Thursday, March 12, 2009

Can I Trust God?

22644346Have you ever asked yourself, "Why should I trust God?"

Trust is a delicate issue. No one can simply "produce" trust just because we are commanded to. Trust comes as a result of knowing, believing, and resting in the character or stability of something or someone. This directly relates to trusting in the Lord as well. We can't trust God if we don't know God.

In my quiet times, I have been meditating a lot on Psalms 37, especially verse 3. It says, "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness." Cultivate faithfulness can also read feed on His faithfulness. Can understanding God's faithfulness relate to our trusting in Him? I believe so.

In Lamentations 3:21-25 it says, "This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The LORD'S loving-kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him." The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him."

After I dissected those verses a little bit, I made a list of God's character traits explained in these verses that effect and even produce trust in God. Here is what I came up with:

  • His loving-kindness never ceases.

  • His compassion never fails.

  • His faithfulness is great.

  • He is my portion.

  • He is my hope.

  • He is good to those who wait for Him.

  • He is good to those who seek Him.

This small list contains huge, life-altering truths that are pertinent to my trusting in the Lord. I can trust Him because His compassion never runs out. I can trust Him because He is my hope in terrifying times. I can trust Him because He is good to those who wait for Him and seek Him. His faithfulness to me is GREAT. His faithfulness reaches to the skies (Ps. 36:5). My heart can rest securely in His character and His promises.

So, can I trust God? ... yes. A thousand times, yes.


  1. Great post! Our Bible study group has been discussing this very topic. It is so hard to trust COMPLETELY but our God surely is worthy of our total trust!

  2. Kaysie, I am so thankful for this post, but still so discouraged....a few things the last couple weeks have me wondering what "waiting on the Lord" and "complete trust in the Lord" actually is.

    Your post brings me focus, yet leaves me confused (in a larger sense). It's hard to explain.

  3. Thanks for your post, Kaysie. It was very helpful for me to be reminded of God's faithfulness right now as I'm learning to trust Him about my future.

  4. Jamie, what a great Bible study topic! :)

    Jillian, I have been there too. God has shown me that "trust" is different than "obedience" in that it involves our heart believing (resting, hoping, enjoying) God even though we don't understand or even when it hurts. I will pray that God brings some encouragement in this area for you. :)

    Faith, you are welcome! The future requires much trust in the Lord!

  5. Hi Kaysie,

    New to reading your blog, but what a wonderful blessing it's been to me so far! Thank you for using your talent in writing to give us such great reminders and truths to take throughout our day-to-day lives. Today's was a special one for me, so I wanted to take a moment to write and let you know.

    Have a wonderful Friday!

  6. The question isn't "Why Should I trust God?" but rather...."Why do I always seem to forget that I CAN?"

    I never seem to get this done in my life. But everytime I forget, He reminds me anew of the fact that He IS my Portion, my Hope, His love never ceases, His faithfulness is great!

  7. Amy, welcome! And thank you for saying hello! I hope you continue to visit and be blessed. I had a wonderful Friday, thanks! :)

    Ella, tis true. Thank the Lord for His reminders. ;)

  8. I was studying on the alabster box online when I came across this.Praise God ! I give him glory for reminding me just to trust him.My husband and I pastored a church for about four years and just recently resigned.It has been hard for me to adjust to Evanglism .Sometimes the doors don't seem to open as fast as we like but I KNOW ITS IN HIS TIME! I just needed to be told that I can trust him just one more time .Thanks for obeying him in your anointed writing.

  9. Hello Kaysie,

    This is my first time visiting your blog but after reading this post you can be sure it will not be my last. On december 31st I actually touched on the topic of Trust on my blog. While writing that post I looked up the definition of Trust in the dictionary and it really made me think. The deffinition said "Confident expectation of something; HOPE." So now when I am feeling timid or discouraged I know that I am not truly trusting God. I know it is easier said than done but in order to trust God there must be some level of Confident Expectancy! Thanks for this post!

  10. Hi Kaysie,

    I love your post, and your walk wif the Lord, it encourages me cause i know that THIS is the very same Father and is all about His love n goodness that you experience too.. And how i love your realness in blogging and openness to Him.

    Been wanting to leave u a comment but haven get down to doing it, But well i just read your "Prepare to be Unfashionable" Post , which i can at times identify =)

    Cross-eyed has surely become one of my frequent reads beside, boundless n Ungrind . =)

    Am glad to meet even plp thru tis channel at the other side of the world. May the sweetness of Your walk wif the Lord be glorified even as you continue to share in this manner!
