Monday, May 25, 2009

love the bird, dear


This morning brought a thump
upon my window
I peered out to see a bird
fallen from his flight
crumbled, broken, shaking in fear,
limp from impact, his feathers askew.

My heart retreated for protection,
never to love a dying creature.
For pain can only be gained, this I know.
Chided by the Lord at my frigid heart,
I heard strong whispers, "Love the bird, dear, love the bird..."
Why? For what profit? It is dead for sure...

"If you never love the dying--
you shall never love at all"

Sisters and mother gathered to the window.
I wanted to shelter them for despair,
"I think he is gone, don't look for long."
Mom said a prayer, "Jesus heal this poor bird,"
and I stood from afar and scoffed,
"The bird is dead -- don't waste a prayer."

Minutes inched by, the bird began blinking--
we all stared in wonderment.
I walked outside and nudged him with a branch...
Up and away he flew into a crayola blue sky
healed and alive -- living to fly again.
My heart smarted from conviction:

If I never love the dying--
I shall never love at all.


  1. That truly is lovely, Kaysie. So true--we need to love the dyin moments in our life in order to really appreciate the others.

  2. That's beautiful. :) What a lovely testimony of the Lord's love and power and, on top of that, a reminder to His children. :)

    Thanks for penning this beauty. :)

  3. Precious words!! It is always a rich joy and blessing
    to visit you dear friend and be inspired in the faith!!!!!

    Love & Blessings~ Jen

  4. That is so beautiful! It's so easy to fall into hiding from anything that could hurt us... thank you for this wonderful reminder.

  5. Ella, thank you. :) You are right.

    Merry, thanks! Glad it was a blessing to you.

    Miss Jen, why thank you! It is always a blessing to hear from you! :)

    Stephanie Joy, thanks! Yes it is... and this is a reminder I need very often!

  6. What a great reminder, Kaysie! I love your poems...they're always so beautiful and hold so much truth.

  7. Wonderful .. Reminds me of the saying not a sparrow falls to the earth and HE God the creator does not take notice of it..

    great words Kasie , you command them well.

  8. Arianna, thank you! I am glad you like poetry -- I really enjoy trying my hand at it. :)

    Royalblood, that verse came to my mind also after it was all over. Thanks for the encouragement.

  9. Dear Kaysie,
    Wow! It has been a while! I missed you so much -- this poem is beautiful too. I missed your writing as well! I am back blogging (again!) and will be visiting again often! Love you girl!

  10. I liked this poem about the dying bird
    prayer,... faith, and it's reward.

    He does see every sparrow that falls, and He also sees all of our needs,...and says that we are of even more value than the sparrows.

    This was an awesome reminder toi trust in Him!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  11. It was nice to catch up on some of your writing, Kaysie. :-) Thanks for your comment on our wedding video! I hope you're doing well.

  12. That... was dope. Encouraging to see your flourishing love for God!

  13. Now Kaysie, it is not very like you to be so sparse in posting. ;)

    Just thought I'd say hi and I hope you're doing well. <3

  14. Yes, if not for love, where would we be today? We were dying and broken and then....Christ's love. What a beautiful and overwhelming thing to behold.

  15. Bouquets to you Kaysie!! What an inspiration your attitude and attributes are to others!

    You go my precious sister in Christ!

  16. I love it, Kaysie!
    U've got great talent in writing... :D
    You've inspired me to write for goodness too! :D

  17. I love that - its completely inspiring, I needed to hear that. Thank You!
