Wednesday, May 20, 2009

an embrace that can't be torn asunder

24983871What is it that I love in loving You? You are the light that shines into my soul which no physical place can contain, where time does not snatch away the lovely sound, where no breeze disperses the sweet fragrance, where no eating diminishes the food, and where there is an embrace that can't be torn asunder. This is what I love when I love my God.

What is this God? I asked the earth, and it answered, "I am not He." Everything in the earth made the same confession. I asked the sea and the deeps and the creeping things, and they replied, "we are not your God; seek above us." I asked the fleeting winds, and the entire air with its inhabitants answered, "I am not God." I asked the heavens, the sun, moon, and stars; and they answered, "Neither are we the God whom you seek."

I replied to all these things that surround me: "You have told me about my God, that you are not He. Tell me something about Him." With a loud voice they all cried out, "He made us." My question had come from observing them, and their reply came from their beauty of order.

Isn't this beauty of form visible to all whose senses are unimpaired? Why, then, does it not say the same things to all? Animals, both great and small, see but are unable to question its meaning. Their senses are not endowed with the reason that would enable them to judge the evidence their senses report.

-St. Augustine


  1. This is beautiful, Kaysie! Where did you find it?! If it's from a published volume of St. Augustine's writings, which I've been wanting, I may just have to crack and get it! That was so inspiring. I wish I could sit for hours and ponder those words, but alas! I have class to prepare for and then attend.

  2. All I can say is:
    Thus says the LORD,
    Who gives the sun for light by day
    And the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night,
    Who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar;
    The LORD of hosts is His name...
    Jeremiah 31:35

  3. Hey Kaysie! I haven't stopped by your blog in awhile, but I've been getting email updates from your posts. I hope you are doing well...I absolutely love this quote!

  4. Lori, isn't it SO lovely?! I actually have no idea where it came from -- I found it surfing through random blogs awhile back and just copied it down from there. Sorry I am not more helpful! :)

    Caroline, amen! :)

    Sara, good to hear from you! I am going great, thank you. I am glad you liked this quote. I love it too.

  5. Kaysie,
    As I was doing a search pertaining to alabaster, vial,box,etc. for a ladies' study I am doing...I found you. How precious that you are in this generation...for such at time as this. I have a daughter around your age (so much like you) She is serving in China through August and then back to complete her last semester in college. We too live in TN. I just wanted to ask a question. Is the quote on your site that reads..."A woman's heart shoud be so hidden in Christ..." original ? And may I include it in one of my classes (this one is a 9th grade girls' Bible class).
    Blessings as you run hard after God,

  6. Sherry, welcome, and thank you for your encouragement! :) Hope you can stop by again. The quote you mentioned is not mine, but rather (I think) it should be credited to Max Lucado -- (look in this comment section - ) So feel free to use it in your study. It is such a beautiful quote. :)

  7. Amazing writing style. I really enjoyed this post in particular. :)

  8. Love this - the first paragraph especially!
    God bless you today girl! :D

  9. I found this incredible and thought-provoking quote in St. Augustine's Confessions, Book 10, Chapter 6. Now I want to read more! I may have to "crack and get it" too! : )

    Kaysie, I so love your thoughts and ponderings. I, too, am joyful that such depth is coming from such a young woman. I am 61 and know that God is doing a beautiful work in you. Thank you for sharing you with us.

    He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11a

  10. Caleb, glad you enjoyed it! :)

    Stephanie, the first paragraph is my favorite as well! God bless you too!

    Linda, why thank you for the citation. And thank you for your encouragement. It really means a lot. I hope to continue plunging deeper into Christ and writing about the process. :) Hope you visit again.

  11. Hi Kaysie,
    What a beautiful quote...
    I tried to read Confessions, just for fun... for the education...
    but I really struggled to get through it. Probably if I could read Latin; I would have enjoyed it more.
    I was wondering...
    Have you read anything by a man named Kierkegaard?
    I am really enjoying this book that I found called "Provocations" by Plough Publishing House.
    I guess I always assosciated him with existintialism, but I have developed a real fondness for his writings. He kinda reminds me of C.S. Lewis in that he's amazingly intellegent, yet keeps it simple enough for me to understand and enjoy! I really like the chapter that I read was about how needing God is perfection. I love that.
