Saturday, January 17, 2009

That Simple "One Thing"

24901704This week is turning into one of the longest week of my life - and it isn't over yet! I am narrowly adjusting to this new college load, all while fighting to keep a little time set aside for the things that matter to me. It has definitely been challenging to my normal daily schedule. I noticed instantly within the first few days that skipping my quiet time would appear a "convenience" in order to get to the more "important" duties of the day. But despite a heavy load of studying Bible content, it still doesn't satisfy my soul's need for personal, intimate time with Jesus and His Word. This is my reason for I titling this post like I did. Jesus' simple requirement of wholehearted devotion is battling for life in my mornings lately. Focusing on the "one thing" He spoke of to Martha's busy soul, echoes in my ears today. I want to be faithful.

Have you ever had those seasons in which one verse keeps popping up in conversations, homework, blog entries, and elsewhere? This has been happening with me lately. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matt. 6:33) I often cruise right over this verse due to familiarity, but God has been hammering this into my heart this year. Above all else - seek His kingdom, seek His righteousness, seek Him. Then, according to this verse, all the rest will be added. When Jesus is in focus, the world and my desires are where they should be, in the background.

Just thought I would share that thought with you all today. I know my blogging was a bit sparce this week, but hang in there with me! It may sound weird, but one of the blessings in my day is reading your comments and beautiful insights on life and the Word. Thank you!

This weekend, (starting today) I am traveling to yet another conference through Monday, so blogging will again have to subside for this weekend. I pray you all have a blessed day, and that God reveals more of Himself to you as you seek first the kingdom. Happy Saturday! :)


  1. Much-needed encouragement. :) I can think of one or two ways I can put that lesson into action right now -- thanks for sharing!

  2. I have my own verse that pops up all the time. Mine is....I can't think of the reference.....but it the verse that talks about God's ways being higher than my ways and His thoughts higher than mine. Especially in what my family is going through, I find myself clinging to that!

  3. Oksana, how great! I know I can always think of ways to put these truths into practice. :) Thank you for stopping by!

    Ella, that is a wonderful verse as well. I am working on responding to your email... I have been praying for you and your family. Hope you are doing well. :)

  4. A good reminder, thanks!

  5. Hi Kaysie! How are you enjoying college so far besides the very busy part of it? =) It was quite an adjustment for me at first, but it gets easier once you figure out the schedule. How many classes are you taking?
    One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31...whenever I am feeling sad, weary, and discouraged, I think on this verse, and I am reminded that if I just wait on the Lord, He will give me the strength I need.
    Praying for you!

  6. Sometimes, I think by skipping devotions, I'll get more done. But not spending time with God and His Word can really mess up your life, and in the end you would have been much better off by faithfully studying the Bible. Thanks for the reminder that that 'one thing' is so important!
    And I haven't really had one Bible verse that keeps popping up, but everywhere I go, everything I do and see, keeps on reminding me that we need to always trust God, and that we should always be thankful! God keeps on teaching me these two lessons over and over again, and during the last few months, that's what keeps on opening my eyes to the things and people around me.

  7. much can be said in one word that is


  8. Beautiful thoughts, Kaysie!!!
    Thank you for the rich encouragement in "seeking first the Kingdom of God"
    How often we may be tempted by Satan (the Father of all lies) to think that Bible reading need not be our top priority! How dangerous that thinking is!! How can we as Christians expect to be ready for the battle with Satan and the flesh if we are not fully armed to face the battle?! A scripture that has been penetrating my heart of late, is as follows...

    "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." -Ephesians 6:10-17

    Thank you dear friend for encouraging me in "seeking first the Kingdom of God", I count it a blessing to have met you and am grateful for your blog!!

    Love in Him,
    Miss Jen

  9. First weeks are always the hardest for adjusting to a new schedule - and the teachers call it the easiest! o_0

    I'm sure you'll stabilize, judging from your determination to keep your morning quiet time. That's a hard thing for me to do - set aside time for myself. Starting with rushing meals, and ending with rushing out the door to do "the next thing" on my priority list. I feel selfish stopping even though it's not really MY time, it's the LORD's time. But I like the way you say it better :) It takes away all the excuses.

    I hope you were able to focus & enjoy your conference, and that your travels over the weekend have been safe. Bring news!

  10. I completely understand and agree, Kaysie! I struggle with the same thing; especially since I am terrible at getting up early! It's also hard to be consistant when homework is continually calling my name...ahhh!!
    I'll pray for both of us as we continue to grow and learn!
