Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thankful For The Scars, Part 2

In my last post, I described the deep inner joy of looking back at God's faithfulness and healing through all my trials and pains, realizing how truly thankful I am for the scars in my life.

Well today, I would like to go a little deeper and tell of a past trial that produced many scars - both outward and inward - that resulted in praise and drew me closer to Jesus. It is a story that I am truly grateful for.


I was around 13 years old. Life for me revolved around finishing school, riding horses, and... riding horses. Ok yes, there was more to my life than that, but as far as I was concerned, if I got to ride horses that day, it was a good day.

I was an infant in my spiritual maturity. God was important to my family, but He had not yet become a reality and Ruler in my heart. Looking back, I do see that my heart was searching for something... I just didn't know that "something" was God Himself.

Late one afternoon, my family and I had just returned home from a long trip and I was dying to get outside and be with the horses. My sisters and I decided to hook up our horse carriage to our mule that our Grandfather had given us, and drive around the house playing "princesses".

What started out as a quiet afternoon carriage ride quickly turned into a terrifying event, for while we had been away, a wasp family had built their nest under the wagon and suddenly decided to take our their fury on our poor mule. Needless to say he went crazy and Courtney, my sister who was driving, couldn't control him. He made a mad dash straight for the wooden fence, only to turn and miss it by a few feet which tilted the entire wagon on it's side. I somehow lost my grip (I was just standing on the back) and I fell on top of the wheel and it pulled me under the wagon.

All I really remember is seeing the wagon roll (or ramp) over my stomach which resulted in me loosing my breath and feeling severe pain. I just stared up at the blue sky as I tried to take in a breath, realizing that this was more than just a little tumble. Courtney and Carley finally got our mule calmed down and quickly came running over to me. Soon after that, Dad came over and gently helped me to the house. He just assumed that I had knocked the breath out of me, but the more I tried to breathe in and out I knew that something was really wrong. I felt like my lungs were collapsing.

Mom sat me on the couch and tried to help me stop shaking. I slowly got across that I was not ok and would like to go to the doctor. She helped me into the car and we headed to the Emergency Room. When we finally arrived I was in serious pain. I had a black "tire mark" across my white tee-shirt that indicated something had happened in my midsection. The nurses got me hooked up to an IV (ouch!) and the doctor set out to assess what was wrong. For a couple of hours they tried to figure out the problem (while I waited with no pain medicine), doing a few CAT scans but were still unable to pinpoint where the pain was coming from.

Dad arrived shortly after, and was informed of my status (which at that time hadn't changed much). More hours went by as the doctors pondered over what to do, since they couldn't really see what was going on inside of me.

This was a pivotal moment for me, because for the first time in my life I realized that no one there could help me. As I looked from face to face for a sign of hope and relief, I recognized that God was the only One I knew who could help me.

I started to pray out loud for God to help and heal me. Like the numerous stories in the Bible of hurting people reaching out to Jesus and crying out for help, I was now putting my faith in Jesus knowing that He would listen and help me. He was no longer Something my parents believed in. I was believing in Him for myself; and I prayed with all my heart... and He answered.

The doctors suddenly resorted to emergency surgery. I was rushed in and God guided the doctor's hands to find that my liver had been lacerated and was releasing deadly bile into my body, which was slowly killing me. By God's amazing grace the wagon wheel had just missed my rib cage that could have resulted in lung puncture. Everything else was fine, just severely bruised.

I spent the next two weeks in the hospital slowly recovering. My parents, sisters, extended family and friends, and people I didn't even know were praying for me and supporting me. I felt so loved and cared for.

That was probably the longest two weeks of my life. I went through so much pain - and so much healing. Near the end of my stay, I was talking on the phone with my Mom who had went home to rest while she and Dad took shifts staying with me, and I was so desperately ready to go home that I finally broke down in tears, which was the first time I had cried through the entire experience. I was overwhelmed, but I was ready to try again. God had given me a second chance; I realized He had a purpose for me. And I wanted to fulfill it.

As I look back almost eight years later, my heart is filled with emotion and irrepressible gratitude for God's amazing grace and faithfulness in my life. My scars are precious to me because they remind me of the great pain... but more importantly, the triumphant healing.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Thirsty for More?

