Monday, August 24, 2009

and life moves on

86496984You know that life is moving faster than you can keep up with when you carry around your day planner instead of a good book. My semester has begun and it is time to bid summer a tender farewell. But I am kinda ready for new seasons. That delightful autumny nip is in the air -- and I am ready to welcome this season.

Last Thursday was my birthday. 22 years old. Such milestones make me look back and remember past seasons with gratefulness. I told my Mom the other day, "I look back and see that I have come a long way ... but I still have so far to go." That's ok. The journey offers many joys and sorrows, hard lessons and abiding love, sweet memories and hope for the future. It's a good life.

Yesterday on my walk I noticed a delicate leaf slightly painted with scarlet and gold, and I remembered back to the post I wrote around this time last year about rushing the seasons. I went back and re-read it this morning. It still rings true. Yet, maybe (hopefully) I have grown in patience. I am strangely restful and hopeful right now. God promises to complete the work He has started in me (Phil. 1:6) and He promises that I will reap a harvest if I do not loose heart (Gal. 6:9). And I believe Him.


  1. I love the end paragraph, Kaysie. I am trying to remind myself of that as I go through my "seasons of life."

    Happy belated birthday, by the way =)

  2. I'm so glad to hear from you! I remember that post that you're talking about. It's great to see how much we've both (and I assume other people as well) grown in the past year. I am so excited about where I am and I can't wait to see what God has in store for both if us, all of us, in the future. But, of course, I can't rush the seasons. I'll have to wait patiently to see where we all are in a year.

    And happy birthday!

  3. I know the feeling!! I always have my day planner with me because my schedule can get really hectic!!! What type of planner do you use? I love Franklin Covey's system. It really works for me. I'm so excited about the new fall bible studies that will be offered and the change in the leaves!!! God is amazing!!!!

  4. Indeed... each season of life is wonderful
    a gift from God!!! Happy Birthday, dear

    Love in Jesus~ Miss Jen

  5. Happy (belated) birthday Kaysie!! I'm glad that you're feeling restful and hopeful. Like you, I'm excited for the approaching cooler weather...lovers of Fall, unite! :D

  6. Kaysie, your insights are so refreshing and wise. As one in her 60s, you inspire me to dwell on things present and ponder the beauty of God in all that surrounds me. You are in a season of life that I passed long ago, yet your spiritual wisdom is much beyond my years in many ways. I am so grateful that I am a follower of Jesus Christ for 16 years now and growing everyday. No matter what season of life physically or spiritually, we are sisters in the LORD and I praise Him for you, sweet one. May your new semester bless you and all those you encounter.
    ~ linda

  7. Hello Kaysie!
    I know that this is really late but i just wanted to say Happy Belated Birthday!
    Love ya!
