Sunday, March 23, 2008

Not My Will

images1I have been doing a lot of pondering and meditating on Jesus these past few days (as I am sure most of you have), specifically about His relation to the cross in the light of what holiday we are celebrating today. And through my reflections on His sufferings, torment, and His ultimate victory, the quality that has struck me deepest is His complete surrender to God’s will. Let’s remember that Jesus was Himself God too, but yet He set aside His own preferences in order to obey His Father’s will, even when that meant the cruelest of deaths for Jesus.

Evidenced by the deep anguish is His voice in the Garden of Gethsemane, surrendering His will to God was a difficult and painful experience: “Then He said to them (the disciples), “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me.” And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me: yet not as I will, but as You will.”” Matthew 26:38-39

Application for us lies in the question and demonstration of if our lives are lived following our own wills rather than God’s.  Am I daily taking up my cross and following Jesus, denying myself with all my desires, interests, and preferences? The answer to that should be revealed by what kind of life I live and who’s orders and interests I follow.

This mentality is not easy to apprehend, if fact, it goes against everything in us. The cross is heavy. But by the power of the Spirit, when we are weak He is made strong. Jesus has went before us and can sympathize with our weaknesses and frailties. He gives a much needed grace.

Making God’s interests our interests is the mindset we must come to in order to slip into the easy and light yoke with Christ and where we find rest for our souls. Come to Jesus... “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him take up his cross...” “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest...”

Like Christ’s suffering resulted in ultimate glory and praise, our suffering for the cross and denial of self results in glory. God has abundantly rewarded His Holy Son for the sacrifice Jesus made for God’s will. God is the great Rewarder and Comforter that He promises in His Word. And although final reward for us is presented when Jesus comes again, God is merciful in that He gives grace for the road; suppling rest for the soul, peace to the heart, and hope for the mind.

Let us come to Jesus this day and embrace His will for us, knowing full well of His promised rewards and the comforts that await us here and also in heaven where He is waiting for us.


  1. Hey Sweet Sis,
    Thanks for the reminder that there is a great reward for our complete surrender. I too am awed by our sweet Savior's ultimate surrender to such painful circumstances, and for sinners such as me. It's just really amazing and humbling isn't it?
    I love you Kaysie and thanks for the wonderful post!

  2. hello kaysie
    i hope you had a great easter season.
    Thanks for sharing with us this message.even as we celebrate easter and the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us, we need to know that His will is what is best for us. no matter our desires and interests....infact what we want may be dangerous to us, or may hurt us....But His will is absolutely best for us...what we need to do is surrender to His will.

    Thanks my friend for sharing
    In Him

  3. Courtney, my dear sister, yes it is AMAZING and humbling when we truly realize the great sacrifice Jesus made for us... truly humbling. Thanks for your comment!

    Sylvia, thanks so much for your comment! You are right, it is always best for us to follow God's will instead of ours, because our desires can be dangerous and selfish. God knows best.
    Hope you had a GREAT Easter, dear sister in Christ!

  4. Denying our desires daily is a lot easier said than done, isn't it?

  5. Thanks so much. I needed the reminder of when we are week the Lord is strong!

  6. "This mentality is not easy to apprehend, if fact, it goes against everything in us. The cross is heavy. But by the power of the Spirit, when we are weak He is made strong. Jesus has went before us and can sympathize with our weaknesses and frailties. He gives a much needed grace."

    So true, Kaysie! It makes me sing "alleuia!"

  7. quite something that you posted what i believe i have received in the "not my will" portion of your heart. the following poem will add confirmation to the move and the song i will send you seperately in an e-mail will also render confirmation.

    oh, and btw, when i am on the web your website is active so that i can bathe my"self" in the heartfelt music. helps to keep me where i shoud be, In HIS Spirit! the poem follows:

    The "I" Must Die!

    In as much as i can 'see',
    That which is of the 'I' in me,

    So it is i yearn, and to Our Father cry,
    For deliverance from all that is of the 'I'.

    The 'I', born of "imag"ination and selfish desire,
    As lust, greed, and pride, stoked a consuming fire ;-(

    A fire burning out of control, as 'I' leads the way,
    It's smoke concealing the fleshly minded lies that lead one astray ;-(

    Yet even in the smoke, searing heat, and blindness of 'sight',
    Truth can pierce the blackness of darkness,
    revealing "The Light" ;-)

    And nothing can hide from "The Light", so "Light"
    reveals the "I",
    Allowing one to "see" clearly, and clearly the "I" must die!

    But to live, yet die, seems an impossible task,
    And so we need of "Our Father", the impossible to ask.

    Help me to "deny myself(die to self)(die to 'I')" Father!

    And as HE Helps, HE reveals more and more of "The Selfless One",

    The One Who leads His Brethren on "The Way to The
    Truth of The Life".

    He Who was, and is The Messiah, The Son of The
    Living GOD!

    And as The Messiah desired above all else, so also will His Brethren desire, "Father(Creator), not my will, But THY Will Be Done"!

    The poem i have recorded above was begun in Creel, Chih, Mexico in '93. Left Mexico in '93 and returned in '04. Then on 1/26/05 the poem was completed, and "completion' is near for each and every one. And for "the poor and needy", Thankfully so!

    Thanks Be To "Our Father"!

    Translated, "caterpillar to butterfly" indeed and Truth....... Home at last!

    Forever free from The "I".

    And while there is breath(spirit) there is hope many will "see",
    "see" The "I" for what it is, and then desire to be set free!

    "And The SPIRIT that was in The Messiah shall set you free", "free indeed"!

    So, There Is Hope!

    For Miracles do happen!

    Hope is there would be those who experience The Miracle that is receiving "a love of The Truth" for they will "see" Reality and "see" that Life is of The SPIRIT (not seen with the natural eye), The Life is of The SPIRIT, not of the flesh or fleshly mind!

    Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(unbelief) that is of this world....... francisco
    (Returned to this place called the u.s. of a. in June of '05, yet to return to the simplicity that is rural mexico is "MY" desire, yet i realize that in all things it must be "Father(Great SPIRIT), not my will, But THY Will Be Done!)
