Thursday, April 16, 2009

surrender phobia


"Do you ever feel reluctant to pray "whatever it takes" prayers for fear that God might actually answer them?

The fear is misplaced.

The real danger lies in settling for less."

-- Jon Bloom


  1. Interesting concept! I certainly don't want to settle for less!

  2. Wow. That is a really powerful thought! I may be misreading it, but we should be willing to do, willing to give, whatever it takes for God to bless us. Meaning, say you want a new job. You can't just sit there and wait for the new job to fall into your lap. You need to do whatever it takes to find the new job, which requires you to look for one and God will bless you with one. (Am I making sense?)

  3. Gorgeous quote - so inspiring! Thanks for putting it up.

    By the way, I've emailed you a few times to get my blog address changed on KSN - have they not been going through? I know I don't like clicking on a link that's been changed and not knowing how to get to it. Hope I'm not bothering you!

  4. WOW..... what a powerful quote! :)
    Thanks for sharing!!!

    Love Your Sister in Christ,
    Miss Jen

  5. Thank you. I needed to hear this.

    Do you mind if I repost the quote on my blog?

  6. Sara Nicole, me too! :)

    Lori, yes, you made sense. To me the idea of assuming life is "safer" holding onto God with a suspicious heart is really quite foolish. When we give God full reign in our lives -- there is where true life is found.

    Hannah, you're welcome. Oh dear -- I will try to get that done today! I need to look back and see if I received your email.

    Miss Jen, isn't it amazing?! :)

    Rosanne, sure -- go right ahead and repost. :)

  7. The hardest thing for us is to let take full control of our lives.
    whether that means answer prayers or not.
    But when our will lines up with his the outcome will always be good.Even when we dont want a particular answer its in our best interest saying that and believing that is difficult i know .
    Pistis the Greek word means life depending relationship.That very word means translate in English means Faith.IN other words this relationship keeps you alive. Thats what Paul was talking about in Hebrews 11:6 without faith it is impossible to please God.

  8. kaysie - this is a wonderful quote. i find myself at a loss for words.

  9. Royal Blood, indeed it is true. The hardest thing to let go is our false control. But the gift is the life-depending relationship with Jesus. :)

    Jillian, I know. Surely makes you think...

  10. Amen to a true and convicting quote. I can see so many areas of my life where I can apply that truth.

    You know, this reminded me of a Proverb I heard Francis Chan talk about. He said something very similar to this, about how we ask God to surrender everything and live only through him, and then we get angry when he answers that prayer... anyways, I'll just post a link so you can listen to the whole thing:

  11. 100 times a's so scary to pray, whatever it takes to break me of this sin, whatever it takes to change my mind, whatever it takes to get me where You want me to be. I used to pray "Lord send me to Africa" because people always said you got what you prayed for NOT to happen. Like, please, anywhere but I tried the opposite. :)

  12. Kaysie! I did this very week! I was having such a hrad time trustin God to do what was best for me. For some reason I just assumed He would do exactly what I didn't want Him to do and that scared me and made me so sad! But I finally prayed it and I cried cause I was still scared to death but the Lord answered me with what I believe is best for me right now and what I wanted! He truly does know the desires of our heart! And He really does want to fulfill them! Thanks Kaysie for another great post!
    XOXO, Caro

  13. Wow, that is an AMAZING quote. I, a lot of times, when i'm praying really hard about something and asking God to give me an answer, i'll assume that He want's me to do the opposite of what i want to do. But, though sometimes He does want you to do something you don't want to, He doesn't always.
