Saturday, January 16, 2010

saturday mornings

I don't know what it is, but to me Saturdays are filled with such gracious possibility. They are a breath of clean air in a claustrophobic world. A patch of crayola blue sky on a cloudy day. Technically, Saturdays are simply another day to fill up the time breaks in your day planner with more of the same, but sometimes I think we need space, even if it is just in the morning, for breathing. And that is what I hope to make out of this moment. To relax near a hot cup of tea, my friends made of pages, and a moment with no agenda.

Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. I was thinking something similar this morning. For a six year span when the kids were very little I hated Saturdays. My husband worked every single one of them and usually for at least 12 hours. I dreaded it because while every other family was together we were apart and at that point I could really have used a break from the kids since we were also homeschooling.

    Now my husband is home on Saturdays (and the teens are often gone!). Today we went grocery shopping together and we get to enjoy the rest of the day doing stuff around the house. He's watching football and I'll probably work on some housy things.

    I stopped just for a moment today to recognize that God had taken the day I dreaded and made it into the day I love. For that I am thankful!

  2. Mmmm, I agree. :)
    I love free Saturday mornings to hang out in my PJ's and brew coffee, read, write, de-clutter my mind, etc. They always go by too quickly! But guess what? We can enjoy another next week!

  3. Hello! I just found your blog throu 'Blessed Femina'.
    I am adding some blog's to my side bar, and will be sure to add yours,

    If you have the time, I would LOVE if you came to check out my blog, and leave a comment!

    Your Loving Sister in Christ,


  4. dear kaysie,
    my name is diane, and i am so thrilled to have stumbled across your site!! i find things i have longed to express worded so beautifully. so often the things i think about sound so much better bouncing off the walls of my imagination than on paper. but you seem to do it so skillfully! i would like to ask permission to link your blog on mine, and invite you to stop by some time and comment! i'm still fairly new at it, so it's nothing big at all but i would feel honored. and may i ask: where do you attend college?

  5. Hi Kaysie,

    I hope 2010 is going well for you. Looking forward to your next post!
