Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rest in His hands

A little friend flew in this morning. He buzzed into my window and became entrapped by the modern marvel of enclosed living. Restlessly he flew about seeking an escape. I tried my best to point him in the right direction, but he seemed to not be listening. Tired and confused, he kept trying to find his freedom. At last his body gave out and he slowly fell from the ceiling into the window sill, and then into my hands. I gingerly brought him outside where I fed him nectar from a nearby flower until he regained his strength. Then he flew away into the freedom he longed for.

I am a lot like this little hummingbird. I get myself into problematic situations and then bang my head against the wall trying to find my freedom and peace. The way to freedom is to fall into the arms of my heavenly Father. He will carry me until I am rested, sustain me with His pleasures, and then open His hands allowing me to fly away again.

If only I would simply rest in His hands forever.


  1. What beautiful thoughts, Kaysie, and what a beautiful picture! I'm guessing that Courtney took the picture, right?

  2. Yes she did. :)
    I actually wrote this post a few days ago, but waited to publish it until today.
    Thanks for your comment!

  3. That's a great analogy! And so true!
    Beautiful picture too!

  4. Hi! I was reading over at another blog where you had commented, and I was drawn in by the name of your blog.

    I am so glad I came by. How refreshing, how wonderful to read the writings of a young woman who is relying fully on the Lord. I was not walking with Him at your age sadly. I know that He works all things together for good, and He has certainly redeemed my life! I just had to comment because it brings my heart great joy to read of your love for Him and trust in Him!

    May you continue to hear Him speaking to your heart so beautifully through all of life's experiences!

    In His Grip,

  5. Kimberly, thank you for your sweet comment! What a blessing your words were. I am so pleased, and humbled, that the Lord is working through my writings. Thanks for taking the time to bless my day! God bless!

  6. Thank you for sharing this, Kaysie! I love it when God uses little things like this to teach us lessons.

  7. What an incredible analogy. I was that little bird yesterday, completely stressed and exhausted and God did exactly what you did when I finally stopped trying to do it all in my own strength. I needed to read this today and see the vivid word picture you painted.

  8. Wow, thank you so much for sharing this. Like the others who have also left comments, I must agree that this was an awesome analogy. A wonderful picture too!

  9. Wow. I'm a lot like this hummingbird most of the time...
    But thank you for this reminder to rest in His hands... :)

