Saturday, September 1, 2007

Give My All To Jesus?


“Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the leper, a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it on His head as He reclined at the table” Matthew 26:6-7

The beautiful story of this woman has long inspired me. When I look at her desperate devotion for Jesus I cannot help but examine my own love for the Lord and be transformed by her example. She came before Jesus with such poverty of spirit, trusting and believing He could wash her clean from her many sins.

“…And standing behind Him at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head, kissing His feet and anointing them with the perfume.” Luke 7:38

If you are like me, you might be wondering, “Ok, this is a wonderful story, but how do Igive Jesus my all? I can’t go down to Simon the leper’s house and physically wipe His feet and cry, surrendering everything I have to Him…can I?”

I would like to share a journal entry with you that I wrote about a year ago.

“This morning I closed myself in my room and began reading the Word and praying. As I read, my heart slowly opened and I began to intimately worship God…it was life changing!
I surrendered everything to God; my life, my future - anything I was holding back from God I let Him have permenately.
God is so near…so real!
I can now say with an honest heart that whatever God wants for me, now and in my future, I am content with and will rejoice in His will.
My heart is overflowing with a deep, genuine love for Jesus.”

It is possible, my friend, to fall at the feet of Jesus and give Him your all. I know this with all my heart. Jesus is forever within your reach…and He knows the deepest places of your heart.
What He gave to the woman with the alabaster vial He made available for you.

“Then He said to her, “Your sins have been forgiven”…”Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Luke 7:48.50

Give Jesus your all.
Go in peace.


  1. Kaysie, HOW BEAUTIFUL! I love your page, I am sure that God is going to use you greatly! Your writings truely inspire me and I know God is so pleased with you. I knew God was working on something wonderful in your life, He is raising you up to be a vital
    woman of God to young girls. Kaysie, I can see through your writings how committed and dedicated to God you are and God will richly reward you for your service. I will check back often and I plan to pass the address on to some young women whom I know will see your heart for God as well. I love you - my very special friend!
    I love the title, I have that song stuck in my head now - Alabaster Box - which is a good thing to be stuck on.
    All for His Glory!

  2. I’m grateful to find a dear sister in the Lord that wrote such an amazing blog entry
    All the glory to God, for his goodness towards us.
    May the Wonderful Lord Jesus Christ give you peace by all means and guide your in your steps to true freedom and success in your walk with him

  3. Great blog! Your entries inspire me so much and your heart for the Lord is so evident! Thank you for doing this! I love it!
