Saturday, August 1, 2009

a long-lost update

22828143Honestly, I am surprised to know that people still read this blog, or at least that is what my stats tell me. I kinda want to offer some sort of apology but I think I have already done that a few posts ago ... time seems to skip by without my noticing. I was shocked to learn that today is August 1st. I mean, it's August! I was actually really excited, because it means autumn is almost here. Yes, dear readers, I still possess my strange but happy obsession with fall and all things related. I noticed today that there is a young maple tree in our backyard that has already began to flush crimson. Unbelievable. I feel like I am still living in June or something, but my calender tells me it is August. Strange.

Lots has been going on around here -- nothing especially exciting, but I have been keeping myself busy. But busyness can become a curse if I am not careful. It is so easy to hide behind it. I don't make time to think or pray or write or be -- because life is moving faster than I am able to keep up with. Being aware of such a thing has made me look for applications to help me slow down and discern what, why, where, and how I am doing on my journey with Christ and others. I have found journaling to be the perfect exercise.

Making myself sit down and put thoughts to paper is a challenge. Some days are easier than others, but when I do journal I feel much more coherent. I bought a book the other day called Creative Journal Writing, and thus far have truly enjoyed it (I am still in the early pages, so I cannot vouch for future content as to recommend it). I find that the more frequent and honest my journal entries, the more fruitful my mental and spiritual activity becomes. So I thought I would pose the question to you few faithful readers out there -- what do you think about busyness? Are there ways you have found to cope, eliminate, or deal with it? And do any of you find journaling a helpful antidote for life?


  1. Kaysie,

    I was just writing today about how much I love the fall! It is such a beautiful time of year, isn't it? I'm glad to hear from you; I've been wondering where you have been and whether everything is OK. I'm glad to hear that, in a sense, everything is OK.

    In response to your questions:
    I've found that busyness is a part of life. Sometimes it can be good, if you're working towards something; but when you're running around like a chicken with no head, flitting from thing to thing, it's frustrating and hurts me spiritually. But regardless, if I'm busy it's because I have things that have to get done, so I don't have a choice.

    I haven't found a way to eliminate it or cope with it while it's going on. But I make sure to reward myself after the busy spell has passed with a couple of lazy days where I don't do anything I don't want to do, which means I stay in my pajamas and read/watch movies all day.

    I'm not the best journaler in the world, but I found a group of women that I write with every day. We live in different parts of the country, but we all sit down at 9:30 Eastern time and write for 30 minutes--poetry, reflections, whatever. This has helped me a lot. I've written some things that I didn't know I felt and when I looked at them a day or two later, they felt like someone else had written them and I'd just happened to stumble across them in my reading, which I take to be a good sign. It's also nice knowing that somewhere out there someone else is struggling through their own thoughts to produce something.

    I hope you find something that works for you. And make sure to let us know when you do!

    God bless.


  2. It's great to know you are doing well
    and busy, dear Kaysie!! :)

    Blessings~ Miss Jen

  3. 8"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Exodus 20:8-11

    Such a simple thought yet it holds a profound truth. God rested on the seventh day and hallowed it. Set it apart as holy. Set it aside for man's sake. Man wasn't made for the Sabbath but the Sabbath was created for man. We need to set aside DOWN time in order to recharge and refuel. We need to set aside a SACRED time to reflect and repose. It is necessary for man to take this time so that we do not get sidetracked in busyness and forget from whom our sustenance derives.

    I find when I do not take the time to BE STILL and BE QUIET that my journaling suffers (blog) but when I HONOR the Sabbath and resist the temptation to be BUSY all the time I find that my inspiration, motivation, perception, and creativity improves. I even find that with certain activities I am drawn away from my daily walk with the Lord through the din and distractions of the busyness.

    I think we all could learn a lesson from the lilies of the field for they neither toil not spin and yet not even Solomon was adorned with greater splendor then these flowers of the field. God knows what we have NEED OF. He knows how to SUPPLY all our needs according to HIS "RICHES" in glory through Christ Jesus.

    The Word is clear when it states for us to SEEK FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto us. I found this to be a truth. I have also learned the value of well spent time with God.

    In conclusion then I think spending time ALONE and quiet with God will do more to spark your creativity then taking time to be CREATIVE and not taking the time to be STILL will. IMO.

