Monday, June 29, 2009

Action is Required.

23126304I was listening to someone talk about Christians the other day. Unfortunately the conclusion of the discussion ended with this thought: Christians are so apathetic.

We love the Word, we love hearing awesome speakers, we love getting together to discuss what we learn -- but we lack the motivation to do anything as a result of truth. This is why Jesus' words concluding the Sermon on the Mount were so powerful to me. Not only does Jesus demand that we hear His Word, but that we must act on what we have heard.
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell--and great was its fall." (Matt. 7:24-27 NASB)

If we would only follow our Master's example. He did not recline in heaven watching as we drifted further and further into destruction. He acted. He stepped into our story -- He became our story -- and changed the world forever. His action should motivate us to act on His words.

Why don't we act? I can only speak for myself: I hear His words -- and they are good -- but the action (or lack thereof) silently proves that either I don't believe Him to be true, or that I value my own opinion and complacently more than His demands. Both options are sinful -- and the result, as Jesus said, is destruction.
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing." (James 1:22-25 ESV)

So ... what action is God requiring you to take? What has He spoken to you? Have you heard His words and failed to move? Are you adding to the library of knowledge and failing to exercise application? These are the questions I ask myself today.


  1. Wow! You really hit the nail on the head. Shame on us for not acting on His Word. I know for me, I pray for the Lord to heighten spiritual senses and then when I feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit as I'm in the presence of a stranger (standing in a grocery line etc) to make conversation that leads to my sharing my faith I freeze up. Not because I don't know what to say or how to say it but just because I think I would be inconveniencing or disturbing the person. I will certainly do better because God's goal is that none is lost. The greatest gift I could give a person is the Gospel. We better get busy. I know I will. Praise the Lord for your blog!!!

  2. Hello Kaysie. I have been struggling with spending time with God alot, but just recently God has been speaking to me and breaking through the fog.

    I went to the doctor today and while I was in the waiting room I read in Matthew, and when I read the passage of the wise and foolish builders, I paused and read it again and again. It struck me. It's so awesome how God now brings me to your blog to read it once again. He surely is speaking and He is making His desires clear.

    I have missed the fresh insight you have in your writings. Why do I not read your heart more often? Ha.

    Hope you are doing well. God bless you.


  3. Amen Christ was an action man.
    His days were filled with meeting needs.
    and spreading the truth..
    Some feel content sitting and listening to sermons,receiving spiritual food.. but share nothing...
    It is impossible to have the Holy spirit and not share .. Its as far as the east is from the west.
    The Christ in is us is one of action ..
    See Paul see Steven see John the baptist,see joshua,See David,see Solomon, See Esther.
    Jesus moves us if you are sitting still for Jesus one needs to check himself gain ..

    Peace and love

  4. Thank you for this post Kaysie! It is so comforting to know that I'm not alone in having a difficult time acting when I should. I know that as I get closer to Christ, His desires for me will become easier to distinguish. I love how you share your personal battles with us.

  5. Love it! Putting feet to our faith! One of our youth pastors told our youth one night that their actions often determine what they believe. He stated that if they did not act according to God's word, or obey their parents or do what their teacher told them to do, it is because they believe they don't have to do so. He then stated that was a direct reflection of their heart. Wow! Incredibly convicting to think that I either don't believe God, or I place myself above Him by valuing my opinions or what I want over what He says. I love this post! Thanks for allowing me to lurk!

  6. Very Good food for thought! :)

    Blessings~ Jenny

  7. Hey Kaysie!

    I hope everything went well at the camp! I have missed your posts and have missed you! How were your classes this past semester?

    This is very true. I love your point here. Christians need a fire lit not only IN them, but UNDER them sometimes too :-)

    Love you~

  8. What a beautiful heart for Jesus. He led me here and I just wanted to let you know that our Daddy sees you and adores. Thank you for sharing your love with others. Rachel

  9. Action....apathy....Christians. Yes, I think we so fear failure we'd rather plan and talk than take action.

    My motto this year is: Take Action. Recently at a writers' conference, She Speaks, the leader suggested we take an action list with us throughout the conference and write down specific actions to keep us on track with all the inspiration coming at us.

    Great post.

  10. I never ever post but this time I will,Thanks alot for the great blog.
