Thursday, March 6, 2008

I've been Tagged...

23493166.jpgI have been tagged by the sweet ladies at Handmaidens with a Mission to write 7 "weird" things about me... so here it goes! (I hope you all will still be my friends...) 

In return, I have tagged 7 more people named at the end of this post.


 Here are the Rules:

 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as the links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


Kaysie's facts:

1. I make really strange noises while I sleep (to the great annoyance of my sisters...)

2. When I am driving alone, I turn up the music really loud

3. I absolutely love the smell of my laptop

4. It is a daily necessity for me to laugh, a lot. Sometimes I go into my sister's bedroom and plead with them to make me laugh.

5. I am allergic to dairy products

6. I love to dance when no one is looking

7. I eat 2 or 3 apples a day


I tag:

Courtney and Carley at Radiant Daughters 

Sara at Simply Sanctified

Phylicia at A Quill and Inkwell

Jimena at Do Good and Communicate

Amy at Because He Lives

Ella at How Great is His Faithfulness

Allison at Set Apart


Hope you all enjoyed! :)


  1. Well, I knew you were allergic to dairy products, and I knew you made weird noises while you sleep... that's about it! :)

  2. How fun to read these! I do the same with the volume of music when I'm by myself. :)

  3. What exactly does your laptop smell like? :-)

  4. ... clean, powerful technology - just waiting to perform! :)
    I know I'm weird... I just like the smell! :)

  5. I love my laptop, too! ;)

  6. Apples. I like apples! Laughs; I can't do without those either. Thankfully though, with little nieces and nephews about me, I don't need to search hard to find those. Loud music and dancing is good, my family doesn't eat dairy, but laptop smells? strange noises in your sleep? Wow. :-) That's, cool! :-)

  7. I'm not allergic to dairy products, but I'm allergic to cows. :-)


  8. I always love getting to know someone more - especially when I learn random and interesting facts!!! How fun!!!!

  9. It's funny how things work... What goes around comes around... Anyway, Phylicia tagged me and then I tagged Erin who also tagged Ella whom you originally tagged....

    Tags are funny

  10. Haha...I totally agree with you on numbers 2, 5, & 6. :)

  11. [...] 1, 2008 by kaysie I have been tagged by Kasie to write six random things about me. I think I have done something like this before, but I’m sure I can muster up six more random facts about myself, since I am very, uh, [...]
