Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Fever

23938176My little sister reminded me a few days ago that it has been over a week since I posted on this blog. Please forgive my unexplained absence! It seems that every time I sit down to type something more demanding steals my attention, and thus a lack of posts. In addition -- spring is outside! Phew, it has been a long wait for me but at last it is finally here! I am so thankful for simple things like springtime.

My head has been buzzing with possible blog post suggestions and I am trying to push them out, but I confess my sunny windows beckon me nearer all too often. Yet keep an eye out -- you may see new posts soon.

For now I will leave you with a quote I have been pondering on:
“At the root of all our disobedience are particular ways in which we continue to seek control of our lives through systems of works-righteousness. The way to progress as a Christian is to continually repent and uproot these systems the same way we become Christians, namely by the vivid depiction (and re-depiction) of Christ’s saving work for us, and the abandoning of self-trusting efforts to complete ourselves. We must go back again and again to the gospel of Christ-crucified, so that our hearts are more deeply gripped by the reality of what he did and who we are in him.” -- Timothy Keller

May our hearts become more deeply gripped by the glorious gospel of Jesus.


  1. Dearest Kaysie,
    Happy Spring to you, dear friend!! ;)
    I am very blessed to know a dear sister
    in Christ who blogs so beautifully and makes
    my mind think deeply!! ;) What a rich quote....
    how true we must constantly be relying upon
    Christ and His righteousness alone!!

    Lots of Love in Jesus,
    Miss Jen

    "Perhaps the most wonderful thing of all is this: God lifts us not only from what we are by nature to what Adam was in the Garden of Eden, but to what Adam was to become in the presence of God, and would have been had he persevered in obedience. The gospel does not make us like Adam in his innocence - it makes us like Christ, in all the perfection of His reflection of God." ~Sinclair Ferguson

  2. Girl, I can completely relate! Most days I sit there with a heart aching for space, for spring, for time to just dance in the breeze. It makes it even harder that I KNOW that time is coming...just 3 months from when I want it. :)

  3. Glad to hear from you Kaysie - can't blame you for welcoming Spring! I've done the same thing this weekend, and enjoyed every minute of it.

    I was fortunate enough to [1] hear about Tim Keller, [2] attend a Q&A about his new book and [3] meet him all in the same week.

    He is a wonderful speaker and is very clear, which I like because many theologists and leaders are confusing to me.

  4. Happy Spring! Excellent thoughts to ponder...thanks for sharing. I needed this especially right now. :-)

  5. Time is flying so fast, can you believe that its already been three months since we launched cross-eyed? I'm afraid that by the time I get a post up about spring it will be summer already :P

    I've got a great devotional that fits right into your quote. I'll have to post it on my site.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you have for Thursday!

    God Bless,

  6. I just came across your site today, and I would like to say thank you (and God) for it. It is beautiful.

  7. Miss Jen, what a wonderful quote you shared! I love Sinclair Ferguson -- such a wise man. Hope you are enjoying the springtime weather! :)

    Rebekah, I seem to have the same problem! God is teaching me a lot about patience right now... thanks for stopping by!

    Jillian -- wow! What a blessing! Tim Keller is truly amazing. I am glad you were able to go. Enjoy spring! :)

    Amy, you're welcome. Glad you were blessed. :)

    Eric, it IS very hard to believe. Yeah, I want to read the devotional. I'll be looking for it on your site. Thanks for your comment.

    Erica, why thank you! That is so encouraging to me.

  8. Kaysie, I haven't been on for a while, have I?

    I hope you are having a positively glorious spring there. Out here, it still won't make up its mind! =) My heart is longing for warmth and flowers!!

    Been thinking of you! And praying too

  9. Ella, I am finding Spring to be heavenly! :) I hope it finds its way up to you soon. Thank you for your prayers...
