Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Commiting To God

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him, and He will do it. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noonday." Ps. 37:5-6

Commit: to give in trust; to put in the hands or power of another; to entrust; to engage, to pledge. ~Webster 1828 

Continuing our study on these precious verses in Psalms 37, we come to this command of committing to the Lord. I think it is greatly appropriate that we read this command with the New Year right around the corner, for so many are making resolutions. What a great resolution to truly commit to our Lord in this upcoming year.

Committing is parallel with the command to trust, which we read about earlier. In fact, in this same verse, they are used side by side. Commit to the Lord; trust also in Him. To be committed is a long term agreement; serious dedication. You are placing something into the hands of Someone else to have power over, to take charge.

In the Christians life this is fundamental to our faith. Not only do we commit to Jesus at the moment of salvation, but it should be the characteristic of our daily relationship with Christ. When something happens we weren't expecting, we commit it into the hands on the Lord. Every morning when we awake, we commit this day to Jesus. When a loved one suffers and their comfort is out of our hands, we commit them to God in prayer.

How worthy is our Lord to be committed to!
"You are my rock and my fortress; for Your names sake You will lead me and guide me ... for You are my strength. Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have ransomed me, O Lord, God of truth." Psalms 31:5

These are beautiful verses, for not only do they tell of David's commitment to God, but also God's worthiness to be trusted. God is a Rock. God is a Fortress. He leads and He guides. He ransomed us, and He is the truth we need in this hazy world. Therefore we can commit to Him - we can trust Him.

We read the promise in the verse (Ps 37:5). And ... He will do it.
God rewards our commitment to Him. He loves those who entrust their lives to Him. And we can know He is near...because the peace we receive after letting go of false control and committing everything to our Lord is just a glimpse of His pleasure in our trust in Him. Truly He handles our affairs and lives much better than our feeble little hands ever could. As His children we must commit to our Father and hold His strong and tender hand with a trusting heart.

Commit to God, dear child of His.


  1. Hello Kaysie!

    Thank you for your warm welcome! I look forward to visiting your blog(s) more often. They look wonderful :-) God bless you this day!


  2. Hello Kaysie!
    Thank you SO much for commenting on my blog. I was surprised and pleased to see your comment. I have visited your sites thanks to Amy's page...and I must say that you inspire me. You are a blessing through your "single stand" and truly a beautiful girl.
    God bless you!

  3. Hi Kaysie,

    Great post! Thanks for sharing. So many claim commitment without having actually surrendered their lives to Christ. It has to be a daily task. It's not a one time thing. As you said, it's a characteristic of our lives.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog.

    Have a blessed New Year!


  4. AMEN! Kaysie, I always really appreciate your honest, thought-provoking, and well-thought-out posts... they are very blessed and encouraging! :)
    Thanks, and God bless you!!! :)

  5. Kaysie, thank you for this post... it was sweet, gentle and so comforting to know that when we commit ourselves to the Lord He will carry us through it all and give us peace. I'm looking forward to reading more of you. God bless you!

  6. Greetings and salutations, Kaysie.

    And speaking of commitment...
    I love the personal confirmation God gives us along the way to reinforce His leading in our lives. Just last week I was writing about a desire for reaffirming my heart covenant with God.

    you shared,
    You are placing something into the hands of Someone else to have power over, to take charge.

    This is so very important to understand when we desire a deeper walk with the Lord. We can't give our lives and then take it back because we don't understand the circumstances or how God is working. He will teach us that He is working all things to the good BUT according to His purposes and plans. People can sometimes disappoint us. But God, who is perfect, will never let us down. We may not always receive what we want but we always receive from Him what we need. We learn to trust that God is who He says He is through His written Word and that He is a keeper of promises. He is the Keeper of our souls. True faith is the trusting of committing our souls, our lives, to Him believing that He will finish the good work He has begun in us and began at the moment of salvation. So in a sense, we are saved and yet we are being saved since we are each a work in progress for being transformed into the image of His Son.

    you shared,
    "Committing is parallel with the command to trust, which we read about earlier."

    Absolutely. A verse that comes to mind from this is...

    Proverbs 3(KJV)
    5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
    6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    Pausing to lift you in prayer concerning your desire to serve while encouraging young women in their Christian walks. What a pleasure it is to meet you.

  7. Neesie, thank you for visiting. I too hope to visit your blog often. You are doing a great job! God bless you.

    Sarah, thank YOU so much for your comment - it made my day a little brighter knowing that God's Word in me is encouraging others. You are a blessing.

    Kristina, what you said is true - our commitment to Christ is a daily task; a characteristic of our lives. Your comments are a blessing.

    Jimena, your comment was(is) so appreciated. Thank you for stopping by and visiting. I have loved reading your blog, and I hope you visit again. Thanks.

    Sparrow's Song, wow, thanks for your beautiful comment. I have checked out your website - it is beautiful and encouraging. Thank you for making the time to visit, comment, and add me to your blogroll. I am so glad God is using my words (and mainly His) to encourage others. I hope you visit again. Blessings.
