Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cultivate Faithfulness

In our world and culture today, many are focusing on making their resolutions for the upcoming year; losing weight, joining gyms, spending more time with family and friends, cooking healthy, improving character traits that are lacking, even purposing to spend more time with God. And yet, to me, I think we as children of God, brides of Christ, and aliens in this world should have a different approach to the New Year and the desire to make resolutions.

 Introducing: Faithfulness

Our lives should consist of more than "resolutions" that are enthusiastically made but then lose their appeal after just a few weeks. Rather our lives should maintain a faithfulness to God in every moment of our lives - January 1st or October 17th (just a random date). We look into the world and see a delight in short-lived experiments rather than life-long commitments. But sadly, Christians seldom differ from non-Christians in their faithfulness; to God, spouse, children, other relationships, jobs, education, etc. We suffer greatly from the lack of faithfulness.

Shouldn't we as Christians be setting the example of a faithful and loving bride waiting for her Husband to return? Aren't our marriages supposed to reflect the relationship of Christ and the church, especially in faithfulness? And to those of us who are single, aren't our lives of devotion and faithfulness to Jesus supposed to encourage curiosity as they wonder where we find our satisfaction, everlasting joy and unfailing love? We are losing our impact on the world because we struggle to remain faithful to God and to each other. We run from one thing to another looking for happiness in the wrong places - just like the lost. How can we recover? How can we reach the lost if we ourselves are too entangled in our unstableness and unfaithfulness to reach out in the power of a life lived faithfully for Jesus?

 Cultivating Faithfulness

 "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." (Psalms 37:3)

How do we begin to cultivate faithfulness? 

First I would say that a deep and steady relationship to the Lord is required. Daily spending time with Him, meditating on His Word, being devoted to prayer, and memorizing Scripture is a healthy recipe for faithfulness. There is no "list" on becoming faithful, only a present mind and correct attitude will help increase it. Just like in a marriage there is really no "10 steps to a great marriage", but rather an awareness of specific ingredients needed for a healthy relationship with your spouse. It is the same towards God. You must spend time with Him to know Him. You must talk (pray) and listen to communicate. Thinking about (meditating on) Him during your day will encourage deeper communion with Him. Naturally you will begin to memorize things about Him; you begin to know Him more. You become faithful.

  As your faithfulness increases, your life changes forever. Instead of seeking temporary happiness in other things or people, you run to the only God, the Faithful One, who embraces you in His arms of love and protection. When life gets tough and things happen you just weren't expecting, your faithfulness to God and His faithfulness to you will carry you through the fire. 

Faithfulness isn't easy. In fact, sometimes it is the hardest thing to do. But Jesus didn't say this ways going to be easy - it is hard. But His faithfulness is what makes this life so sweet. If we can remain steadfast and faithful to Him, He promises that we will be saved. (Mark 13:13) He will rescue us, like the Knight in shining armor that He is. How great is His faithfulness! 

 Remember the Faithful One

When I struggle in my faithfulness to Jesus, the one thing that grips me and holds my life, my very heartbeat, is HIS faithfulness. God is a covenant God - He won't let go, ever. He was the One who, dying on a cross, endured - was faithful - in the midst of the pain, blood and tears, suffering at the wish of His Father so I might be saved from the eternal death that awaited me. When He prayed until He sweated blood that the cup might be taken away from Him, but wasn't, He surrendered His will to God and was faithful, obedient unto death - for you and me. (Phil. 2:8)

How this knowledge gives us the encouragement and dedication to be faithful to Jesus. I hope, even in the midst of your resolutions, that you determine to be faithful to Christ no matter what happens this year, or in this life.

Let us be called the faithful.

"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is the Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful." (Rev. 17:14) 


  1. I want to resolve to be more faithful to Christ, especially in my prayer life. I read an article recently that said if you tell people you are praying for them, or if you decide to pray for an issue in your life, but you don't carry out those prayers faithfully, it's like helping put out the fire of a burning building with a bottle of water. It just won't work! I got to thinking about how many times I tell people, "I'll be praying for you" and then I go about my life and forget to pray for the issue I promised to pray for. That doesn't help anyone, and it totally displeases God. So, I'm resolving to increase my faithfulness to God through my prayer life, both in my thankfulness and in my prayers for others.

  2. I really like this, Kaysie. The outer trappings of our lives as Christians should reflect the inward reality of who we are in Christ. Yet so many times I fail to maintain a consistency between those two realities. Faithfulness on the inside will be reflected by faithfulness on the outside, and vice versa.

    "...Aren’t our lives of devotion and faithfulness to Jesus supposed to encourage curiosity as they wonder where we find our satisfaction, everlasting joy and unfailing love?" Exactly. John Piper says something like, "Be salty - make those around you thirsty for Jesus."

  3. Hey my sweet sister,
    What you said is so completely true! You hit the issue head on!
    I agree that we as the brides of Christ should be different in that we are faithful. You have encouraged me to resolve to be a more faithful "bride" this coming year! I love you!
    You lil sis,

  4. Hey girl! I completely agree with your depiction of faithfulness. Beautifully written! You definitely speak the truth. We should all strive to maintain a faithful focus on our Lord and Savior, that is consistent and unyielding.

    Hope you have a wonderful New Years! :) Thanks for all your support and encouragement. :)

  5. Touchofglory, thank you for your comment(s). I too aspire to be more faithful to God in my prayer life. I find that the more I am faithful to "pray without ceasing" the steadier my communion with Jesus becomes - and that affects my entire life.

    Anna, thank you so much for visiting and for your comment. I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts - you are a gifted writer.
    I loved what you said in your comment:
    "The outer trappings of our lives as Christians should reflect the inward reality of who we are in Christ."
    So, so true. And beautifully said. That will stick in my head forever; and what a true test of the "realness" of my faith.

    Courtney, my dear sister and friend, thanks for your comment. I too hope to become a more faithful bride to Christ. :) Love you.

    Soraya, thanks for visiting again. I so enjoy your comments. May we both be consistent in our faithfulness to Christ.
    I hope you have a great New Years as well!
    God bless you!

  6. This post is very encouraging! Thank you for sharing your heart.
