I am happy to introduce a special friend of mine who has brought so much encouragement to me in this blogging world. May you be blessed just as I was by getting a glimpse into her heart as she testifies of the Lord's workings in her life.
Greetings and salutations! My name is Kassandra, but most know me as "Kasie." I've been homeschooled all my life, and at 16 years of age I'm the 7th of 8 children and an Aunt of 18 nieces and nephews! My heart's desire is to fulfill God's purpose for my life, to serve Him and give Him glory in everything I do. I'm not planning on any major career in the world, neither to sit idly at home and waste my single years, but preparing for a future of marriage and motherhood, if the Lord wills it. My family will testify to the fact that I'm a pretty outgoing and excitable sort who greatly enjoys to laugh and sometimes be silly. I like riding horses, drinking tea, playing music, and being outside. The thing I love most is to be surrounded by those I love most; my dear family and friends.
1) How and when did you first come to know Jesus as your Lord?
I was six years old when I accepted Jesus into my heart, having been lead to Him by my loving parents one evening sitting on the living room couch. I was baptized the next week at church, along with my brother and sister, and thus began my walk following Christ. To be honest however, I don't think I realized (or at least, chose not to realize) the extent of God's love for me and the amazing sacrifice He made for me until I was about 11. I grew up in a Christian home where God was the center of everything. It was merely apart of our lifestyle to pray and read the Bible every morning, to sing songs about Jesus and be active in the church - I thought it was what every family did! As I grew older I saw the consequences of shunning Jesus, and not living a godly life. And over time the Lord showed me that it was not enough to simply go through the motions of being a Christian, but that He wanted
all of me, and for me to
truly love Him and love serving Him. At age 13 I officially rededicated my life to Christ; a couple years later I received the Holy Spirit and have, since those times in my life, looked at my walk with God with new eyes. Though the road has been bumpy and full of trials since then, the Lord has been incredibly faithful and has given me grace beyond measure!
2) What has been the biggest change in your life as a result of salvation?
I'm not sure exactly how to answer, since I don't remember much of my life before I was saved. However, I do remember the biggest change in my life after my 'rededication': I live with purpose. No longer do I drift from day-to-day being a Christian just because everyone else around me was, but because Christ died for
me! and He wants me! My life has a purpose and
I matter to Him. 3) What is your favorite thing about Jesus?
He never gives up on me, even if I do. If it isn't enough that He died on the cross for my sins, He still wants me even when I've behaved terribly, and gives me grace and forgiveness over and over again. He is always faithful. He picks me up when I fall down and gives me strength to move on.
4) What do you feel God's purpose for your life is? I believe that one day I will be married and have children, in which case my purpose would be to support and love my husband and raise a family for the glory of God. The Lord has yet to reveal to me what exactly He wants me to do in between after highschool and then (I'm not getting a degree at college), but I know that He will when the time comes. As a Christian I will always have one main, important purpose; to tell others of the Gospel and share God's love.
5) What is the hardest thing for you to live out as a set apart woman? Just that: being set apart. But let me explain... You don't have to know my family long in order to realize that we're different, that our standards and principles aren't the same as a lot Christians and some homeschoolers. I've never liked that. I couldn't stand it when people would stare at me in disbelief when I told them I wasn't allowed to go to a youth group, or perhaps another church function (note: this is not meant to speak against these in any way!) My brothers and sister could care less what others thought, but to me it was awful. It seems I've experienced a lot of this over the past year especially, and I hated being reminded that I was different from everyone else. But, once again, the Lord used that season in my life for me to learn, and with His help and the help of my family, I did! Now I understand that God loves variety and has made each of us different for a reason, as families and as individuals. In the family of God we are all His children, and each of us are unique and special in our own way.