23276652Is there a thirst in your soul that you cannot seem to quench? A longing for something more? Do you restlessly move from one thing to the next, only to find the state of your soul empty still?

There lived a woman over two thousand years ago that felt this way. Her soul was desperately thirsty, and nothing could quench her thirst. She went from relationship to relationship, marriage to marriage, but never felt the satisfaction her heart longed for. Her soul was empty, dry, and dying.

But one day she met Someone unlike anyone she had ever known. He seemed to see right through to her panting, lonely heart and began to tell her about "living water" and never thirsting again. Could this really be?

"Where do you get this living water?" she asked Him. (John 4:11) He said that He could give it to her. This Man is Jesus, the giver of living water. And He was inviting her freely to come and drink of it.

"...But whoever drinks of the water that I give him shall never thirst; but the water that I give him will become in him a well springing up to eternal life." John 4:14

Was her heart singing when she heard these words? Could He be true? Is this what she had been looking for her entire life? "Sir, give me this water..." she spoke as her heart slowly opened to believe. She who believes in Jesus will never thirst. (John 6:35) Jesus was the only One who could give her the water her soul craved. She drank and was satisfied.

This story has a happy ending, but the more I am in the world, the more I see so many unhappy stories and painful endings. People live their lives without ever tasting the living water that only Jesus can give them. We drink of one thing, then another, hoping to quench our thirst, but it leaves us dry and... still thirsty.

"For My people have committed two evils: the have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water." Jeremiah 2:13

This Scripture pierces my heart because it describes the downfall of so many (including me) in this world. We go searching for satisfaction in all sorts of things, and make for ourselves cisterns, but our cisterns are broken! And they can't hold any water.

Every time we try to satisfy ourselves, we forsake God who is the fountain of living waters! In this dry and weary land where there is no water, our souls thirst for God, our flesh yearns for Him (Ps. 63:1). We are like deer panting for water, for the living God (Ps. 42:1-2). The only place to find the satisfaction your heart is searching for is in Jesus. He is the Fountain of Life and the satisfaction of our souls. The longings in your heart are not leading you to that next relationship/substance/earthly passing pleasure. No, it is leading you - drawing you - to Jesus Christ for ultimate fulfillment and peace.

Like the woman at the well, Jesus is welcoming us to come to Him, drink of the water He gives, and leave as a changed woman... free from bondage and alive and fulfilled in Christ alone.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thankful For The Scars

heartHave you ever looked back over your Christian walk and taken a moment to ponder over all your past struggles and joys, the trials and triumphs, the hard times and good times of following Jesus? I did this a few weeks back, and I was simply overwhelmed by the grace and power of God manifested throughout my entire life. It is nothing short of a miracle in the transformation and mercy He has preformed in my life, and I am humbled to the point of tears looking back and seeing His mighty hand overshadowing all my days. And I believe every Christian who has followed Jesus for any length of time can relate and understand this deep and overwhelming emotion.

Most of the time when we look back over past experiences, we often remember the tough and difficult times with more clarity, maybe because they are seared on our hearts and memory. But this can be profitable because God does always come through for His children in some way during difficult times - therefore we remember His salvation vividly and deeply. These are the times we treasure in our minds... His saving grace, His proven character, His heartwarming comfort. It's what makes the Christian life worth the cost.

These "scars" are symbols we bear reminding us of the mercy and greatness of our God. Our scars could be physical or emotional (or both), resulting either from a painful bodily illness that God has healed or given you the strength to bear, or from a distressing inner struggle that God has helped you overcome and healed the bitterness or pain you felt. Either way, the scars we bear speak of the life we have chosen and the faithfulness of our God. Because scars tell of great pain... but also great healing.

An interesting fact about scars is the actual word "scar" is derived from the Greek word eschara, meaning place of fire. Listen to this true and perceptive verse in 1st Peter describing the testing of our faith:

"In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 1:6-7

When our faith is tested by fire, it leaves a mark - a scar - telling of the trial but also the triumph. And I am so extremely thankful for my scars, because they are a monument to my faith and a testimony of God's grace in my life. And if we remember correctly, our Savior Himself bore the scars of our sins that testify of His forgiveness and character by the marks on His body for the world to see, touch and know that He died for you and me. So when I receive lasting marks from fiery trials that God allows me to endure, it conforms me into His image, because Jesus bore scars too.

