Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Trusting in God

"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." Psalms 37:3

Trust: 1) confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person 2) to believe 3) to venture confidently
- Webster 1828

Trust is a vital necessity in a believer's life, heart and mind. It is commanded in Scripture, and demanded in this life we live. Without it we are left alone - helpless, hopeless, and insecure. Trust is fundamental to every relationship...especially between us and God.
Sadly, trust in God is commonly assumed to be possessed by many an anxious and fretting heart, weighed down by the reliance on an earthly being or substance.

I speak from experience, for I am the one to say, and even convince myself, that I trust in God...but my actions, motives, and worrying thoughts give me away, revealing the truth in my heart of a dependence on myself.

I know this is why God gave me Psalms 37:3, for He knew how much I needed to trust Him more and bear the fruit of a trusting heart.

Trust bears fruit, good fruit, as this verse declares. Trust in the Lord and do good. If you trust in God your actions reveal an evidence of that trust; the fruit is the evidence.
If I say I trust in God that He will one day bring me a husband in His time and in His way, but I go about worrying up a storm that "I'm gonna end up an old maid..." or "I have got to find someone..." am I really trusting God?
As the definition of trust said, trust is a reliance and resting of the mind on the attribute or principle of Someone. Go back to the end of the verse: cultivate faithfulness. In another version (which I kinda like better) it says "feed on His faithfulness". This is one of the principles we can trust - God is FAITHFUL. He's not going to leave us. He's not going to forsake us. Therefore we can trust Him.

For me, part of trusting God was letting go of other things that held my trust.
One of them was trusting in myself; leaning on my own understanding, relying on my strength. (Prov. 3:5)
God showed me (and continually shows me) that I am nothing without Him. (John 15:5) In all my best efforts and can't do a single good thing without Jesus. Seeing myself for what I truly am made me need and trust God so much more. I need Jesus. And I trust Him to continue His perfecting and sanctifying work in my heart by His Spirit.

But there are so many more things that can capture our trust. Like I said above, you can capture your trust...you don't trust God, you trust yourself. This is serious and deadly to our faith. If we trust ourselves, why do we even need a God? Remember, we will crash and burn without God...He is worthy of our trust.
Money can capture your trust.
In the words of our Lord, "You cannot serve (or trust) both God and money." Money is here today and gone tomorrow. God is here yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8)
A spouse or parent can capture your trust.
I am not saying we should not trust our spouses or parents, but when we trust in them above and more than we trust in God this is dangerous. Love "bears all things, believes all things (trust)" (1 Cor. 13:7) and in our relationships we must have trust - in fact it is vital - but not above our trust in God.

He must be supreme and trusted above anything and anyone.

May we grow in our trust in God. Remember, He is so faithful.


  1. I know what you mean. I have found that God strips away things so I cling more to Him. It is VERY difficult, and I have a tendency to worry and doubt. I need to remind myself of this several times!

  2. Beautiful, simply beautiful...
    just like your heart.
    Cynthia Rene'

  3. Girl, I am telling you...you need to write a devotional! -Morgan =D

  4. Hey,
    I love your blog.
    It was a really big incouragment to me.
    Love you and miss you.

  5. Wow, reading this was convicting!So many times I trust in myself.I love that verse too.
    Thanks for the encouragement.

  6. Many times I struggle with not trusting in God. Thank you for reminding me that I should trust Him!
    I love you sweet Kaysie! Thank you for being such a Godly sister!


  7. Wow Kaysie, that was so real, and the way you explained the verses was great! Thanks for the reminder to trust in God more. It's something I really struggle with sometimes. Love you!

  8. i'm so glad you did a post on Trust. it's something I struggle with a lot. and it's funny how we can take for granted the most simple things like trust, faith, and love. they're simple to understand, but yet very complicated when you try to live them in your daily life. I totally enjoyed reading this!

  9. hm, Amen! I really appreciated the thoughts in this post... it was truly written from an open, honest heart, and I can relate to much of it! God Bless, Kaysie, and thanks so much for sharing you heart for the Lord with all of us!!!

  10. Ella, yes, trusting is very difficult! As you said, many times God strips away our "false trusts" showing us that we need to trust in Him. He is good and faithful. :)

    Cynthia Rene', you too have a beautiful heart!

    Morgan, I would LOVE to one day write a book...(all in God's timing)...thanks for the sweet comment. :)

    Kelsey Grace, I am so glad you like the blog, and that it encouraged you. I miss you too!

    Jenny, thanks for your sweet comment. Many times I trust in myself too...but God's Word is a constant encouragment. :)

    Carley, thank you for your kind comments...I think you are a sweet sister too!

    Courtney, you are a great encouragement to me...I'm so glad you enjoyed reading. :)

    Camille, thanks for your words of encouragement. I too find it hard to live out trust in my life. I'm glad you enjoyed reading. :)

    Rachel Marie, your words meant so much to me...thanks. I am amazed at God's Spirit working (and writing) through me. I have enjoyed your blog as well! :)
