Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Urgent Call for Encouragement

Have you ever thought much about the impact of encouragement? Maybe that thought is not so hard for you to grasp. Most of us can probably recount a recent episode in which we received some needed encouragement by a special person's thoughtfulness or even through God's Word. Whatever the details may be, we still can feel the impact that encouragement brought to our hearts. Encouragement is powerful.

But have you ever thought about the urgency of encouragement; yes, it's desperate, serious, urgent nature? I never knew this attribute of encouragement existed until studying in Hebrews a few days ago.

Most of us have read and reread the verse "encourage one another day after day..." (Heb. 4:13) on greeting cards, journals, and coffee cups. It is a sweet, stirring little verse. But upon closer inspection to context, I found a very desperate tone in the author of Hebrew's voice surrounding this verse. See if you can hear it too:

"Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." Hebrews 3:12-13

This is an urgent call for believers to strengthen and protect one another from serious sin with the simple but powerful tool of encouragement. We never know when a brother or sister in Christ is slipping away from intimacy with Jesus. That is why God tells us "day after day" to be encouraging; to "take care" or "see to it" or "take heed" that none falls away, but rather that all our hearts stay soft to the Spirit and not to become hardened by sin's lies.

How often have I heard of a friend's life that is crumbling to pieces as they slowly wander away from God? And I sadly say to myself, "I just never knew...", or "I should've reached out more..." I failed to see the urgency in faithful encouragement to the people God has placed in my path. The ministry of encouragement is urgent and very serious business in God's eyes.

Think with me about the actual word "encouragement". What important word is tucked away in it? Encouragement... courage. Wow. Isn't that what so many Christians are needing today; the courage to go on; the courage to trust Jesus for everything; the courage to look ahead to the great hope of heaven, knowing that this is not our home?

This is an urgent call. We all desperately need encouragement!

Now I would like to speak for a moment to all of you bloggers who are discouraged in thinking you are having a limited impact, that no one cares or sees, or to those of you who are in need of some healthy encouragement yourself... may I speak some courage into your heart right now? You are making an impact. A HUGE impact! You are obeying this urgent cry to speak life into others giving them true hope and courage to keep going, to stay close to Jesus, to remain tender and sensitive to His Spirit and His Word. You are changing the world... and your impact is great. You will never know who may come across your heartfelt encouragements and leave deeply touched. Only God knows the eternal impact you are having. Keep it up. Keep the encouragement coming.

Let's all hear the urgency in Hebrews 3:12-13. Many people are lying on the sidelines wounded and hopeless. They need courage to get up and press on. And we don't know exactly who they are. It could be your next door neighbor, or the lady sitting behind you in church, or the bully at school, or your own mother, or your little brother... we can't see into their hearts. But God can. Let Him give you words to say; a smile to share; and hug to give. It's important... and very urgent.

"Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."                 Romans 15:5-6


  1. I have often thought of encouragement as giving others the courage they need but do not have at the moment. Thank you for this excellent post. Your blog(s) have often been a breathe of fresh air for me when my heart was getting a little weighed down on life's journey. You (and your comments on my blog!) have been an encouragement to me. Thank you for living what you write. :)

  2. the music was wonderful ;-)

    so soothing and so like unto that which is within me...............

  3. what a blessed communion i had with Our Father after hearing the music. and i didn't know what the song was, i just knew the music was within me and then it was revealed to me that the song was "Morning Has Broken" which i have not heard for more than twenty-five, or so, years. in face i have not willfully listened to pre-recorded music with words in those twenty-five years.

    and today?

    that song, as i was bathed in tears of joy, became my theme song! All Thanks and Praise to Our Father!

    understanding will be yours when you read what follows, for it is that which Our Father has laid on my heart !

    came to me to post in a separate comment that which Our Father has laid on my heart, for could be you will have a conscience against posting such, and that is quite understandable.

    peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world....... francisco

  4. For francisco's beautiful Word-filled comments, look under the post Not My Will. Thanks.

  5. Kaysie, you have been on my mind a lot lately. Encouragement is something so wonderful. And even when we don’t get it from friends and family, turning to the Bible definitely gives us some!

  6. Thanks for the reminder! I will have to remember to encourage those around me more. What a wonderful thing- being an encourager like Barnabas. Thanks for encouraging me too. :)

  7. Thanks kaysie for sharing this great post with us. everybody needs encouragement, that's one thing i have come to understand....even our leaders in churches they need encouragement though most times we think they are different or strong enough to lead us.
    i pray that i will be a source of encouragement to many who come my way daily and even through my blog.
    Thanks my friend
    Have a blessed day.

  8. Spoken by a true encourager who is obviously very sensitive to the needs of others. Your posts are deep, inspiring and extremely encouraging. What a gift you have and freely share!

  9. I read several blogs but hardly ever comment unless I have something on my heart about the topic posted. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your sweet and refreshing blog. I'm probably not the only person who reads blogs but hardly comments which just shows that you'll probably never know the number of people you touch.

  10. You all don't know what a great encouragement you have just given me... thank you!

  11. Hey sis,
    What a great post! It really spoke to me!
    Encouragement is something I take so lightly, not thinking about how important, and urgent it is.
    I've read and heard that verse in Hebrews alot, but never thought of how urgent Encouragement is!
    Thank you for such a wonderful post!

  12. This post was great! I know I need encouragement so I have a heart to encourage others. It is a real need to keep eachother excited and radiant for God. I love the verse you found in Hebrews!


  13. Very good post. Encouragement is always a huge blessing! I need to be certain that I'm an encouragement to others! I always want to encourage people to live their lives for our wonderful Saviour!

  14. WOW!!! What an amazing post! all the time I spend reading your blogs, e-mailing, and just being with you, really does encourage me a lot! :)

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