Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Quote


"Hold fast to Jesus both in life and death

and commit yourself to His steadfast love,

for He alone can help you when all others fail.

Your Beloved is such that He admits no other rival;

He wants your heart all to Himself

and desires to reign there as a King on His Own throne."

~ Thomas a' Kempis 


  1. I love remembering that Jesus is MY Beloved - how precious!

  2. Beautiful! I copied this into my journal.

  3. Hello Kaysie! I just found your blog - it's such a treasure! :) Just wanted to say, the quote is lovely - I also copied it down. I added your blog to my blogroll, might you add mine to yours? I really am blessed by your blog, the title in itself is enough food-for-thought. Blessings to you today! :)

  4. Hi, I just dropped by to say thank you for commenting on my Titus 2 post. Your comment was very helpful.
