Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Bride of Christ

There are few greater fulfillment's in life than in becoming a bride. It is every woman's dream to be loved passionately by a devoted man, who lives and breathes loving you, and has chosen you to be his forever bride. We dream of the moments to be spent together; holding hands, feeling his protection and love, starting a new life as a couple. But for myself, and many other young women, this "fulfillment" found in a man's love is what it has always been...still a dream.But do we have to wait to live a fulfilled life here and now without having a husband? Is there a satisfaction to be had before marriage? Or do only the married women find ultimate happiness and joy?

Searching For Fulfillment

Not many years ago, I was asking these questions and searching for answers. My greatest desire in life was to get married and raise a godly family. These are not wrong fact they are good and biblical desires. But God was showing me something more, something I wasn't prepared to hear - that HE is what I should desire - even more, much more, than I desire a future husband and children. The empty, lonely place inside of me that I thought a husband would fill could only be filled with Christ Himself.What might surprise you is that I was already a Christian at this time of searching, and had been since I was very young. But I still had desires in my heart that weren't satisfied. I was thirsty for a "someone". God was showing me that HE was that Someone. He wanted me to embrace Him as my Lover and future heavenly Husband, and find the fulfillment and satisfaction my heart craved. I needed to delight in being a Bride of Christ.

Being a Bride of Christ

A bride is consumed with her groom; everything about him she adores. There is a beautiful radiance in her face, a brighter smile than she had before, and a contentment of heart and contagious joy that permeates her entire being. We can be this way towards Christ. He is a passionate Lover and pursuer of our hearts. We need to surrender to His love. I didn't love Jesus as I should. His love was (and is) always available for my longing heart and fervent desires. I was just searching in the wrong places. But that was about to change - I was about to taste and see for myself if Jesus "tasted" good and satisfied my hungry soul.When I was around fourteen or so, I noticed something unusual about my mother. Her walk with God was different that anyone I had ever seen. God and spending time with Him wasn't a burden to her, it was pure pleasure. Her eyes lit up when she talked about Him. She was always reading and sharing with us from God's Word and things that God was teaching her...and it was amazing! Her relationship with God was so full of passion, and I began to wonder what was with her. So one day I asked, and she told me. She was in love with Jesus.What?! How can you be "in love" with Someone you can't even see or talk to or look at? I didn't get it. But I wanted what she had. I told her my struggles and she prayed for me. Then she told me something I should do: first, begin praying to fall in love with Jesus. And second, start pursuing Him.

Finding True Love 

So I did what she said. I began fervently praying that I would fall in love with Jesus, and that He would give me eyes to see His amazing love for me and His infinite worth. I started setting aside time just to pursue Him; daily reading His Word and praying, taking walks just to talk with Him, and singing my heart out in complete adoration of Him. And slowly...and miraculously...I fell madly (or rather happily) in love with Jesus! He began to fill my lonely heart with unfailing love and a constant presence of peace. No longer was my walk with God a burden, but it was a pleasure my heart couldn't live without. I found satisfaction in Jesus - even if God chooses for me to remain single my entire life, I am at peace and will delight in Him. Falling in love with Christ was (and is) the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. And the results are with me to this day.I am here to tell you that Jesus can not only be your Salvation and ticket to heaven, but He can be you Lover too. In fact, in Scripture we are described as Christ's bride waiting earnestly for His return. And the life we live now is a preparation for our Life to come. He will return to take us to His kingdom He has prepared for us. He asks us to be faithful and devoted to Him in this time we have on earth. To love Him above all else. To tell others of His love and return.

"Belonging to Jesus, sold out to Him. Saying "yes" to His plans and His voice...realizing that being His bride is the ultimate of all callings...can you be content, for now, as the bride of Christ? Can you set aside a period of time...and all your longings and serve Him exclusively? Can you trust Him with your future? With a mate? With His timing and plan for your life?" - Ann Kiemel Anderson

He's coming back for us...won't you be His faithfully watching and adoring bride?


  1. Thank you for this post, Kaysie! I needed that!

  2. hello,
    this is really nice.....opening up this new blog is a good idea.
    will keep checking it out too.
    God is taking you to greater levels

    love sylvia.

  3. Hi There!
    Nice blog,and thanks for this post :) it's something I needed to hear!

  4. Hi Kaysie!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement. I must say, I love this post! I think it is such a powerful subject to talk about, because so many women could use this message. I know I do. :) You are absolutely right, we all want to feel loved and protected, and so often we look to people to provide that need. God himself is the only one that can satisfy that hunger, and the only one who will never disappoint us.

    You're a blessing! Beautiful writing.
    Thanks again (and I will definitely keep up with yours as well :)),

  5. First of all, I love your new site Kaysie! Also, what a beautiful post! I have been struggling with these very same issues with being content with a single life. I feel encouraged and challenged to improve my relationship with the Lord so that I can be fully content in Him. Thank you so much for sharing! You have blessed my day. :)


  6. Kaysie, that was lovely. It can be hard to not get caught up in what we don't have. The Lord uses each stage of our lives to draw us closer to Him. I know that I have a few years of singleness left, and getting married is my greatest desire. However, I want God to be in control of the whole situation not me; I want Him to get all of the glory.

    Have a blessed day, my friend.

  7. Alice, thank you for your encouraging comment and I am so glad God encouraged your heart!

    Sylvia, I am so glad you like the new blog...I am so excited about what God is doing in my life. Thanks for your comment!

    Hallelujah Lass, thank you for visiting and commenting...I am so glad you were encouraged.

    Soraya Beth, I am still praising God for Him leading me to your site. I am looking forward to getting to know you through comments, etc. Thank you for your sweet comment; what you said was so true. Thanks again.

    Sara, your comment blessed my day! Thank you for stopping by...and I am so glad you were encouraged. You are an encouragement to me!

    Ella, my friend, thank you for your words. Yes, God does use each stage of our lives to draw us closer to Him - and what a blessing the journey is. I am so glad you like the new blog.

    Thank you, thank you, for all your precious comments.
    They are sunshine in my day! :)

  8. Kaysie,
    I love your new website! I am so excited for you!
    Thanks for taking your time to encourage girls about the love of Christ!

    Hope you have a wonderful day! Love, ali

  9. What a great encouragement! Although I'm no longer a single woman (I've been married 3 1/2 years and have 2 daughters already), I went through that period in my life where I so wanted to be married (I wasn't all into having children at that time, but God has changed my heart). Before becoming a Christian at 23, I thought I'd never marry, but after I started to follow Jesus, I really wanted it. I began praying about it, but seeking God and His righteousness above all else, when all of a sudden He brought someone into my life that would become my husband.

    Psalm 37:4 says to delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. If your desire is to be married, that desire is probably from God and if you delight in Him above all else, He will grant you your heart's desire!

    (As a side note, my husband and I never dated nor told each other before we were engaged that we liked each other. God just spoke so clearly to each of our hearts and we waited on Him to confirm His plan.)

  10. I love your writing and I think you are awesome!
    Your sister in Christ
    Rachel Jackson
