Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I emerge!

Wow -- I am a terrible blogger. Has it really been over two weeks since my last blog post?! Crazy.

Yesterday was the last day of my semester and I am trying on summer break to see how it feels. I think I like it. Finals went well enough; God was exceedingly merciful in so many ways, as He always is. Right now I am eager to jump into a new schedule and study some of my personal interests.

And I just now realized how much I've missed blogging.

Having a place to organize and share my (sometimes random) thoughts is helpful to me in many ways. I just hope I haven't disdained my readers by my lack of interaction! Well, I am back again, and to the few of you who still check this blog -- thank you -- and hopefully you will hear more from me soon.


  1. Yay! We're glad to have you back and writing more. We love those random thoughts almost as much as we love you. :) It's hard to keep up with everything in life and I know that I keep having to remind myself that there is a "season for everything" and to not try to do everything in one season. Summer gives so much wonderful time to do all those things that we just don't get around to in the rest of the year so we are caught up by September to start it all over again. ;) God bless you Kaysie!

  2. Olivia, thank you! :) I am sure glad to be back. I feel the close of one season and the opening of another. Hello summer! ;) Thank you for still reading.

  3. I've missed you dear Kaysie! ;)
    *hugs* So glad you are doing well!!

    Many Blessings~ Jen

  4. I've missed your posts, Kaysie, but I totally understand about getting busy and not having time to blog! I'm glad your finals went well, and I hope you enjoy Summer break ;) God bless,

  5. We've missed you too, Kaysie! Glad to hear you're back; hope to hear from you again soon. Kit.

  6. I'm so glad you're back! I've missed hearing from you and reading your blog posts! I knew you were trudging through finals and would emerge like a butterfly when they were done. I, myself, am still trudging through finals, but I hope to get back to blogging as soon as they're done (and as soon as I finish my book; I have less than 100 pages left).

    Anyway, good to hear from you again!

  7. Miss Jen -- thank you! I have missed your comments too!

    Arianna, thanks, I hope to enjoy my summer break as well. :)

    Kit, aww, you are all too sweet. It's good to be missed.

    Lori, I hope your finals are going well. Hope to see you around here again. God bless!

  8. Its good to see that you survived so gracefully under bellowing waves of school work.
    I knew were under the demands of school by your two week absence .To many it was a life time .. your words are Food from God and of course you are the spoon that bring it to us.
    God bless your return..
    We all await the good spiritual food God will send though you.

  9. Hello, my dear friend Kaysie! Never fret, I have been out of the blogging world a great deal myself....and I don't have college courses to blame it one....though I might (though that is for an e-mail)

    Anyway, I hope you are donig very well

  10. Royalblood, well thank you. Working on a couple of posts as I speak. :)

    Ella, good to hear! I feel terrible for ignoring everyone for so long. Shoot me an email anytime. I would love to hear what has been going on with you. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Hey, Kaysie! God showed me your blog a couple of months ago, and it has been such a blessing. I've been checking it almost every day, and was ecstatic to find you had posted. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights. You're such an inspiration to me. God bless!

  12. Welcome back to blogging!!! I enjoy your blogs. They have blessed my life. I was reading your info on your bible..The New Inductive Study Bible. I had purchased this bible a few years back but had decided to use a different study bible. Your blog motivated me to take it back out and I love it!!! Absolutely love it!! I am studying the prophets right now. I'm in Zechariah. I have completed Ezra and Nehemiah. These books are a wealth of hidden Truths!!! Love it!!! Keep blogging and sharing tips on great study bibles, bible studies etc.