And I am so thankful that He did.

Thankful for the Scars Part 2

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Friendly Forum #5

Here is Friendly Forum #5!

Again, I will remind you that Friendly Forum is for you and by you, so comment as often as you like. I will be reading over each response; I really enjoy hearing your thoughts!

Also, if you have an idea, situation or question for the next Forum, please go to the Friendly Forum page and leave a comment or drop me an e-mail. I pray you are blessed and encouraged!

Here is our question for this Forum:
   What are some of the areas that you struggle in as a young woman pursuing godliness? And where do you go and what do you do to help you overcome those struggles?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Is Jesus Enough?


I wanted to share a little of my heart with you tonight about something that the Lord has been instructing and comforting me with in regard to the longings and desire of my heart for a future husband.

In the moments of impatience that can consume us while waiting for something/someone, the Lord has given me great grace and strength of heart through listening to His simple but profound calling to His question only my heart can hear, "Am I enough for you?"

Even as I write those words, I have to surrender an honest answer. I want always to quickly and passionately answer Him, "Yes, dear Jesus, You are more than enough for me..." And isn't He really, truly enough for us, dear lovers of God? So much more.

"For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good." (Ps. 107:9)

He is very, very good. O Lord, fill us with Yourself.

I hope this has given you a little encouragement and spurring to consider His calling to you... "Am I enough?" anytime your soul suffers from discontent.


All of You is more than enough for all of me, for every thirst and every need. You satisfy me with Your love, and all I have in You is more than enough.

You are my supply, my breath of life. And still more awesome than I know. You are my reward worth living for, and still more awesome than I know.

All of You is more than enough for all of me, for every thirst and every need. You satisfy me with Your love, and all I have in You is more than enough.

You're my sacrifice of greatest price, and still more awesome than I know. You're the coming King, You are everything, and still more awesome than I know.

More than all I want, more than all I need, You are more than enough for me. More than all I know, more than all I can say, You are more than enough for me.

~Chris Tomlin Sept. 2002

Alabaster Heart: Sara

sweet SaraIt is my great pleasure to introduce you to a precious sister in the Lord, my dear friend Sara. She has been a blessing an encouragement to my walk with the Lord and a joy to get to know. And I know her life will be a great encouragement to you all as well.


My name is Sara Nicole Smith. I am 25 years old, a pastor's daughter, and oldest sister to three brothers. I live with my family in Northeastern Pennsylvania and I'm thrilled to be a daughter of the King of Kings. I seek to live for my Saviour and bring Him glory and honour in every way that I can. I enjoy studying the Word of God, exercising outdoors, keeping a house tidy and clean, baking, writing, blogging, spending time with family and friends, and smelling the scents of Yankee candles!

1) How and when did you first come to know Jesus as your Lord?

Since I was raised in a Christian home, I knew the concept of heaven and hell. So, at the age of three, I made a profession. However, I did not quite fathom the concept of repentance and godly sorrow over sin - my sin. It was at the age of 10 years old that the Lord broke through to my heart and gloriously saved me! I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and immediately was cleansed from all unrighteousness! It's been a love relationship ever since!

2) What has been the biggest change in your life as a result of salvation?

Since I had grown up in a Christian environment with God-fearing parents who instructed their children in the ways of the Lord, there weren't too many outward changes of my new found relationship with Jesus Christ. The biggest change was inward. My heart was new! I had a longing desire to pant and seek after God. I didn't want to live for myself but seek to serve Him and obey His Word. I began loving time spent with my Saviour in prayer, reading the Word, memorizing Scripture, and writing letters to Him - as my Beloved and Friend.

3) What is your favorite thing about Jesus?

Oh, I'm not sure if I have one favorite thing because He is just all too wonderful! If I had to pick, I am thankful for His mercy. I fail Him so many times during the course of each day, yet He never leaves me or casts me away. He is always there, ready to forgive, help, comfort, and strengthen me. I would be nothing without Him. Any good within me is only by His grace!

4) What do you feel God's purpose for your life is?

