Tuesday, June 23, 2009

home again

22290005So after 11 amazing days of camp -- I am home again. What an experience! Even today as I was thinking over all of the joys, trials, laughter, friendships, breakthroughs ... my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude. God is faithful. God is near. God is at work.

Thank you to everyone who was praying for me and the students attending. I definitely felt your prayers and support. Not surprisingly, the entire week held a substantial amount of warfare felt by both counselors and students. I was amazed at God's power to break through many seemingly impossible barriers and He glorified Himself. It was breathtaking to behold God at work.

Now as I settle back into "normal" life, I am faithfully striving to sync what I have learned with my surroundings and habits. Camp is such an awesome experience that I don't want to waste. I am going through a lot of sifting and sorting, praying that God solidifies what needs to stay and grow. Hopefully more than a few posts will come as a result of this. For right now, I am just enjoying the soothing rhythm of my keyboard and the almost unfamiliar joy of watching words appear.

How is everyone's summer going?


  1. It is an eye opening experience to leave one's comfort zones and see how others live outside our cocoons. I am currently romping through the Mississippi delta area and have come to really appreciate all that God has blessed me with.

    It also gave me a differing perspective on how to pray for those less fortunate than myself.

    It is painfully obvious that as problems arise in our culture it appears the less effective the church has become, therefore it is refreshing to hear testimonies of others who are striving to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. Especially amongst the youth of today. I pray that in these last days that the Lord shall raise up an army of youth to teach the elders like Jesus did in the temple.

    Anyway welcome home.

  2. Hey Kaysie!
    I'm glad you had a great time at camp. When you said, "God is faithful. God is near. God is at work." it really touched me. How true that is!
    My Summer has been going great. I have friends from America visiting us right now, so we've been having tons of fun with them and keeping busy. Sadly, they go home in less than a week :( We're also doing several projects in our church, so that's keeping us busy also :)
    Overall, it's been an awesome Summer so far, and it's just keeps getting better. When God pours blessings all around you, life is sweet, and you just can't help but smile :)

  3. I am so glad you're back! I've missed reading your posts. Hopefully camp went well for you; it sure sounds like it did. I can't wait to read about your experiences from camp.

    My summer has been really busy so far. I'm seeing that between work, a night class, an online class, and my cousin being in town, I've taken on way too much. Things are about to get lighter because my cousin leaves at the end of next week and my night class ends then too. I'm trying to get in as much reading as I can.

    I had an amazing experience Monday night/Tuesday. I can't wait to write a blog post over it (I'm embarrassed by how long it's been since I've written anything for Sotto La Luna).

  4. I'm sure it feels good to be home again!
    May God give you wisdom and focus as you settle back into "normal" life, seeking to apply what you've learned and experienced! Looking forward to reading more posts, as you have the time. :D

  5. Hi Kaysie!

    I've missed your frequent posts. :) I'm glad you has such a wonderful time at camp. I'm looking forward to helping with two summer Bible schools in July--one in the inner city. And, am preparing to move to New York City!

    Blessings to you...look forward to reading more. :)

  6. So glad you are home safe and sound!!

    Bless you!

    ~ Miss Jen

  7. Welcome home, Kaysie! I definitely know what you mean about getting back into blogging after a long, unintentional hiatus. :-)

  8. Hey Kaysie! I'm glad you had a good experience!!! I've missed reading your posts! I'm leaving for Grand Bassin, Haiti in 6 days and I will be there for a week. I would appreciate your prayers!!! I'm glad you're home and that God was glorified!
    God bless, Caroline

  9. Amen i see the angels did fly with you when you traveled and stand guard when you slept.. to God be the glory..
    Note the testing and trials you may have experienced at camp are preparation for bigger ones. And eventually the ultimate test that will come upon all of us.
    God allows them so that we can be perfected in the faith..
    See Job 1
    Looking forward for you blogs fuel by simple childlike faith and observations in the simple seemingly unimportant aspects of life..

  10. My summer study is going great! I'm doing Believing God by Beth Moore. It is amazing!! I'm doing it with a group of women at a Christian radio station. The Word of God is blessing my summer!! His Word is Truth and it is food for the soul!!!!
