Sunday, September 27, 2009

it's a perfect day

83405815And here I am again -- the bad blogger - seeking to redeem lost time and posts with a fresh hello. There is just no time for blogging anymore! I have still managed to maintain a healthy personal journal, but my blogging so easily gets shoved aside on my way to getting things done. All that to say -- hello, I'm still here, I know you thought you would never see another post from me, but I thought I would shock you.

In other news, autumn is soooo close! As I write this post, my windows are open allowing the soothing sounds of crunchy leaves and wind to set the mood. It's a perfect day. Autumn is the most wonderful season ... in my personal opinion. :)

Lately I have been thinking about knowing Christ, in particular from the perspective of Paul who penned the verses "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ." (Phil 3:8) I know I have blogged again and again about these verses, but, I mean, this attitude is incredible! But my great sorrow is that I don't possess this attitude most of the time. I get distracted, complacent, and comfortable in my progress as a believer -- instead of running hard after Jesus. But, the motivation for pursuing Christ is clearly seeing the great, surpassing value of knowing Him. I want this vision. I want a greater taste of the mind-blowing value of knowing this Savior.


  1. Beautiful thoughts, Kaysie!
    May the Lord bless you richly with
    His grace!

    Love~ Jen

  2. Hey Kaysie! This morning I went outside and it was a little chilly and very fall like. It made me think of you so I just wanted to leave you a little note to say, "Hey! Love you girl!"
    hope you're having a great week!

  3. Hey,
    Never commented on your blog before, but wanted to let you know we stopped by and read your post. Were you one of the people that started Crosseyed blog? That's really cool! ;-)

    God bless,
    ~Rachel & Jillian~

  4. It was great to hear from you again! :) I think autumn is the perfect season, too. Gorgeous fall leaves, chimney smoke, hot chocolate, hoodies, the crisp air... sigh. I love this time of year :)

  5. Dear Kaysie (love your name!), This is the first time on your site. I love the name Alabaster Box as it is my favorite song of
    Cece Winan's. How you get to know Jesus, is to be filled with His Holy Spirit. He left this earth with that promise, the Father would send the Holy Spirit. It is a separate experience. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can teach you who Jesus is. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father. The Holy Spirit is here on earth, waiting for your invitation. I discovered this wonderful truth as a Baptist missionary in Africa and it made all the difference in the world!! He gives you the power to live the Christian life in its fullest. Love to you,
    A mom of many
