Sunday, January 25, 2009

Still Alive, Barely...

24902354Posting has really slowed down! Life seems to be spinning crazily around me, and I am trying to hold onto a few spare moments for blogging. One reason for my lack of internet presence has resulted from the flu I caught last week. It has been an exhausting few days. Life was moving rapidly beforehand, but now having the flu has made everything move in painful slow motion. Hopefully God can bring some balance here soon. :)

I keep going back and rereading my last two posts describing the importance of seeking God, and hold those truths up to my daily standard. I think God allowed me to publish those posts to remind me of where He wants me right now. Whether I am studying for exams or pre-quizzes for college, or lying on the couch sick, or reading an encouraging book on the gospel, all I do should be echoes of my passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ. Seeking first His kingdom and not my own. Loving Him though pain and pleasure, and making an effort to know Him more every day. I have to keep this focus... this is where true life is. Lord, help me remember that.

I hope I can return to more substantial posting soon. I have a few drafts in my folder that I should be letting out before long.


  1. Kaysie, I hope you feel better real soon dear friend!!
    My prayers are with you. ;)

    In Christ,
    Miss Jen

  2. After the flu, it is a blessing you are feeling better so soon.

    Give yourself time to adjust to college - it's just your first semester. I see it as your conditioning (if you've played sports, you know what I mean) stage, coming back to a familiar pace after a rest. And you're right about your last 2 posts. They'll help you keep your stress in perspective.

    About the drafts - you know, I do that with emails. I have them sitting in my drafts folder until I am *ready* to send them.

  3. Yes! Get well soon. I'll be praying for you Kaysie. May God be with you!

  4. 1 There was a woman in the land of US whose name was Casey and that woman was perfect and upright and one that feared God and eschewed evil.
    2. she was blessed.
    6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came also among them 7 And the LORD said unto Satan Whence comest thou Then Satan answered the LORD and said From going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it 8 And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered __ my servant Casey that there is none like Her in area perfect and an upright youngwoman one that feareth God and escheweth evil 9 Then Satan answered the LORD and said Doth Casey fear God for nought 10 Hast not thou made an hedge about her and about her house and about all that she hath on every side thou hast blessed the work of her hands and her substance is increased in the land.

    The end i like.
    After the bout of flue Casey was well and waxed stronger in her faith in Jesus because she put her trust in Him, even when she was down and out.

    When we give our all for Jesus the battle really begins, remember Paul..The great thing is that God has promise to be right there with us all the way even in the pain.

    Get well soon Casey.

  5. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! I am feeling much better today, praise the Lord! I am humbled by His mercy even in sickness, for He allowed me to endure the worst of it on the weekend instead of the days I had so much to get done. His grace is amazing.

    I appreciate you healing prayers! I can feel them today! :)

  6. My friend, may you be feeling better. I know how it is....we often write a blog post and then the Lord has to bop us on the head with it sometimes!

  7. Ella, thank you! God does use my blog posts to teach me many things! ;)

  8. I hope i made you smile during the ordeal.
    Much prayers were lifted on your behalf.
