Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Devotion to Jesus


“But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” 2 Cor. 11:3

Everyday, Christians are attacked by the lies of our enemy through our contact with this world. Our minds are a battlefield of victory and defeat, in war over one thing: the object of our devotion.

Satan knows that if we don’t daily renew our minds (Eph.4:23) we become weaker in the battle of putting Christ above all. This was Paul’s concern for the Corinthians in the verse above. He was worried that Satan would deceive us by leading our minds astray from our devotion to Jesus. Satan’s lies are flaunted before our eyes through the Internet, TV, billboards, and by those who are deceived around us. You might have heard some of his lies:

“God won’t make you completely happy…but money can.”

“No one will love you unless you look like her.”

“Go ahead…everyone else is doing it. You wouldn’t want to stand out…you’d look like a freak!”

“Have a little fun now…you’ll go to church on Sunday.”

These are LIES…but everyone is believing them. Don’t be led astray! We all know the story of Adam and Eve, and Eve is used as an example in this verse. Satan deceived her by his craftiness. Many times I have wondered, “Why did she listen to him?! The right answer was so obvious!” The simple fact is she chose to believe Satan over God. How many times do I do that?

Satan is crafty! And he never shows us the consequences, only how much fun it would be right now. He didn’t come up to Eve and say, “Hey, try this fruit, even though God said you shouldn’t. You’ll only end up kicked out of the garden, separated from God and true happiness, have a LOT of pain having children, you and I will hate each other, and I’ll end up killing your kids.” No! He only showed her (lied to her) about how much good and profit (yeah right) this fruit would give her right now. Look at what Eve thought of what he said:

“When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from it’s fruit and ate…” Gen. 3:6

She believed his lie and was sorely deceived. Satan led them astray, leaving behind God with a broken heart, and true happiness that only God can give. But, praise God, the story doesn’t end here! God sent His Son and gave us a second chance! And that second chance is simple and pure, believe in Jesus. Be devoted to Him.

Don’t let anything get in the way of your devotion to Jesus. In Him is true happiness and ultimate satisfaction forever.

  • Jesus loves you and is the only way to true happiness. He only requires one thing: love Him above all else.

  • Satan hates you and is the only way to destruction. He only requires one thing: love him above all else.

Be devoted to Christ.


  1. I really enjoyed reading Kaysie’s blog. it was such an inspiration to me! we as Christians can often find ourselfs thinking that we are perfect, it’s stuff like my best wrote that really puts me into perspective. i am SO glad i read it!

  2. Kaysie,
    What you said is so true, and convicting! I am so thankful that I have such a godly example for a sister……an Angel!
    Love you!

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