At this time, I believe my calling is to be a faithful daughter, cheerfully serving my family and seeking their best. Whether this means relieving my mother of some of the household duties so she can minister to others, ministering to my father's congregation as a source of encouragement, spending quality time with my younger siblings, seeking ways to reach out to those in need around me, or just be at the right place at the right time for God to accomplish His purpose through me - this is my calling. I do desire to be a loving wife and joyful mother to many children, if God so chooses to bless me with that privilege; but until then, I am learning to wait upon the Lord as He strengthens my heart!

5) What is the hardest thing for you to live out as a set apart woman?

I believe there are two things that can become discouraging for me because of the scoff of the world: modesty and femininity. I so desire to please the Lord in my conversation (actions, words, conduct) but I also desire to please Him outwardly as well, in dress. Those in the world, as well as Christian believers, often frown upon this as they seem to think it is 'legalistic'. However, I know that we are personally called to walk in the Light that He has shown us to be true and I gladly admit there is a freedom and security in that. Also, I believe that feminism is so rampant in this day and age and chivalry has long ceased that it is hard for a woman to rely dependant on a man for strength, support, and protection. I have been blessed with a godly father and protective brothers who I can lean on. Others may not understand this dependence but I believe that the woman was created for the man and that we are called to be help-meets. This is our God-ordained role since the beginning of time.

6) What woman has impacted your walk with God more than anyone else?

I would definitely say my mother! She has been a source of inspiration to me and a godly example of a woman who fears and honors the Lord. Her guidance and instruction continue to mold me into a vessel fit for my Master's use. The Lord has also used Nancy Leigh DeMoss and her ministry to bless and encourage my heart.

7) In your daily walk with God, what are a few things that you do to remain renewed and focused on God?

When I feel like I need a "breath of fresh air", I will take a verse that has spoken to me and get out the concordance, dictionary, and commentaries and study it out. Then I will often write an article to keep it fresh in my mind.

8 ) If you could say one thing to other Christian girls what would you say?

Don't Give Up! It's too easy to look around at others and become disgruntled with your circumstances and ungrateful for where the Lord has put you at this exact moment in time. We must continually look to our Saviour and into His Word and purpose to obey Him in everything! Also, I believe it is very vital for a young woman to honour and respect her parents, their wishes, and desires. This pleases our Saviour!

9) What do you do to entertain yourself?

I enjoy relaxing with my family, playing a game and laughing with friends, playing my harp or piano, and checking up on my friends' blogs!

10) What are some of your favorite books?

"My Utmost for His Highest", "Treasury of David", "Abide in Christ", "The Pilgrims Progress", and "If I Perish", to name a few!

11) What is one of your favorite things to do in the course of a day?

Definitely writing and blogging (!

12) What is your favorite bible verse?

There are so many to choose from but the Lord has given me a special one throughout these past few months after suffering through many trials, heartache, and sorrow. "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth". Isaiah 43:18-19

13) As far as music goes, who is your favorite artist and why? (Also name a couple of your favorite songs)

Believe it or not, I don't think I have a favorite artist. I do appreciate the music of Ron and Shelly Hamilton. Their songs have certainly blessed my heart and encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. Some of my favorite songs that I enjoy singing are, "I'd Rather Have Jesus", "A Tender Heart", "O Rejoice in the Lord", and "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me".

14) Can you describe yourself in one word?

I don't think so - I do know, though, that I am a "people person"! 

15) What is your favorite quote? (From someone other than Christ)

This life will soon be past but only what's done for Christ will last!

16) What is your favorite thing about this blog?

Kaysie's writings have been such a wonderful source of encouragement and blessing to my heart. To "see" her heart for the Lord through her writings is a precious and lovely gift! Thank you, Kaysie for all your hard work and labor of love for your sisters in Christ!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Friendly Forum #4

flowersWelcome to Friendly Forum #4! 

Again, I will just remind you all that Friendly Forum is for you and by you, so comment as often as you like, interacting with other commentors or adding additional thoughts. I will be reading over each response; I so enjoy hearing your thoughts!

If you have an idea for the next Friendly Forum, leave me a comment on the Friendly Forum page or drop me an e-mail. I hope you are encouraged!

Here is our question/situation for this Forum: 
   We often hear/use the phrase "quiet time" in reference to our time set aside with God. What does your quiet time involve and can you give an spiritual advice for those just starting their quiet times and are wondering where to start?  

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

valentinesHappy Valentines Day! 

