Sunday, August 30, 2009

two years old

bn361s015Well today is Alabaster Box's second blogoversary! It almost slipped past me without notice! I'd like to take this moment to thank all of my incredible readers for making this journey inspiring and encouraing. You all have no idea how often I have been blessed by your words of kindness throughout these two years.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

and life moves on

86496984You know that life is moving faster than you can keep up with when you carry around your day planner instead of a good book. My semester has begun and it is time to bid summer a tender farewell. But I am kinda ready for new seasons. That delightful autumny nip is in the air -- and I am ready to welcome this season.

Last Thursday was my birthday. 22 years old. Such milestones make me look back and remember past seasons with gratefulness. I told my Mom the other day, "I look back and see that I have come a long way ... but I still have so far to go." That's ok. The journey offers many joys and sorrows, hard lessons and abiding love, sweet memories and hope for the future. It's a good life.

Yesterday on my walk I noticed a delicate leaf slightly painted with scarlet and gold, and I remembered back to the post I wrote around this time last year about rushing the seasons. I went back and re-read it this morning. It still rings true. Yet, maybe (hopefully) I have grown in patience. I am strangely restful and hopeful right now. God promises to complete the work He has started in me (Phil. 1:6) and He promises that I will reap a harvest if I do not loose heart (Gal. 6:9). And I believe Him.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

a long-lost update

22828143Honestly, I am surprised to know that people still read this blog, or at least that is what my stats tell me. I kinda want to offer some sort of apology but I think I have already done that a few posts ago ... time seems to skip by without my noticing. I was shocked to learn that today is August 1st. I mean, it's August! I was actually really excited, because it means autumn is almost here. Yes, dear readers, I still possess my strange but happy obsession with fall and all things related. I noticed today that there is a young maple tree in our backyard that has already began to flush crimson. Unbelievable. I feel like I am still living in June or something, but my calender tells me it is August. Strange.

Lots has been going on around here -- nothing especially exciting, but I have been keeping myself busy. But busyness can become a curse if I am not careful. It is so easy to hide behind it. I don't make time to think or pray or write or be -- because life is moving faster than I am able to keep up with. Being aware of such a thing has made me look for applications to help me slow down and discern what, why, where, and how I am doing on my journey with Christ and others. I have found journaling to be the perfect exercise.

Making myself sit down and put thoughts to paper is a challenge. Some days are easier than others, but when I do journal I feel much more coherent. I bought a book the other day called Creative Journal Writing, and thus far have truly enjoyed it (I am still in the early pages, so I cannot vouch for future content as to recommend it). I find that the more frequent and honest my journal entries, the more fruitful my mental and spiritual activity becomes. So I thought I would pose the question to you few faithful readers out there -- what do you think about busyness? Are there ways you have found to cope, eliminate, or deal with it? And do any of you find journaling a helpful antidote for life?