Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our Huge God Cares About You

“Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, “I, the Lord, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading the earth out all alone.” Isaiah 44:24

What a picture of God’s absolute greatness. He was the One who stretched out the heavens and spread out the earth all by Himself. (Sounds like Someone playing with play-dough!) He made all things. He needed no one’s help, because He is God. He created our massive earth and the never ending skies right by Himself. Wow.

In this verse, God describes Himself as the Lord, our Redeemer, and the One who created you from the womb. That is amazing. To think that this God, our God, created a world and heavens, breathed stars (Ps.33:6), divided a sea and made it stand up in a heap (Ex. 14:21), makes summer and winter (Ps.74:17), created light and darkness (Is.45:7) …. formed you in the womb!

When you were no bigger than your pinkie finger-nail, God was weaving you together and He even knew your name. Doesn’t that make you feel so…special? Loved? Safe?

God is HUGE, but is still intimately involved in the tiniest details of our lives.

A few days ago, my family and I were up at our land enjoying a peaceful afternoon. And as you can see from the picture below, it is a beautiful place to spend an afternoon!

My heart is stirred every time I take in the amazing views around me. My eyes rest in God’s creation far and wide, from the rolling hills that stretch for miles, to the distant mountains, to the valleys so deep no man could replicate. I love to walk through the tall grass and find a place to sit, and just look up. Huge space. Huge God.

And as the sun started to slip away in the tree line, my thoughts were occupied with God and His “biggness”. (like my new word?)

As we prepared to leave Dad realized he had lost his cell phone.

We all began scavenging the 160 acres of pasture and woods (think it’s hopeless, don’t you?) in search for Dad’s much needed cell phone. We spread out to comb through the pastures and as I walked quietly through fields I began thinking again on God. How amazing was it that He, in His greatness, who created the whole world with His words, knew exactly were Dad’s tiny little cell phone was?! And He could guide us to the very place Dad had lost it, if He wanted to.

And He did.

About the time the search party was becoming weary, God allowed Mom to walk right up on it. God knew that it was important to us to find the phone. God knows us, and He knows what is important to us…and He cares. He is amazing! Not just because He showed us where the cell phone was, but because in all things He is teaching us about Himself…if we only listen. He is teaching me to trust in who He is as God, to fully know how powerful and awesome He is…and yet to even trust Him with the smallest details of my life, the silent whispers of my heart. The more I get to know God, the more I trust Him and I pour out my soul before Him.

In my life God has taught me many things, and this is a lesson I won’t forget. God is so big, so great, and yet He cares about every detail of my life. He is intimately acquainted with all my ways. (Ps.139:3) This goes for you too! Don’t ever believe that God is not concerned about the little things in your life. He loves and cares for you so much.

Wow. What a God!


  1. i totally agree with you, Carley! sometimes it’s hard to remember that GOD, the one who blessed with the little things we have, cares about what He has given us, even the littlest things. He knows what is important to us, and He also knows what should be, He knows that it is very good for Kaysie to spend so much time with Him each day. it never ceases to amaze me how Jesus Christ can use things like looking at a view, things that i often and forgetfully call ’simple’, to show us the biggest things. am so glad Kaysie and her family don’t take the “simplest” things for granted.

  2. Kaysie,
    What you said is so true! God is always with us, and He cares about even the little things in our life’s, like Dads cell phone.
    Sometimes I think God doesn’t really care about little things….
    But He does. And thank you, Kaysie for helping me remember that!
    I love you sis!
