Thursday, February 7, 2008

Like A Rose...

23315582Like the unfolding of a rose, our hearts are developing in the tender hands of God; unfolding slowly into womanhood. This process is delicate and of the utmost importance, requiring diligent protection and faithful guardianship from the world's bitter frost and deadly diseases. To ensure a maiden's heart survives and blooms in the fullness of life and beauty, she must be hidden in the Living God, her Savior Jesus Christ, entrusting her heart to the Maker of the rose and the Author of her very life.


  1. Ah yes! We are safe in the arms of Jesus. He is our all-Sufficiency! He can keep us safe from that which would pull us down and away from Him - our True Love!

  2. Short and sweet, Kaysie! Very true, too... being a rose for Christ reminds me of the song "Above All"... and that Christ was a rose, "trampled on the ground", that he "took the fall, and thought of me... above all". That song always makes me cry, to think of my dear Lord as a rose trampled on the ground... under my own feet. Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound!

  3. Sara, it indeed is a comfort to be protected in the arms of our Savior! Thanks for your sweet comments.

    Phylicia, I think of that song too when I see roses! That song is so sweet and makes me cry too...
    So thankful to be saved by His amazing grace!

  4. How true! Thanks for this encouragement!

    Kaysie, would you please visit my blog (, there's something there for you to see. (on the Feb. 7th post) :)
    In Him,
