Friday, June 25, 2010

welcome to a new beginning

I'm just going to come right out and say it. This may be a bad idea. Switching blog names, locations, and hosts may potentially succeed in dismissing the majority of my followers, search engine ratings, and my already fading blogging remembrance. Yet I've been itching to remake and remodel my blogging existence and hopefully stimulate my creative writing juices through that process. As you can see, a few things have changed -- such as my blog name (Alabaster Box is now and I often wonder), web address ( has changed to, and template layout. I switched back to Blogspot because their new features intrigued me and the templates are easier to change, edit, and update without having to pay for a host like I was with Wordpress.

So with all the many changes around here, what hasn't changed?

Hopefully you will discover, if you choose to stick around, that the message will remain as redeemed, honest, and heartfelt as I can write it, by God's grace. That is my purpose here. The last few months (years?) have been a refining time for more than just my writing, and I suppose my greatest goal in setting out here is to be as sincere and sanctified as I can. It is so easy to hide behind our blog names and create an appearance we wished always described us, though sometimes we really do this unintentionally. I'll have you know right now -- I am not perfect and I do not wish my writing to exhibit any other opinion. I serve a perfecting, merciful God and any good you see, any encouragement you receive, any comfort you find comes straight from Him alone. I am simply pleased that He chooses to use me.

So without further ado, I welcome you to my new blogging home and hope you enjoy and I often wonder as much (or perhaps more!) than you enjoyed Alabaster Box. Let me know what you think about the new package and if you don't mind changing your links I would appreciate it. I have tried my best to redirect the RSS and email feeds for those of you who subscribe.

RSS and email subscribers CLICK HERE to see the new site.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you're back! I'm sure that you'll have many loyal followers from the old site plus many new ones. God bless.


  2. Welcome back. I really did not think about missing you until I got your latest post and then I realized how much I missed your insights and your writting style. I always enjoy reading your posts so I sure hope you post more frequently.

  3. Absolutely love it! I've missed your blog so much and am so happy you're continuing.

  4. Kaysie, I've missed you! You probably remember last year when I went through my own very extended blogging hiatus. It was a good (unplanned) time off for refreshment and refocus. I am looking forward to reading your new writings. :)

  5. Hmmm... I must say I don't like the new blog name as much, but I do like the new template better. I'm glad you're back! I was more of a lurker on your Wordpress blog... Hopefully now I'll remember to comment more! = )
