Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Letter To My Single Sisters

My Precious Sisters in the Lord, 

I am writing this letter to those of you who are "alone" this Valentines Day... knowing that thoughts of your loneliness and the desire for a special someone in your future has probably consumed some of your thoughts today. My desire for this letter is not to make the ache in your heart grow stronger, but rather remind you that there is Someone who can fill our emptiness and comfort our downcast status. That is our Savior, Jesus Himself.

I truly know the feelings of "incompleteness" and longings in your heart, especially today, as lovers send sweet notes, roses, and have romantic dinners with one another - and those of us whom God has yet to unite with our "someone" feel left out and alone. We may feel empty and incomplete. Well, daughters of the King, we do not have to remain in this melancholy state today or any day.

In Christ we have been made complete and filled (Col. 2:10). There is not someone or something missing when we are in Christ, fully abiding in Him. His great and passionate love can consume us and ground us. (Eph. 3:17-19) The love of Christ surpasses knowledge; we can hardly take measurement of it. But in the Psalms, David's description is breathtaking; read this with all your heart:

"Your love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness reaches to the skies... How precious is Your love, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light. O continue You love to those who know You..." (Ps. 36:5, 7-10)

Doesn't that love just steal your breath and your heart?!

In the moments of loneliness we experience, we need to run with all our strength to the Fountain of Life and drink our fill in His love, abundance, and delights. Run outside and look up into the sky... see how enormously tall the sky is? That is how far His love for you reaches. He fills us up with His love and faithfulness, and we are satisfied... we are complete. And when our souls are quietly digesting this overwhelming love, we can say with the most sincere passion and truth, "How precious is Your love, O Jesus..."

We are urged to fully know and comprehend the love of Christ - that we may be filled up to all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:17-19) We are not missing someone to make us complete - we are complete in Jesus alone. He fills the "holes" in our hearts with Himself, cleansing us and completing us, making us more like Himself.

Now, as we see and believe this great and precious love that Jesus has for us, and we diligently allow Him to fill us completely with His love, taking refuge in Him and hiding in the shadow of His wings - will He not reward the one who loves and trusts Him?

Psalms 31:19 reads, "How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You... those who take refuge in You..."

Jerry Bridges makes a beautiful and honest comment on this verse. He says, "That is what God does for those who fear Him. He sets aside and stores up goodness for His children, to be given at appropriate times in the future. What this goodness is, and when it is bestowed, is unique to each individual according to God's plan and purpose for that person."

When we rest in God's love, taking refuge in Him especially in these difficult and lonely times, trusting in His wisdom and knowledge of our purpose and future, He blesses us with His goodness which is given at the perfect time according to His knowledge and plan for us. That goodness could very well be a husband one day, but he will be given to you at the appropriate time in God's perfect plan and purpose for you. We just have to trust Him on that.

But in this time, in this moment, we must be filled up in Him with all the fullness that is in God, being completely satisfied in Him, no matter if we are single or married. He must be first in our hearts always.

I hope this has encouraged you, my dear sisters in Christ, to run to the River, the Fountain of Life, for your filling and satisfaction. Bask in His love for you today. Drink of His delights. Be filled and satisfied with Jesus.

I love you all, precious women of God.

Your sister and partner in this life of faith,



  1. Thanks for this letter reminding us single girls to find our satisfaction in Christ alone and to bask in His presence today! I was already doing that this morning! Even last night, I couldn't wait for today--to pour out my love to my Beloved on this special day!

    Just a word to all you other single young ladies reading this, He really is all you need. Do as Kaysie said. Bask in His love and His presence today...and everyday! :)

  2. This was a GREAT encouagement. Very well written and filled with such tenderness and compassion and love!
    I enjoy thinking this thought: "see how enormously tall the sky is? That is how far His love for you reaches". Oh, yes - what glory; what wonder!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. God is good, Kaysie, I can tell you that! And while I know that you are most likely thinking about a future spouse, you are not losing sight on the hear and now and what we DO have. Such a blessing!

    A dear friend sent me a white rose (fake though) in the mail today, reminding me that waiting is good and it is rewarding!

    Love in Christ,