6) What woman has impacted your walk with God more than anyone else? My dear, loving, caring Mom! As a mature Christian she has been able to share with us - her children - many life lessons and experiences that have been very helpful. I admire Mom for raising 8 children and homeschooling most of us, for her skill in mentoring many mothers and helping them with pregnancies, births, homeschooling and child training (can you tell she likes babies and children? :-), and for bringing God into the picture with everything. She has such a spark about her, and she has great trust in the Lord that nothing seems to dishearten her (though she would probably say otherwise). I love you Mom! You're a blessing and encouragement!
7) In your daily walk with God, what are a few things that you do to remain renewed and focused on God? That is something I've recently been meditating and working on. I want it to be that I'm constantly thinking about Him, praying and worshiping Him throughout my daily routines. However, as a sinner who's thoughts are constantly wanting to stray from God's word and as a work in progress, I'm not there yet. :-) But, as I mentioned earlier, the Lord is so faithful
and extremely patient with me, His foolish child. It's a great help to me to have visual reminders set about the house; scripture verses on the wall and praising and including Him more in my everyday speech. Where I feel closest to God is when I'm outside; just to take a walk in our field or by the roadside turns my mind to the wonder of God's creation and what He has done for me!
8 ) If you could say one thing to other Christian girls what would you say? God made you different for a very special reason. He knows what's best, and He loves you the way He created you. Don't be afraid to excel and rejoice in your uniqueness and give Him all you've got!
9) What do you do to entertain yourself? I read, take a walk or play outside, experiment with baking and cooking, sew, do crafts, and work on projects outside (there's always work to be done on our land!), and in the evenings I like to watch movies or old T.V. shows with my family. One of my passions is music. I play the piano, violin, mandolin and tin whistle, and I love practicing on all of them! My prayer is that my family (who are all musical) and I can bless others and bring glory to God with our music.
10) What are some of your favorite books?Not including the Bible, my favorites are (in no particular order)
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis,
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin (and others by her as well),
Little Women and
The Inheritance by Louisa May Alcott,
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien,
Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris,
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott,
To Have and To Hold by Mary Johnston, and
Daughters of Destiny by Noelle Wheeler (yes I know, it's mostly fiction!). Believe me, I love many many more works as well, but I can only list so many!
11) What is one of your favorite things to do in the course of a day? Any of my hobbies, which I try to include between school, housekeeping and making meals. However, what I really love is to have people over! When we lived in N.Y. state our home was always a flurry of excitement, with our friends and family stopping by, fellowshipping or enjoying our pool outside - it was great! I hope that our new home here in Tennessee would one day be like that too - it seems to be off to a good start!
12) What is your favorite bible verse? "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." ~1 Cor. 10:31 Could I rephrase that to
one of my favorite Bible verses? :-)
13) As far as music goes, who is your favorite artist and why? (Also name a couple of your favorite songs)Steven Curtis Chapman, because of his solid faith in God that shows through his music; Paul Baloche, for his heartfelt humble songs that are great to worship with; and Casting Crowns for their well written songs full of truth we all need to hear. I also like Jeremy Camp, Third Day, Kathryn Scott, Mark Shultz, and Brian Dierkson. My favorite songs include "Strength Will Rise," "Greater Song," "Hungry," "Revelation Song," "Praise You in this Storm," and "Give You Glory" just to name a few.
14) Can you describe yourself in one word? Uh...no. :-) However, I've asked my sister Angie, and she suggests "expressive." It's hard to think of only
one, since there are many words that would accurately describe me! I think it works though.
15) What is your favorite quote? (From someone other than Christ) Something my Dad used to tell all his kids; "Always shoot for the stars, and if you don't hook onto one of them, you'll be sure to grab at least a planet!" It's such a blessing to have such an encouraging Dad who's with you all the way!
16) What is your favorite thing about this blog? Kaysie's simple sweet character, her childlike faith in the Lord, her encouragement and friendship. Also her consistent helpful posting - every good blog needs that! :-) May God continue to bless your writings Kaysie!
Awww, Kasie, that is so sweet of you. And I thank you for your friendship as well. You have truly been a blessing to me through your emails and comments. May the Lord continue to draw you closer to Him.