A few days ago, my sister and I were strolling through our Christian bookstore (trying very hard not to spend too much money), when my eyes fell on a book about one minute prayers for women. As my mind wrapped around this book’s concept, my heart slowly felt a deep conviction. Is one minute really all the time we have for God?
Unfortunately, my conviction didn’t end there. I began to stumble upon more and more books on scheduling God in a few minutes of our day.
I want to clarify myself a little. I am not saying that we shouldn’t buy or read these books on ‘one minute prayers’ or ‘five minutes with God’ devotionals. I am only asking you and myself a serious question: is that really all the time we can give God out of our day?
I wonder what we would think if God suddenly said He could only spare ten minutes (and that’s being generous!) to fit you in, so we better make it quick. That would be terrible! We have confidence in Him that He will always at any moment be there for us and with us. Could our ever-present God say the same about us, His servants and very own children?
Think about what we are doing! We are holding up our tiny little wrist watches to God - the God who gave you this day, who allows your heart to beat, who saved us from eternal hell, who formed you in the womb, who created us for His glory and pleasure, who holds time in His hands - and saying we are just too busy and have too many important things planned in our day to spend precious time on earth with Him; pursuing Him with our time and energy, seeking to know Him more, and passionately living every hour for Him and not ourselves. (2 Cor. 5:14-15)
How His heart must break...
If we could just let go of our schedules and plans and desperately grab hold of our great God, the only One that will satisfy our deepest longings and desires, and slow us down enough to really learn and enjoy what life is all about.
Oh that we would live for Christ! And arouse ourselves and call on His blessed name, sitting at His feet in complete humility and adoration. What if we scheduled our days around HIM. How our lives would change…how the world would change.
Well, my friend, He has given us this day, this hour, this breath.
Let’s make time for Him.