Sunday, June 7, 2009

let's see if I can turn this into a blog post...

23024475Have I forgotten how to write? You might assume I have seeing that the blog posts have been rather scarce lately. Honestly I have tried to get together several posts but nothing seems to be flowing correctly. Just for the record, I am working on finishing some posts answering the questions you all asked a few weeks ago, but that too is under lagging construction. Just so you know that I haven't fallen off the planet (or blogosphere), I am sending out an "I am alive, but my pen stopped moving" post.

In other news, I am preparing to head to summer camp until late next week serving as a counselor to about +15 teenagers. I am excited/nervous about that -- I have been working on the study everyone will be going through and it is incredible to say the least. I pray God uses me in ways that only He can in these camper's lives. So, if no new posts pop out next week I have a better excuse than what I am attempting to offer right now. If you wouldn't mind praying for me I would be SO GRATEFUL. This is going to be an intense week of study/mentoring/exercise.

I shall close with a few scraps of poetry I have been playing with. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
Your words are the deepest channel
constant and strong
soothing famished roots and broken souls.

When I plunge deeper
You are deeper still, faithfully restoring
perfect strength and living hope.

When I grow shallow and my soil turns to dust
You send water from the heavens
and revive my weakened trust.

You are near, always deeper
than my mind could ever plummet.
You are below me, all around me
a song that can't escape my head.


  1. Have fun at camp! I'm going this week as a camper and am very excited! My older brother is a counselor and my dad is speaking. I've gone to this amazing Bible camp for about 7 years and I love it! I have made some really great friends and I'm looking forward to just spending a week away from everything, hanging with friends, being in nature, and focusing on God. God bless!

  2. I just know that you will do great with the young people at the summer camp. You have such a gift of encouraging others :)

  3. I am totally where you are at. I have been in a case of writer's block for quite a while now, and it is driving me crazy!!! I hope both of us get out of it. ;-)

  4. I hope you have a marvelous summer camp, Kaysie!!! :>)
    As always I am inspired and refreshed by visiting you!!!!!

    With Much Love in Christ~ Jen

  5. Hi Kaysie

    Years ago, I was one of the cooks at camp and though it was hard work, I loved it. I met some great folks, and I am definitely a nature person. God's beauty is so awesome. You will do great, and Yes I am praying for you. YOU GO GIRL!!!!

  6. Have fun at camp :) I am heading off camp as well to be a counselor! Definately a challenge but WOW what a God given opportunity :) I will be praying for you...Blessings :)

  7. I hope you have a wonderful, rejuvenating time at camp.

    I go through those spells too when I just can't seem to compose a worthy post. Usually it's when I really busy living life or when I'm worn out from giving out and I just need some refreshment.

    Don't worry about it. We'll still be here when the inspiration hits again.

  8. Prayers will be lifted on your behalf .
    May the Word of God be your manual of instruction when souls of children are placed in your care..Great is the responsibility of those who are placed in such position.
    Kasey no pressure intended..

    God is good you have proven that God speaks through you and in you.. I hope the kids learn from you .Most importantly i hope you learn from them also.
    safe camp.

  9. Hey Kaysie! I hope you have fun at camp while spreading God's love and joy to others as you are so wonderful at doing! I'm praying for you and for the campers you willl be w/. That God will open their hearts to receive His word and that you will have confidence and peace in all that Christ will accomplish though you!
    Love you girl, caroline

  10. "When I plunge deeper
    You are deeper still, faithfully restoring
    perfect strength and living hope."

    Wow! I love this! So true!
