Monday, September 17, 2007


Is there a thirst in your soul that you cannot seem to quench? A longing for something more? Do you restlessly move from one thing to the next, only to find the state of your soul empty still?

There lived a woman over two thousand years ago that felt this way. Her soul was desperately thirsty, and nothing she did could quench her thirst. She went from relationship to relationship, marriage to marriage, but never felt the satisfaction her heart longed for. Her soul was empty, dry, and dying.

But one day she met the perfect Man. He told her about “living water” and never thirsting again. Could this really be?

“Where do you get this living water?” she asked.(John 4:11) He said He could give it to her. Jesus is the giver of this water.

“…But whoever drinks of the water that I give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” John 4:14

Was her heart singing when she heard these words? Could He be true? Is this what she was looking for?

“Sir, give me this water…” she spoke and believed. He (or she) who believes in Jesus will never thirst. (John 6:35) Jesus was the only One who could give her the water her soul craved.

This story has a happy ending, but the more I am in the world the more I see so many unhappy stories. People live their lives never tasting the living water that only Jesus can give them. We drink of one thing, then another, hoping to quench our thirst, but it leaves us dry and…still thirsty.

“For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” Jer.2:13

This scripture pierces my heart! This describes so many (including me!) in this world. We go about searching for satisfaction in all sorts of things, and make for ourselves cisterns, but our cisterns are broken! They can’t hold any water!
And every time we try to satisfy ourselves, we forsake God who is the fountain of living waters!
In this dry and weary land where there is no water our souls thirst for God, our flesh yearns for Him. (Ps.63:1) We are like deer panting for water, for the living God. (Ps. 42:1-2)

Where do you get your water?


  1. That is so true- you have an amazing insight on God’s word and applying it to your life.
    I am so eager to see what you write next!
    I’m so proud of you!
    Love ya girl-

  2. Miss Kaysie,
    Wow! You have found your calling girl. I am so proud of you. I have had the privilege to watch you grow in life and in the Lord. You are going to help young girls become women in Christ. I look forward to my children reading your blog. You will not only help those younger but you are witnessing to those of us older ones who are in awe of you knowledge of the Bible. You are and inspiration to me, and I love you. I think I see the next Beth Moore in our future. And I know you personally. Good Luck and Bless you

  3. What truth!!!
    Deception is one of the enemies greatest tools to make us act like fools…hey that rhymed!!!
    I am a poet and don’t know it!!!
    I love you precious one,
