Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Starless Sky


I feel like I haven't stopped moving or thinking since 7am this morning, and I am just now finding a chair at 10pm to rest my overwrought feet. I don't think life is going to slow down much for me. On Monday I started the new adventure called Distance Education that will begin to rob most of my peaceful days and creative nights. I am working towards an AS in Bible which involves studying a lot of Bible (which is the fun part), English, Evangelism, and Math (ick!). But this journey should prove beneficial I think, since God has miraculously directed my path to weave down this course. Woman makes her plans, but God directs her steps. (my edition of Proverbs 16:9)

Tonight I exited my car weighed down with bags and books, racing to the indoors where warmth awaited. I happened to glance upward into the starless sky, thinking how appropriate seeing how I also didn't really have anything to write tonight. My blogging might slow down a bit through this busy learning season, but I hope to continue letting words and thoughts flow onto paper (or computer), and hopefully encouraging my readers in the process.

It should be a fun, interesting ride.


  1. It reminds me of the lyrics to a song... "Give the heavens above / more than just a passing glance..."

    I know what it's like to have a busy schedule, but I can promise that God also gives those little moments of inspiration and refreshment when we let Him (and sometimes they are so much more beautiful -- shining like bright stars in the night sky). I'm sure He'll continue to do the same for you, Kaysie, as you enter into this new busy season of education. =) I look forward to reading your star-like moments in the future!

    ~ Beth

    P.S. I'm finishing my fourth and final year of college via distance learning -- so feel free to send me an e-mail or something if you want to talk about it. It's quite an exciting ride - you have that right! Blessings, sister ~

  2. I am so excited for you! I hope your distance education goes well! I know it's something you're interested in (except for the math, but that's just an unfortunate part of life [and college]). Can't wait until you shower us with your brilliant insights.

  3. Wow! An AS in Bible sounds like fun! What program are you going through?

  4. What exciting news, Kaysie! God definitely has a way of surprising us sometimes with His own creative path for our lives. :)

  5. Beth, thanks for your encouragement! I hope I will always, despite any hectic schedules, look at God's beauty around me and thank Him for life and for the "star-like moments", as you said.
    Wow, four years now, you are a pro. I will definitely keep your email handy! :) Thanks!

    Lori, thanks! It is already very interesting... ok, except math, but I can do it through Christ strength. :)

    Shannon, it is pretty fun! I am going through a small local program here where I live. I won't go into much detail do to internet security, etc. :)

    Stephanie, He certainly does! I did not think this was something He would have for me, but His plans are greater than mine! :) I desire His will above my own.

  6. Hey Cassey Congrats on the DE distance education..you work will be your play also your ministry all in one.. you will have fun .
    I work presently in a Distance Eduction center as the systems support tech there. And i have also been a student . Doing a degree part time is tough . Of course time would be a challenge but God is good you would pull trough.

    You already posses the spiritual tools to overcome the difficulties. Your blogging would be your rest and time to relax the mind. Your Blog is a blessing to others and the overflowing from your own experience you cannot keep for it will be too much for you it will find its way out as you have been doing before..

    Take care and thanks for dropping by my blog i see you visit sometimes..
    May the angels of the Lord Fly with you when you drive and sit besides you when your study,stand at your bedside when your head rest on your pillow, when you are going out and when you're coming in.

    God blessings :-)

  7. Well now THIS is news, Kaysie.

    I can only think of the lives you will touch through classes and study. I know you will do well :)

  8. Earl, thank you! It is turning out to be a lot of fun, but not without some deadline stress. ;) But like you said, God is pulling me through. My blog is turning out to be a place to rest and write what it on my heart. Thanks for your encouragement!

    Jillian, yeah did I surprise you? :) I thought it would come as a shock to some. Thanks for your sweet words. :)

  9. Life is an adventure......that's all I can say.

    May the Lord bless you richly as you walk down this path He has directed you towards.

  10. Ella, thanks. It is surely an adventure. :)

  11. Congratulations on this new adventure! It sounds very beneficial and I think that the Lord will really use it. I am also excited to hear what you learn from it. I hope that it bring many blessings into your life!

    P.S. I dislike math as well... but it is something that is necessary to life (sadly, right?). :)

  12. Olivia, thanks! I hope it brings many blessing too. And math is still... well... math. :)

  13. Well, my question is answered about the courses you're taking. Math can be very challenging (I'm not a math person!), but I took a course in college and it wasn't too bad. Have fun, and I hope you'll still be able to find time to blog. =)

  14. HI Kaysie,

    I am so glad you are doing Distance Learning! I am finishing my second year in it. Who are you doing it through? I finished with Liberty University and am now switching to College Plus/Thomas Edison State. I hope your work load lessens some :)

    Also: blogging question. Do you find that responding to people's comments encouraged traffic to your blog? I have found my stats dropping and heard that responding sometimes helps.

    Keep it up, girlfriend!
    In Him