    God bless and remember being still does not mean you are being unproductive. IT simply shows that wisdom and understanding of where our strength comes from.

  4. OH and welcome back you were missed.

  5. I've been missing you Kaysie!! :)

  6. Hello, Kaysie! I've missed your posts lately!

    I've kept a journal fairly regularly for the past seven years, and it's helped me so much. Like you, I find that making myself write helps to clarify my thoughts. I generally tie it in with my Bible study and prayer, basically just as a quiet time thing. I'm afraid when I'm short on time, the journal is one of the first things I drop(right after sleep), so there tend to be gaps whenever life gets busy, but in general keeping a journal is something I really enjoy.

    Oh, and autumn is my favorite season, too. =)


  7. Hi Kaysie,
    I've missed you as well, although I understand - I've been terribly sporadic in my blog posting lately too!

    I've just been struggling lately with more of a busy heart than schedule, if that makes sense - I do have some extra hours in my day, but I'm allowing burdens and problems and the desire to DO more, to FIX everything around me clutter my mind and drown out my need for quiet and reflection. So I'll have to do some praying and see what the Lord has for me right now...but I agree, journaling is very helpful. I don't always have a plan, but I find just sitting down with a notebook and pen and scribbling out prayers or thoughts to be beneficial - it places things in perspective, if nothing else.

  8. Hey Kaysie, Like the others, I've missed your posts too. I love hearing your thoughts and wisdom on godliness and how to live better for Him. I understand you're very busy though; who's not? Personally I've found Google Calender simple and indispensable to handle by business, and ditto everything Allen said. I also find journaling about what God says to me during quiet time to be very helpful and encouraging to read back on a lot later.

    (ps I don't know if you have any pets but I recently got two kittens and watching them play is such a refreshing and relaxing experience. It always reminds me of God's creativity and his sense of humor and watching them grown and learn about the world always gives me a sense of awe about His Creation.)

    God bless,

  9. Kaysie,

    Yes you have been missed. I find that Journaling is good for my mind as well.

    When you get busy, it is a lot of talking, crossing things off your list, and in my case, bad sleep. But where you have been very busy lately, I have been not physically busy at all.

    Regardless, I put my activities and plans into Google Calendars, Wall Calendars, a Desk Blotter Calendar, A Notebook sized Week-by-Week Planner, and a little spiral-bound Month-By-Month Planner I carry with me. You could call me thorough.

    My favorite time of the year is Summer. Always has been - I loooooove that the weather never gets cold. Even when it's rainy and gloomy.

    Finally, my quiet time is when i am in bed at night. I organize my thoughts, think on what i did during the day and didn't do, what I plan to do tomorrow, and how that is going to ultimately define me. I also like to read.

    I've never used a book to direct my journaling - The various entries I make are a part of me that I more-or-less pull out and look at, turning it around in front of me until I have full knowledge of myself. Somehow, being directed in that, seems like it would hinder that process for me.

  10. I can certainly relate to the being busy. Lately, I've been overwelmed with my husband's new business venture, preparing my son for the start of school in a few weeks, completing projects for my PhD, preparing meals, cleaning and the list goes on. Also, I'm active in bible study so my plate is full. I know I need to slow down but I can't. Time is of the essence. I do journal and it helps but what I need is a BREAK!!!!

  11. Busyness for the Lord is the best thing. Because when we analyze life what matters most is our connection with Christ.
    Solomon Hinted to that after he ran the route of every discernible pleasure.I cant find the text now,but i know he said it,

    And said Luke 9:25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?

    Satan the adversary has a design plan to distract every one of us from that which is most important to mans soul.. God.

    What ever we do,and what ever quantity we do we must not be squeezing in some time for our life sustainer .
    He should get the better part of our day .and our life.


  12. Your blog is always worth the wait, Kaysie! And if I may add my opinion, I've found that no matter how good and worth-while the stuff your doing is, you have to cut out some of it, or you just get really busy. I know that there's been stuff that seemed like a good thing for me to participate in, but it just would have taken up too much time. I guess what I'm saying is, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Sometimes you just have to cut back. You probably already knew that! Anyway, I hope everything works out well, and that you find a schedule that works, and I love your blog!

