Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quiet Rest

My eyes slowly opened to the view of a glowing window trying to camouflage the happy sun outside. Rolling myself out of bed I walked over and pulled the string connected to the blinds. A flood of sunshine and the vision of valleys and mountain ridges welcomed my eyes and awoke my heart. This was my view this morning as I stayed at a secluded getaway that my family took me to for my birthday. (I know... they are too good to me!)

All day I have been doing one thing: resting.

We have created no agenda, plans or obligations. All I have done today is walk, look, read, play games with my family, and of course eat. (big smile) And it has been incredible.

This morning I walked out to the porch and read my Bible, my devotional, sipped my tea, and listened to the silence. It was one of the highlights of this day. God knew how much I needed this day of peace. It is quiet. The noises I do hear have a restful tone. I really never knew how much silence can minister to the soul.

This time of quiet rest has made me realize with transparency how my pace of life clogs my mind and burdens my spirit, making it difficult to listen to the voice of God in this megaphone land. My mind is far to busy defending it's sanity that I neglect to nurture it's vitality. Quietness and rest is pivotal to the health of my spiritual life.

And I doubt I am the only one that battles with this. Just now I conveniently read over at the Boundless blog about our desperation for silence.
What I am desperate for is silence. Because here in the land of the free, silence has a lot of competition. And the competition usually wins with me.

So I'm not battling some oppressive government trying to molest my quiet. I'm really battling myself. I'm just not sure which is easier to overcome, a dark regime or a dark heart.

I do know that the gospel is able to overcome both.

(Read the entire article here)

And it certainly has for me. Praise God for the gospel! Praise God for quiet rest...

"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him, and do not fret..." Ps. 37:7


  1. So glad you are enjoying this time of peace and rest.

  2. Thanks Mindy. It has been an incredible day. Praise the Lord. :)

  3. This is such a great reminder for me! I get caught up in "life" and often forget that rest is needed to restore the soul! I will make efforts to enter this rest today!

  4. That is so amazing that your family took you to a restful place for your birthday! I wish I was there with you because I am getting anything but rest, with homework and an inconsiderate roommate keeping me from getting enough peace and quiet.

  5. The quiet getaway sounds lovely! :) That is a very good reminder, Kaysie - We all need to stop once in a while and be quiet and rest. After all, God tells us to "Be still and know that I am God" and how can you do that if you're never still? :)

    Julia from Julia's Journal

  6. Oh wow! What a nice birthday present!! Thanks for the reminder that sometimes we need to get away from all the noise of the world around us and just be quiet and still before God.

  7. Hi Kaysie!
    Happy Birthday! I just got home from living as a governess for twelve days and haven't touched my blog, I will have to try to do that. This post was great -- I hope you had a wonderful time with your family!

    I was wondering if you have ever read the book "Falling in Love with Jesus" by Kathy Troccoli and Dee somebody -- I can't remember. There is an entire passage on Alabaster boxes and the Bible. I thought you might be interested, if you didn't already read the book. I didn't agree with everything in it, but there was some good.


  8. Hey Phylicia!
    Actually I do have have that book, but I haven't read all the way through... you've teased my into picking it back up! :) Thanks for the reference.

    It sounds like you have been busy. I can't wait to hear all about it!
    Welcome back!
