Again, I will remind you that Friendly Forum is for you and by you, so comment as often as you like. I will be reading over each response; I really enjoy hearing your thoughts!
Also, if you have an idea, situation or question for the next Forum, please go to the Friendly Forum page and leave a comment or drop me an e-mail. I pray you are blessed and encouraged!
Here is our question for this Forum:
What are some of the areas that you struggle in as a young woman pursuing godliness? And where do you go and what do you do to help you overcome those struggles?
I can struggle with feeling alone. Godliness is a lonely road at times. But you know, God reminds me that he is ever nearer. And I would encourage others in that way too
ReplyDeleteI tend to struggle with,
ReplyDelete1. waiting. Like waiting for God's timing and not my own.
2. Having to trust that He will not hold me back when He needs me to go and do something, and having to trust that He will not put me through something unless He knows I'm ready for it
And lots of other stuff, too!!! These are just naming a few!
I usually turn to Jesus in prayer, that ALWAYS helps me. :)
I struggle with worrying that people will think I'm wierd because of the things I do or don't do. I am often tempted to do things even though my parents have asked me not to do them.
ReplyDeleteI find strength in journaling and reading God's Word, and talking to my parents about everything. And by realizing that they have my absolute best in mind when they ask me to do or not do certain things. It's a simple realization, really, but very important.
Oh, and prayer! Constant prayer, thanksgiving and petition, for myself and others, always helps!
I often struggle with discouragement and even discontentment. This happens when I focus on myself, situations, and even people around me. My pride and self-righteousness end up rising up within me. I think I "deserve" better - when in all actuality I deserve nothing. I think I shouldn't have to go through a certain trial - when really God is desiring to use them in my life to mold me and shape me. I think I ought to be blessed in a certain way - when the Lord is just teaching me to wait and be patient.
ReplyDeleteWhen I focus on "me" - it controls my thoughts, emotions, and feelings. I lose sight of my Lord and what He is doing and end up placing myself on a pedestal. I lose sight of the heavenly vision!
It isn't until God breaks through and I see myself for what I am that I begin to rise up out of the pit of discouragement and discontentment. When I confess and forsake - my devotional time is so much more precious, my purpose is renewed, and my day to day life is filled with joy and peace.
How I desire to remain faithful and steadfast. I don't want to give any ground to Satan - but give my ALL to Jesus Christ and Him alone!
I often struggle with patience. There are blessings that I desire to have NOW. I don't want to wait- waiting seems too painful at times.
ReplyDeleteThese thoughts can sometimes draw me into a full fledged pity party. It doesn't take long for me to realize that I need to get out fast!
Time spent with the Lord always helps me to stand and gain a clear perspective again. I ask forgiveness for any pride, impatience, and distrust. I try to focus on the good that God has done in and through my life this far, and I pray that God would help me to focus on the opportunites and blessings available to me today.
I have just started reading this blog, so I hope it's okay that I'm posting an answer... Also, I realize that it has been a couple weeks or so since the last post... I just wanted to say it was a blessing reading what everyone else wrote in response to this. I think a lot of godly young women have the same struggles. It's a blessing to know that we are not alone... Also, I need to start lifting up like-minded Christian women (even those I do not know) on a daily basis. We are, unfortunately, few and far between...
ReplyDeleteTo answer the question, I struggle with worrying what others think about me. I realize that the root of this problem is, without a doubt, pride.
In order to combat this problem, I talk to my husband or a very dear, godly friend. I know that they lift me up in prayer and are going to encourage me to work on my problems. I also can go to my parents, if I need to. I read a quote the other day that I think is a real blessing: We are not called to live the Christian life alone! I'm so glad that there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors.
Greetings I'm new here
ReplyDeleteAnd it looks like a great forum, so just wanted to say hello! :):):)
And looking forward to participating.
Going on vacation for a few days, so i'll be back