Thursday, April 2, 2009

time to bloom

24970291I am in one of those moods in which I have much to say -- but I can't get it out in a logical way. Anyone ever have those moments? I have begun about five or six blog posts all encompassing different subjects, but after reading over them . . . let's just say I want to spare you a few rabbit trails. I am attempting to make this post stick.

Today was a gorgeous day. I took a short walk outside just to observe the budding glory of springtime. Color is softly transforming the muted landscapes around me. Tiny delicate buds pop out of the ends of limbs and plants and spread tones of interest to our world. It's beautiful. It's a metaphor for so many subjects.

You may have heard the slogan "bloom where you're planted." I think many people might overlook the bravery and vulnerability it takes to "bloom." Think about it. Winter has snuffed any possible growth with it's frigid, unforgiving control for the past few months. Suddenly the world becomes warm again -- but who knows if it will last. The decision to bloom is dangerous. One delayed frost could stab tender life. Yet . . .

I see blooms.

There is a simple beauty -- a reckless trust -- about springtime. Nature believes that life is here to stay. Winter is over. Time has come to heal and grow. I understand that many of our lives are in this same season. Winter has been cruel. Perhaps we are afraid to ever grow again -- what if we are nipped in the bud?

Fear is our winter . . . yet it is time to trust Jesus enough to bloom in hope and faith. "Perfect love casts out fear..." (1 John 4:18) When the love of Christ has been perfected in us -- when it has mastered us -- our fear impishly sits down and courage rises. It's the beauty of abiding in the Vine.
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.  (John 15:4-5)

I don't know exactly what you may be facing or what pains winter has inflicted, but I do know that settling in the shadows is not the answer. Loving Jesus is about trusting Jesus; having His love season and infuse truth, joy, and strength in us. We can break forth and bear fruit because Jesus is completing the work He began in us.

Springtime is here. Time to bloom.


  1. Beautiful! I think this has a great message--no matter what pains, what problems we might be facing, we need to look for the bloom. Sometimes that bloom might just be the next life where we spend out time with Jesus. But most often Jesus gives us a flower or two or a whole bouquet of flowers. He really is the best man ever...

  2. Kaysie, you have a beautiful way of pulling poignant truths out of simple, every day occurences. Keep using that gift for the Lord's glory. :D

  3. Thank you for the encouragement! What a blessing! Keep up the great writing! :)

  4. Kaysie, this touches my heart. I am facing a major decision right now, and I find myself tempted to choose the safest option simply for the sake of safety.

    Recently after a sermon on trust, someone remarked that he is glad flowers are not human...if they were, they would realize that in blooming they die and would therefore try to figure out any way to avoid blooming.

    May we choose to 'recklessly' follow where He leads and to die to self in order to display His glory.

  5. Beautiful thoughts. :) Yes, now is the time to quit fearing the cold, emerge from our shells, and to find ourselves surrounded by the warmth of God's love. Thank you for the encouragement.

  6. Kaysie! I totally know what you mean! I have those moods ALL the time! =D

    Psalm 62:8
    Trust in Him at all times, O people;
    Pour out your heart before Him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah.

  7. I almost didn't take a look at your blog today. Instead I was going to catch up on some others, but I changed my mind because the thought, "but what if she has posted something that might be exactly what I need to hear?" came to mind. As usual, I wasn't disappointed :) God bless you Kaysie! You write your thoughts beautifully. Keep it up girl!

  8. Thank you for sharing your heart. I am the mother of 5, my eldest, a 16 year old daughter and I will show her your blog. She'll be inspired I know because she has a heart for the Lord too. Blessings.

  9. Lori, yes He is... :)

    Stephanie, thank you for your encouragement!

    Sara Nicole, you are too sweet. I am glad it was a blessing to you!

    Rosanne, I know exactly what you feel... my love of safety is a major struggle in my faith. I pray God's bravery to be infused in you! :)

    Oksana, thank you. Glad it was a blessing! :)

    Caroline, I love those verses. What beautiful truths.

    Megan, the Lord is good! Thank you for all your encouragement!

    Susan, why thank you! I hope your daughter is blessed! Thank you...