My prayer for you today, is that you, "being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God." (Eph.3:17-19)

May you have a blessed day as you think on the love of Jesus and the love of others.

A Letter To My Single Sisters

My Precious Sisters in the Lord, 

I am writing this letter to those of you who are "alone" this Valentines Day... knowing that thoughts of your loneliness and the desire for a special someone in your future has probably consumed some of your thoughts today. My desire for this letter is not to make the ache in your heart grow stronger, but rather remind you that there is Someone who can fill our emptiness and comfort our downcast status. That is our Savior, Jesus Himself.

I truly know the feelings of "incompleteness" and longings in your heart, especially today, as lovers send sweet notes, roses, and have romantic dinners with one another - and those of us whom God has yet to unite with our "someone" feel left out and alone. We may feel empty and incomplete. Well, daughters of the King, we do not have to remain in this melancholy state today or any day.

In Christ we have been made complete and filled (Col. 2:10). There is not someone or something missing when we are in Christ, fully abiding in Him. His great and passionate love can consume us and ground us. (Eph. 3:17-19) The love of Christ surpasses knowledge; we can hardly take measurement of it. But in the Psalms, David's description is breathtaking; read this with all your heart:

"Your love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness reaches to the skies... How precious is Your love, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light. O continue You love to those who know You..." (Ps. 36:5, 7-10)

Doesn't that love just steal your breath and your heart?!

In the moments of loneliness we experience, we need to run with all our strength to the Fountain of Life and drink our fill in His love, abundance, and delights. Run outside and look up into the sky... see how enormously tall the sky is? That is how far His love for you reaches. He fills us up with His love and faithfulness, and we are satisfied... we are complete. And when our souls are quietly digesting this overwhelming love, we can say with the most sincere passion and truth, "How precious is Your love, O Jesus..."

We are urged to fully know and comprehend the love of Christ - that we may be filled up to all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:17-19) We are not missing someone to make us complete - we are complete in Jesus alone. He fills the "holes" in our hearts with Himself, cleansing us and completing us, making us more like Himself.

Now, as we see and believe this great and precious love that Jesus has for us, and we diligently allow Him to fill us completely with His love, taking refuge in Him and hiding in the shadow of His wings - will He not reward the one who loves and trusts Him?

Psalms 31:19 reads, "How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You... those who take refuge in You..."

Jerry Bridges makes a beautiful and honest comment on this verse. He says, "That is what God does for those who fear Him. He sets aside and stores up goodness for His children, to be given at appropriate times in the future. What this goodness is, and when it is bestowed, is unique to each individual according to God's plan and purpose for that person."

When we rest in God's love, taking refuge in Him especially in these difficult and lonely times, trusting in His wisdom and knowledge of our purpose and future, He blesses us with His goodness which is given at the perfect time according to His knowledge and plan for us. That goodness could very well be a husband one day, but he will be given to you at the appropriate time in God's perfect plan and purpose for you. We just have to trust Him on that.

But in this time, in this moment, we must be filled up in Him with all the fullness that is in God, being completely satisfied in Him, no matter if we are single or married. He must be first in our hearts always.

I hope this has encouraged you, my dear sisters in Christ, to run to the River, the Fountain of Life, for your filling and satisfaction. Bask in His love for you today. Drink of His delights. Be filled and satisfied with Jesus.

I love you all, precious women of God.

Your sister and partner in this life of faith,


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Devotion and Deception

I would like to share a verse that is very special to my own heart:

"But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ." 2 Corinthians 11:3

Devotion to Christ - ah yes, the goal and purpose of every true child of God, including myself. This is my passion, my very heartbeat... to be zealously devoted to Jesus. And I have sincerely attempted to communicate that purpose to you my readers in hopes of encouraging your hearts to be fully devoted to Him above all else. But, as this verse clearly warns, it is an easy weakness to fall away from that holy purpose by deception of mind. I have been deceived and wandered from it far too many times.

We see here that devotion to Christ is simple and pure. It's uncomplicated (until I make it complicated!) and flawless, genuine and clear. If I am honest, I would have to tell you that many times I have struggled to write a new post here only because I didn't think I had any new revelations or surpassingly wise comments to share. How foolish... how deceived.

