Thursday, January 7, 2010

the distortion of face value

In the spirit of my last post, I found this video to be quite validating to a few of the points I hoped to make. This is just a taste of the twisted tactics the world uses to define for us what beauty is. May we understand and remember that true beauty should be more than a pretty, edited, enhanced face. Complexion should only be the beginning of a loveliness that lies beneath our skin, a loveliness that only Christ can create.

"No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted..."

{Email and RSS readers, click here to watch the video}


  1. Kaysie,
    I'm so glad you posted this video! I have this on my facebook page and wanted to give you the link. It is an extremely powerful example of how perception is NOT reality when it come to how the world views what is beautiful. May this video bless and encourage every one who sees it.

  2. Funny I thought the girl was prettier before the makeover. But what do I know? :)

  3. Wow ... Indeed you are correct the world distorts beauty.
    thanks for bringing this to our attention this speaks volumes.

  4. Oh, my gosh! This is just so sad..I truly agree with you on this.
