Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Questions from the Audience

25379634Hello my blogging audience. It seems I am needing a little inspiration to get back motivated with my blogging, so I thought I would open a post for questions from my readers (that means you!). I will try to answer you questions in a following post in a few days. Questions can range from blogging (which, obviously, you may not want my advice on), Christianity, my life, books, music, femininity, or anything else you might think of. Maybe some of the answers can spark another train of thought I can salvage into a future blog post(s). Ask and you shall recieve. :)

(ps. the picture has nothing to do with this post, I just thought that the cupcake looked so good and I am really hungry.)


  1. Hey Kaysie... I guess something that's been coming up a lot for me at the moment is: How in the world do we as women deal with our crazy up and down emotions, particularly from a Biblical perspective? Have you had experiences like this, and what did you do?

    And what tea did you drink while you were doing it? :P

    All the best and don't rush...

  2. Hmmmm.... I like Kit's suggestion, indeed! :)

    Oh, Kaysie.... that cupcake looks SO good
    and it's funny that you posted that picture
    cause I am baking a ton of mini cupcakes this week
    for our Church's spring tea.... ;)

    Many Blessings to you dear sister in the Lord!

    Love in Him,

  3. As a mother of a fourteen year old daughter and seeing that you are a 21 year old young lady, I have a few questions.

    -How do you combat the world's pressure to be a certain way or do certain things?

    -Can you recommend ways for moms and teen daughters to stay connected and enjoy one another's company?

    -Can you share a bit about your teen years, your struggles, your victories, decisions you made, how you developed into a lovely young lady of God?

    -Will you share some things that your parents did right in the teen years, things that helped you and that you really appreciate?

    -What is your take on facebook and some of the social networking sites out there?

    -What purposeful steps do you take to remain close to the Lord and pure?

    Okay, I'll shut up now!

  4. Great question, Kit! I struggle with this too!

  5. What are your thoughts on dressing modestly? I've heard lots of people say that girls can't be modest unless they wear skirts or dresses. I would love to know what you think about this. By the way, I love your blog.

  6. Oooo... I love this idea! We are trying something like this with our moms over on Imperishable Beauty but it isn't working out the best. We are still waiting for some good questions but in the mean time we will most likely have our moms give their testimonies/bios to open up future questions. It's hard to ask a person questions when you know so little about them. But anyway, here are some questions I have for you.

    - What influenced your choice to be a stay at home daughter? Also, what influenced your choice to later do distance education?

    - How would you describe waiting on the Lord to bring you a spouse in His good and perfect timing? Do you think that some people are called to be single either for an extended period of time or for a lifetime? What do you think on trying to... "enhance" your possibilities of getting married by purposefully trying to be around single, godly men or by some other means? (My friends and I have been talking about such things lately so I was wondering for your opinions.)

    - What are some of the best and worst advice you have ever been given?

    - What books have challenged, inspired, encouraged, ect you the most?

    I could probably come up with but the Chamomile tea that my wonderful mother just bought me today is calling my name as well as a book that I want to finish tonight. God bless you Kaysie!

  7. Hi Kaysie! I love this idea. I am so sad that my own blog has been in a drought lately. Then again, I feel like I have been in a drought. My faith in God and salvation haven't wavered. I have no doubt that my strength to deal with the world comes from God, as do all of the blessings I have been given. But my inspiration and my resolve to boldly pursue the Lord have definitely fainted away. My prayer and devotional life have also withered.

    This leads me to my question, what inspires you to keep pursuing God, through reading the Bible or other spiritual books, on a daily basis? I have struggled with this for so long. Every time I find something that works for a little while, I think I have found something that I will stick to, but inevitably life gets in the way.

    Thank you for all of your inspiring and thought-provoking words. I greatly appreciate them.


  8. Hi Kaysie!
    I was wondering what book you're reading now?
    I know you'll probably think me quite silly, but I'm in the middle of "Jane Eyre", one of my favs. I enjoy your blog a lot. I am interested to see your answers to Bonita's questions. I'm 20, and I still have a lot to learn, but...
    I believe that relationships are two ways. My Mom and I are best friends, but this wouldn't be so without the Lord's abundant grace, and my mother's amazing patience. I was adopted when I was a young teen. My last relationship with a mother was not very good. I didn't trust another mother! It took a long time, a lot of prayer, HUGE struggles, but in the end I learned that I needed to surrender my heart to the Lord. There's where it starts... If your heart is in the right spot, just where God has it, that's where you'll see change and beautiful relationships. Thanks Mom! But most of all thanks and praise to God. I know it; with Him all things are possible!

  9. Kaysie, I'm just wondering, what do you think about suicide?