My mind was led astray from 1) the simplicity of devotion to Christ 2) the truth that I, apart from Christ, have nothing of worth to share with you. If our mind is the battlefield for devotion and deception, then what should we be sharing and speaking to others for encouragement and conviction if they have been led astray?

Nothing but the piercing Word of God and the power of our testimony. (Heb. 4:12, 1 John 5:9-11) I can speak nothing to bring encouragement and conviction like the Word of God can. I cannot renew your mind so that it stays protected and guarded from deception from the evil one... but the Word can. So truthfully and seriously the only thing I have to give you is the Word.

"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper that any two edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able o judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 

That is powerful - and a challenge to us. Have we allowed our hearts to be pierced with the Word today? Has it cut us to the soul by judging our thoughts (guarding our minds from deception) and revealing the true intentions of our hearts?

Let's be honest, sometimes this is actually very painful and incredibly humbling. But it is good - really good - for us. It brings intimacy with our God and undistracted and pure devotion to Christ. And that is what we really desire, right? That passionate devotion to Jesus that transforms our lives and impacts all those around us?

Don't be led astray. Devotion to Jesus is simple and pure. Protect your mind from deception with the all-powerful Word of God that renews and reveals.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Like A Rose...

23315582Like the unfolding of a rose, our hearts are developing in the tender hands of God; unfolding slowly into womanhood. This process is delicate and of the utmost importance, requiring diligent protection and faithful guardianship from the world's bitter frost and deadly diseases. To ensure a maiden's heart survives and blooms in the fullness of life and beauty, she must be hidden in the Living God, her Savior Jesus Christ, entrusting her heart to the Maker of the rose and the Author of her very life.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Our Wonderful Counselor

mountainsHow often do you ask God for His wonderful wisdom? Have you ever made your plans without consulting Him first?

I am asking myself these questions for God has kindly brought to my attention my own self-reliance. Honestly, I lean on my own understanding more than I seek His kingdom first. (Matt. 6:33)

This realization actually reveals to me what I think about God, and myself. If I am quick to depend on my wisdom and my plans, what am I saying about God? That He is not as wise as I?! Oh my, we all know the answer to that!

"Oh the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" Romans 11:33

We do well to take heed to His warnings:

"Do not be wise in your own estimation..." Rom. 12:17

"Lean not on your own understanding..." Prov. 3:5

...But in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. How often I have overlooked Proverbs 3:5-6 assuming I truly know the meaning of it. But if I really planted this verse into my reality it would transfuse throughout every area of my life and change every situation I encounter.

God has made Himself available for us to trust completely and seek devotedly. He is our Wonderful Counselor, "who has made His counsel wonderful and His wisdom great." (Is. 28:29) Our meager worldly wisdom is foolishness to God (1 Cor. 1:20) for we can not predict or see one minute into the future, but God holds the future in His hands.

Seeking God's wisdom first and above our own is the result and overflow of a heart in utter dependance on God; an attitude of humility possessed by the truly devoted Christian.

Let us not follow in the Israelites steps, who, in rebellion, relied on their own wisdom rather than consulting the Lord their God:

"Woe to the rebellious children," declares the Lord, "who execute and plan, but not Mine, and make an alliance, but not of My Spirit, in order to add sin to sin; who proceed down to Egypt without consulting Me..." Isaiah 30:1-2 

Let us rely on the abounding wisdom of our Wise Counselor, our Father who cares greatly. And let us not be wise in our own eyes, but, in total dependance, lean on His understanding in complete trust.

Friday, February 1, 2008

First in My Heart

loving JesusIs the Lord first in your heart today?

Is He above all the duties in life, family and friends, jobs and projects, even your service and ministry to Him? 

These were the questions I have been asking myself as I have devoted this past week to rest, surrender and refocusing. And I wanted to extend this call to you: take some quiet time out of this day and examine your heart to see what you might have placed above Jesus, valuing whatever it might be as more important, or demanding, or pleasurable than knowing Christ more. Step back from the hustle of life and name some ways you have made an effort to know and grow closer to Christ your Master and Heavenly Groom.

Jesus must be first and foremost in your heart for now and always... life must be found in Him, not elsewhere. Listen to His call for your heart, "Come away with Me, My Love, My Bride..."

"I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Chirst Jesus my Lord ... and count them but rubbish that I may gain Chirst..." Phil. 3:8