Sunday, January 3, 2010

the thrill of a challenge

Ok, so I have an idea. In an effort to redeem my sporadic, somewhat non-existent blogging, I thought I could present myself with a little challenge. And those of you (and you know who you are...) who have fumbled your blogs as well can jump on the wagon too.

I want to blog everyday this month.

Yeah, you may point out that we are already three days into this month, but I figured better late than never. And hey, it's a new year! Time for fresh resolutions and renewed attempts. I'm sure it will take me a while to stretch my writing muscles again, and there will probably be a few fails, but maybe it will stick and I can get my foot back in the door. It's been great having a little (or long) break to just write privately and kinda hone my writing voice. Hopefully I can share some of the things I've learned. But it's time to start publishing again. Open the draft folder. Say it out loud.

And honestly, I miss blogging. I miss having a safe, fun, and challenging place to share thoughts with people. My audience has dwindled, I know. But to the faithful few of you out there still reading, I'm coming back. Who knows what kind of a month it could be?


  1. Kaysie, my dear, I have missed you--you have been on my mind greatly. I sure hope all is well

  2. Yay! That will be wonderful. I have missed you bunches too! Love your writings...always inspiring! :)

    Welcome back!

  3. Yay, that'll be awesome! :) Your blog posts always inspired me... it'll be wonderful to read them again :)

  4. It'll be great to read your posts more often! I've always found them to be thought-provoking and inspiring.

  5. I tell myself each day as well that I do not have to write a novel I simply have to write a post. But if you are like me only my best will do and some of my random ramblings are just that random and they ramble. :) But I guess something is better than nothing. I too have been very slack with writing to my blog. I looked over the past year and saw a steady decline in the actually drafts written or ideas scratched in the sandbox. I took on the added responsibility at church of Interim Music Director and preparations of that each week has taken up a good deal of my spare time. I now work three jobs :) and writing has become a last minute thing. I used to at least write one article each Sunday but I have even not done that.

    So Kaysie I am with you on that challenge only I am aiming for 3 times a week. Not every day. :)

  6. Glad to hear you're back!! I've really missed your enlightenment and encouragement. You truly have a gift for writing and a beautiful and passionate heart for God. I'm looking forward to reading your blog every day!

  7. Welcome back, Kaysie!

    So much of this post resonates with me...I hear you. :)

    I'm not sure if I can commit to blogging every day, but I'm definitely trying to get back into it...writing is a discipline, but so worth it! Looking forward to checking back here!

  8. Still here, Kasey! Keep writing--I know God is so very pleased with this post!

  9. I was surprised to see a bunch of emails from the blog feed this week, now I know why! I really, really, really should join you in this. I have so much going on, which could either be really good or really bad for daily blogging.

    Of course, the amount of pictures I take could probably keep the blog sustained for awhile. I just might need to take you up on the challenge.

    I'm excited to read what you write! You are an awesome encouragement and I've missed you! God bless

  10. I'm looking foreward to reading more of your posts!
    I had been thinking about doing a similar challenge for my blog, which really needs some updating, but January was too busy for me.

    Keep up the good work, we are all still here!
