more than a little amazed) every time God shows me that the weaker I am, the stronger He is in me! How many times I have had to rely on God's infinite wisdom, and do things that I might think were foolish. (but still, I don't do it nearly enough)
    Once again, I TOTALLY enjoyed the new post! Keep letting God work in your life, Kaysie, it's SO beautiful what He's already done! Love you like a sister! :)


  3. thanks Kaysie for this's just what i needed this morning. i have been reading about the deliverance of the people of israel from egypt, and how rebellious they were afterwards, forgetting all that God had done for them.
    He is indeed our wonderful counselor, we only need to acknowledge that He is and stop depending on our own understanding.
    thanks and God bless you.
    congs on the blog deserve it my sister,
    Love you dear

  4. Hey, Kaysie.
    I am so glad that you commented on my blog!
    Believe it or not, I wrote that phrase that you were curious about myself....It was one of those God inspired quotes that only He can give me! :-) I am touched that you liked it...
    You're a very special young woman, Kaysie!

  5. Sara, I am so thankful you were encouraged... you have "sharpened" me many times! Thank you.

    Camille, it is true that when we are weak, He is strong. This is a difficult thing for us to wrap our minds around, but once we "get it" (the few times that I do) it is an amazing thing to behold the great Power that works within us. Thanks for your sweet comment - I love you like a sister too!

    Sylvia, hello dear friend! I have missed hearing from you... but you are continually in my prayers. I am so glad the Lord touched your heart through this post. Reading about the Israelites is always convicting for me, and moves me to not make the same mistakes they did by God's grace.
    Thanks for the congrats - I was so humbled that God allowed me to be chosen for the award. He is good. Love you dear!

    Sarah, wow - amazing quote you wrote! I might have to use it sometime. :)
    Thank you for stopping by... you too are a very special young woman, Sarah.

  6. Oh, I know what you mean! It is so hard to trust in ourselves and not on our Maker and Author of our lives. He knows such much better than we do. If only we would allow ourselves to be counseled instead of trying to be the counselor!

  7. hey, thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blogspot. You must be a friend of Amy's (cattleman'sdaughter)...beautiful site you've got here. It is very inspiring.

    Amen...God gives grace to the humble and obedient. May we all come before His throne of mercy, eager to abandon ourselves and embrace His guidance and control over our lives. Without Him, all our seeking and longings are in vain.

    Jeremiah 29:11

    In Him,


  8. AMEN!

    In the words of Isaiah chapter 40: Who has understood the mind of the Lord or instructed him as his counselor?

    Maria Pauline

  9. onlyonelife4jesus@wordpress.comFebruary 7, 2008 at 3:33 PM

    Thank you so much for that reminder. It is so humbling to see how much I trust on my own strength and "wisdom" and in reality I know nothing. It is so freeing to turn over our plans to God isn't it?! I am in the midst of learning that "God's ways are not our ways" so thank you so much for the reminder to lean on His wisdom.

  10. "God has made Himself available for us to trust completely and seek devotedly."
    That's beautiful!
    Thank you so much for sharing this post!

    Blessings always!

  11. Ella, it is true that so many times we try to be the counselor rather that letting God counsel us! Great point. I guess it really gets back to the trust issue - do we really trust God and His wisdom?
    Thanks for your comment!

    Natasha, thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog was very inspiring; keep up the amazing work!
    It is so true that when we do not seek God above all else, our strivings are in vain and cannot be blessed by God. Thanks for sharing!

    Maria Pauline, another great verse to share! The mind of the Lord possesses all wisdom and no one can give Him counsel! Thank you for your comments.

    Onlyonelife, we all trust our own wisdom so many times - but you are right, it is a freeing experience to release our hold on our "wisdom" and lean on the Lord's wisdom and understanding.
    I will be praying for God to reveal His will to you in this time.

    Bryant, thank you for your comment! God is great and kind isn't He?! You are a blessing!
