Friday, July 10, 2009

words in my bones

23280077"So you want to be a writer?" I often ask myself.

Yeah. I think so.

It’s a weird decision because it is actually not a decision. Writing is something I cannot help but do. It is like a birthmark never to be removed, like a fire in my bones. When I write it is absolutely satisfying and terrifying all in the same instance. But I want to do it. I feel called to do it. And that pushes me to continue even when each word is a tangled web of thorns I must unravel to procure beauty.

From a very early age I remember loving journals. Books filled with lined, empty pages craving to be filled with the curious and perhaps creative scribbles of an ink pen. I wanted to fill them, but not with just anything. I wanted the words to be good and edifying. I remember visiting my older brother’s college when I was in first grade. As I walked down the halls of the study areas, I watched as hundreds of people shuffled back and forth with stacks of books and papers as they read and wrote with purpose -- and I recall the feeling I had as I observed them: I want to do this too.

Various movies and books also inspired this desire. Characters from beloved stories like Jo March in Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, and any character who simply desired to write from their soul in hopes of changing the world, absolutely inspired me. And they still do.

That same childhood impulse rises again whenever I walk into a Barnes and Nobles bookstore. The smell. The items. The paper. The atmosphere. It all permeates of the writing life that I desire to be a part of. And maybe I will one day. Maybe…


  1. "That same childhood impulse rises again whenever I walk into a Barnes and Nobles bookstore. The smell. The items. The paper. The atmosphere. It all reeks of the writing life that I desire to be a part of. And maybe I will one day. Maybe…"

    Love it! That exactly conveys my feelings and senses when I walk into a Barnes and Noble bookstore. It's a great feeling...


  2. I know exactly what you mean! Journals have been something I've loved since I was little, but it seems almost like the pages are begging for something important to be written on them. Oh, and I can totally relate about going into Barnes and Nobles... whenever we're on a road trip as a family and pass one, all of us kids are begging to stop. There's something so magical about a place with so many books...

  3. It is a blessing that you have a burden and feel compelled to write. Your writings have blessed my heart and I'm sure they have blessed many others as well. Keep up the good work and continue being faithful in bringing honor and glory to God!

  4. I love reading your blog...Keep writing! It is a blessing!

  5. Wow, that sounds so much like me that it's not even funny!

  6. I know exactly what you mean. The writing world is something I want to be a part of, and I always seem to have a subject "put upon my heart" Maybe one day, God will open the right doors.

  7. Kaysie,

    I know exactly what you mean! I love journals and seeing the blank spaces is a challenge for me. Can I fill these spaces with good, important, interesting words? Or am I just going to fall into mediocrity and write nothing of any value? I've started writing bits of my journal with the assumption that someday my kids will find this journal and read it, so I do my best to make them realize that I used to be a real person before I became "mom."

    My heart always catches for a few moments whenever I walk into a bookstore. Books are so powerful and amazing. I can't wait to read your book! Good luck!


    PS--I got a new blog.

  8. What a beautiful post!! :)
    Writing is indeed wonderful!!!!
    Many Blessings~ Jen

  9. Books the source of much knowledge,Before we had he web we had books,in fact anything on the web could be trace back to a book somewhere.

    All would not be preachers but many writers will contribute to building up of faith in God's Kingdom. I believe Kasie you are a tallented writer being able to transport inspiration from God's
    word to your mind to paper or posts.
    The pen is powerful.
    Write for God Kasie ,write for God.
    Many stars will be in your crown when you have lead many to the a closer walk with the Lord via your writings.

    Blessings to you and yours

  10. You're going to be a wonderful author, Kaysie. You're already a wonderful writer. =) I look forward to seeing how God continues to use you and this dream for His praise!

  11. I know exactly what you speak of! I remember as a little girl when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I said a wife and mommy but I will write in my spare time! Its hard to find the "spare time" now but when I can I journal! God has put me in this season for now, the book/writing season will come later I believe :)

  12. I can so identify with everything you've written here! You are already very much a part of the writing life and your words are already affecting many. Be encouraged to keep on writing.

  13. I will unfortunately (or fortunately since it is a positie thing) echo what everyone seems to already have said. Many can identify with you and I am certainly not excluded. Journaling has been something I have been facinated with as well for so long. I remember buying journals because the idea was so romantic but I usually failed to fill it up. I'm only on my 2nd journal that is completely being filled up and I'm almost done with it. I write, but I wish I had more inspiration. I usually vent, or write prayers to God, but my writing wouldn't ever be worth paying a penny for, I think. I need to work on my eloquency (is that a word?). I need to practice, and I've been meaning to blog again. I'm married now and I've always wanted to share experiences, but it's discouraging when it seems like you don't have a community to share it with. I still feel like i'm at the outskirts of any blog circle. Yours would be the one I'd want to identify with though.

    All this blabbering when I just wanted to tell you one thing, Kaysie.

    I've been engrossed in Little Women, lately. I had never read it before and it has fast become my favorite book. I am in love with Jo March and I'm just so antsy to see what happens next in the story.

    I love the March family. I love how they treat each other and how the Mother has raised her darling daughters. I love Laurie and how he interacts with the family. Often times while reading I will try to think of a real life family who I think is like a Little Women type of story. I am honest in telling you that I have thought of you many times and compared you to that sweet story. You speak of your sweet mother so much (or at least, when I read your blog regularly you did, i've been absent for a long while). You speak of your sisters so tenderly, and your writing is just full of love for God and inspiration and you write so eloquently that you are very much like Jo March in my mind.

    It might be more of the vibe I get when I read Little Women that so closly reflects the vibe I get when I read about your life. It's a wistful longing for something. I feel somewhat sheepish in admitting that I truly admire you and there are many times that I wish we were true friends. I also feel silly to admit that one of my comforts in moving from Idaho to Illinois after I got married was that I was moving closer to you. That is silly, but it's like drawing closer to God. I feel more of the woman i want to be when I read about you and know that living such a beautiful life truly is attainable and isnt just reserved for Anne or Jo.

    Well, this comment turned into much more then I ever intended it to be. Wishing you the best, Kaysie, and hoping you stay beautiful in the Lord always.

    God bless you,
