Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Press On


"...I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them all but rubbish that I may gain Christ ... that I may know Him ... Not that I have already obtained it or become perfect, but I press on so that I may laid hold of that for which also was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on..." Philippians 3:8, 10, 12-14

Behold one of my favorite Scripture passages. These verses are simply amazing, and they speak deeply to me, giving purpose and vision for life, sufferings, past scars, and future glory.

In view of what I have shared with you in the past two posts (first and second), I wanted to fully clarify the profound biblical attitude we are called to have in respect to past scars and hardships. I feel that sometimes I can convince myself to be thankful for the scars I bear, but truthfully I fool myself and bury the sincere regret and bitterness towards past pain, harsh words, trapping conflict, and physical marring instead of embracing the joyful attitude we are called to have in Christ.

For some of us, it is really tough to let go of the past mistakes and painful events and rejoice in the future. What happened to us hurt... really bad. How can we just forget about that and say, "Oh yes, I am so thankful for my scars..." without feeling deceptive and fake?

These verses hold the strength and hope we look for.

We must pray and strive for the upward attitude Paul possessed to be able to utter such profound words. He viewedeverything as loss, as nothing, in view of the surpassing value - the exceeding worth - of knowing Jesus Christ. Paul definitely had reasons to boast and he certainly had reasons to be ashamed. But it didn't matter anymore. He viewed knowing Jesus as the chief treasure and prize of living life, suffering hardships, and living in victory.

Paul wasn't perfect, and neither are we, but there is only one thing we can do to obtain holy perfection and godly maturity: PRESS ON. Forget what lies behind and reach forward with all you have, and press on. Whatever is holding you back, whether it be your scars, or past failures, or present defeat, lay it at the cross and surrender whatever it is to Christ. Then get up and walk away - and persevere.

The verse does not simply say, "Now just forget about what lies behind." God gives us further and needed direction: "Reach forward to what lies ahead, and press on!" This is an entirely different mental course. It is as if you stop looking back over your shoulder and turn your head to focus and reach for what is in front of you, to what lies ahead.

"And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus..." (Heb. 12:1-2)

This is my encouragement to you dear friends... press on in this life of faith. Don't keep looking back. Look ahead. Look at Jesus.


  1. Thank you for the encouragement and extra confirmation. After having experienced severe hurt and pain in 2007, the Lord has taught me many lessons for which I am grateful.....but He also gave me little "nuggets of truth" from His Word to help me press on and not look back.
    1. "Remember not former things....behold I will do a new thing."
    2. "God is in the midst of her....God shall help her".
    3. "This is the way....walk ye in it."
    In Christ, we can press on with joy!!!
    Thank you Kaysie!

  2. Philippians 3 is one of my favorite passages! I saw a comment you made on another blog, and decided to look at yours. I'm very glad that I did!

  3. Kaysie, you are right. It is hard to let go of the past. Sometimes, I still struggle with certain areas, and I can wonder if I have let them go. But God is good, and even when we don't think we can, He enables us to Press On!

  4. This is a really great post, Kaysie! (and one of my many favorites). Those verses are really wonderful, in the too often times where I mess up, they say to 'press on' and give it all to Jesus! thanks for sharing.

  5. This passage was last year's theme of the girls' camp we go to in the summer.

    "Whatever is holding you back, whether it be your scars, or past failures, or present defeat, lay it at the cross and surrender whatever it is to Christ."

    That part especially spoke to my heart. Thank you, Kaysie!

  6. Sara, what great "nuggets" you have shared! It never ceases to amaze me in the way(s) God comforts us as individuals and as His body. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren, thanks so much for stopping by! I truly hope God speaks to your heart and you are encouraged. Philippians 3 is an amazing chapter... I love it!

    Ella, thanks for sharing your heart. It is hard to let go of some things, but God has called us to do hard things. :) You are so right, God is amazingly good to us - He gives us the courage and strength to press on!

    Camille, thanks for your comment. I just love those verses... what encouragement for the times that we all mess up. You are a blessing!

    Bryant, I am so thankful that the Lord spoke to your heart through this post! We are to hold nothing back from Jesus... what a blessing!

  7. You've been tagged!!!!
    you can get the rules over at our blog:)


  8. Thank you for your excellent follow-up post. I am not yet able to be completely sincere when I say I am thankful for my scars. They hurt. A lot. But I am so grateful for them in the sense that they have pointed my eyes to the future. Never have I longed for Heaven so much. Never have I yearned so hard for my dear Savior's comforting arms. I love this quote from C.S. Lewis: “If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world” No experience can satisfy, but each circumstance can make us treasure what is to come even more. I love reading your blog, it is such a drink of cool water for my thirsting heart. It was actually a post you did on Heaven at inlovewithchrist that caught my attention, and now I love reading your blogs. Thank you again.

  9. Kaysie! This is just what I needed to read! I have so much trouble letting go of the past...I always ponder on past hurts and scars. This only makes me become sad and depressed though. Thank you for the encouragement to look ahead of all those hurts and to run the race well!

