Saturday, February 9, 2008

Devotion and Deception

I would like to share a verse that is very special to my own heart:

"But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ." 2 Corinthians 11:3

Devotion to Christ - ah yes, the goal and purpose of every true child of God, including myself. This is my passion, my very heartbeat... to be zealously devoted to Jesus. And I have sincerely attempted to communicate that purpose to you my readers in hopes of encouraging your hearts to be fully devoted to Him above all else. But, as this verse clearly warns, it is an easy weakness to fall away from that holy purpose by deception of mind. I have been deceived and wandered from it far too many times.

We see here that devotion to Christ is simple and pure. It's uncomplicated (until I make it complicated!) and flawless, genuine and clear. If I am honest, I would have to tell you that many times I have struggled to write a new post here only because I didn't think I had any new revelations or surpassingly wise comments to share. How foolish... how deceived.

My mind was led astray from 1) the simplicity of devotion to Christ 2) the truth that I, apart from Christ, have nothing of worth to share with you. If our mind is the battlefield for devotion and deception, then what should we be sharing and speaking to others for encouragement and conviction if they have been led astray?

Nothing but the piercing Word of God and the power of our testimony. (Heb. 4:12, 1 John 5:9-11) I can speak nothing to bring encouragement and conviction like the Word of God can. I cannot renew your mind so that it stays protected and guarded from deception from the evil one... but the Word can. So truthfully and seriously the only thing I have to give you is the Word.

"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper that any two edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able o judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 

That is powerful - and a challenge to us. Have we allowed our hearts to be pierced with the Word today? Has it cut us to the soul by judging our thoughts (guarding our minds from deception) and revealing the true intentions of our hearts?

Let's be honest, sometimes this is actually very painful and incredibly humbling. But it is good - really good - for us. It brings intimacy with our God and undistracted and pure devotion to Christ. And that is what we really desire, right? That passionate devotion to Jesus that transforms our lives and impacts all those around us?

Don't be led astray. Devotion to Jesus is simple and pure. Protect your mind from deception with the all-powerful Word of God that renews and reveals.


  1. True. When whatever we do doesn't have Christ as the center our efforts could very well be in vain. That's what I always end up doing when writing something on my blog. Keep Him the center and you shall truely prevale!

  2. How very true! The Word is ever-abiding! I just need to be sure I'm "in it" as much as I can, reading with an open and seeking heart. I desire to know more of Christ - He is the Word incarnate!

  3. That is so right, roberto, that when we do not have Christ at the center of everything it is in vain. When our eyes are fixed on Christ we can only then run with endurance!

    Sara, a great point that you brought up - the Word is Jesus (John 1:1-2) and to know Him more we must read the Word. How important the nourishment of the Word is to our spiritual lives. Thanks for your comment!

  4. SO true! I really have a problem with constantly reading God's Word, I really want to do in more often! Also, Kaysie, you brought up a really good point.... everything good and right and pure that I, you, or ANYONE has ever done, comes from Christ!
    Your posts are so beautiful and truly show your devotion to Jesus Christ. I look forward to reading more!
    (I can't wait to see you on Tuesday, Lord willing)

  5. Oh Kaysie! Thanks so much for this post! You don't know how much I needed to hear that today! You see, I had been getting discouraged because I haven't had any "great" articles come to mind for my website. Thanks for reminding me that it's the Word and my personal testimonies that I need to be giving out...not some well-written article(although those are good, but that shouldn't be my focus!). Love you, sister! :)

  6. Amen. Yes, yes, yes... I was really touched by this post Kaysie because as you point out, it really is about being devoted to Jesus, who are we really without Him. Kaysie, your posts make my feet happy, this post makes my heart want to dance with gladness because it really is about having a simple and pure devotion and that is making me feel so relieved. It's not about me, but Him and thank God for that. Thank you for making it all about Him.

  7. Camille, it is hard to remain consistent in reading God's Word, but the rewards are incredible and inspire us to stay in it more. Keep it up, even though you may not feel like it or receive any mind bogging revelations... this life of faith is about endurance and faithfulness, and God will greatly reward you. :)

    Allison, I can so relate, as I said in my post, to the struggle to write new ideas or amazing revelations... but what touches people is Jesus, and His Word can pierce their hearts more than any of my fleshly words can. And just for the record, I think your post are extremely inspiring and encouraging - the Lord is doing a great work through you! Keep it up dear sister!

    Jimena, I am so blessed that your heart is encouraged through the Word - and the simplicity of devotion to Him. I feel exactly the same way about realizing and believing that devotion to Jesus is simple and all about HIM, and not about us. Thank you for your sweet comments!

  8. Yes, Kaysie, we do have a tendency to make things complicated, don't we? Once again, all God desires of us is the faith of a child. Not a PHD, a simple, blind faith that believes without a question that He knows best. (Okay, that comment hit close to home!)
